Trills & Thrills Festival 2014

Lagoon, Utah

May 17, 2014

Century High School Choirs with Ms. Brien

Treble Choir

Concert Choir

Century Singers

Cost per student: $75

Due by April 4, 2014

Fundraising opportunities currently active-Chocolate ($1), Blankets ($40), Water Bottles ($10)

Century High Choirs are planning to attend the Trills & Thrills Music Festival on May 17, 2014 in Lagoon, Utah. In order to provide a meaningful and enjoyable experience in our festival performance, it is expected that all singers in each choir attend. Each singer is important to creating the sound we strive for in rehearsal, and thus each singer is needed to create that sound in a performance.

Here is our general schedule, although times will not be announced until we know our scheduled performance time. Uniform, food, and festival information will be announced soon.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

6:00 AM Depart CHS

TBA Arrive Layton High School*

TBA Perform in the Festival; Listen to other choirs perform

Noon-ish Eat lunch-Sack lunch

TBA Depart for Lagoon

TBA Arrive at Lagoon; students have fun in the park in groups

5-6PM Eat dinner in Lagoon-Meal tickets are included in the cost of the festival

8:00PM Board bus; Depart Lagoon

10:00PM Arrive at CHS; students go home.

By completing the information below and signing my signature, I am committing to attend Trills & Thrills music festival with Century High Choirs. This also indicates my committal to raising the $75 funds for my festival and trip fees. I will turn in this contract by March 21st, 2014.

Student Name:

Student Signature:

By signing below, I am supporting my student in raising funds and committing to Trills & Thrills Festival with Century High Choirs. I will make sure this contract is turned in by March 22, 2013.

Parent/Guardian Name:

Parent/Guardian Signature: