Supplementary to Form 1 Plumbing & Drainage

Supplementary to Form 1
Plumbing & Drainage / Economy, Planning Environment
Engineering and Environmental Assessment
City Development
PO Box 5042 GOLD COAST MC QLD 9729
P07 5582 8393F07 5596 3653

To assist in the timely assessment of your Plumbing &Drainage application, please complete the following fee calculation worksheet and information checklist.


These fees are in accordance with Council’s regulatory fees and non-regulatory charges. A copy of Council’s regulatory fees and non-regulatory charges can be found on the website.

Application Type
Residential sewered? / If “Yes”,go to Section 1
Residential unsewered? / If “Yes”,go to Section 2
Commercial sewered? / If “Yes”,go to Section 3
Commercial unsewered? / If “Yes”,go to Section 4
Section 1: Class 1 & 10 Residential application (sewered)
Is this an amendment to an existing approval? / Yes / $127.00 application fee
$106.00 per additional fixture / No
Previously approved BLD number
Is this a new application? / Yes / No
Number of fixtures? / Assessment of one to four (1- 4) fixtures
$467.00 total minimum fee / Assessment of five (5) or more fixtures
$106.00 per fixture
Is a testable backflow prevention device associated with this application? / Yes / $106.00 per device / No
Does this application include a rainwater tank which is connected to plumbing fixtures in a water reticulated area? / Yes / $125.00 / No
Sub total / $
Information checklist
Please advisethat you have submitted the following forms and/or information with your application.
  • Form 1 compliance assessment
/ Yes / No
  • 1x floor plan
/ Yes / No
  • 1 x site plan
/ Yes / No
  • Supplementary to Form 1
/ Yes / No
Does the application require a new water meter?
If “Yes”, please refer to City of Gold Coast’s water and sewerage webpage for more information on lodging an application for a water meter. / Yes / No
Section 2: Class 1 & 10 Residential application (unsewered, on-site sewerage facility)
Is this an amendment to an existing approval? / Yes / $127.00 application fee
$106.00 per additional fixture / No
Previously approved BLD number
Is this a new application? / Yes / No
Is this an on-sitesewerage facility including fixtures? / Yes / $503.00 application fee
$106.00 per fixture / No
Is this a replacement of On Site Sewerage Facility (including relocation/upgrade to trenches or land application area)? / Yes / $722.00 / No
Is this an on-site sewerage facility concurrence fee application? / Yes / $366.00 / No
Sub total / $
Information checklist
Please advise that you have submitted the following forms and/or information with your application.
  • 2 x copies of a site and soil report for the on-site sewerage facility proposal
/ Yes / No
  • 2 x scaled site plans showing the location of the proposed or existing on-site sewerage facility, the land application area and all existing structures on the property
/ Yes / No
  • the distance from the land application area to the boundary of the property
/ Yes / No
  • the distance from the land application area to all impervious surfaces on the premises, i.e. concrete paths and paved areas
/ Yes / No
  • the distance from the land application area to any bodies of water that may be affected by the effluent from the proposed on-site sewerage facility
/ Yes / No
Section 3: Class 2 – 9 Commercial application (sewered)
including Commercial Class 10, housing developments and civil services
Is this an amendment to an existing approval? / Yes / $467.00 application fee
$106.00 per additional fixture / No
Previously approved BLD number
Is this a new application? / Yes / No
Is the commercial activity major or minor?
Major / $1068.00 / Minor / $467.00 / Number of floors in height?
Number of fixtures up to thirty (30) floors in height / $106.00 per fixture / Number of fixtures over thirty (30) floors in height / $50.00 per fixture
Is a testable backflow prevention device associated with this application? / Yes / $106.00 per device / No
Does this application include fire sprinkler installation? / Yes / Number of floors x $171.00 per floor / No
Does this application include a rainwater tank which is connected to plumbing fixtures in a water reticulated area? / Yes / $125.00 / No
Does this application include an Automatic Meter Reader (AMR)? / Yes / $378.00 minimum fee for 50-meters or less, plus $72.00 per 10-meters or part thereof / No
Does this application include a water sub-meter? / Yes / $239.00 minimum fee for 50-meters or less, plus $47.00 per 10-meters or part thereof / No
Applications that relate to civil works only
Does this application include water mains 100-millimetres and above? / Yes / $8.00 per metre / No
Does this application include sewer mains 150-millimetres and above? / Yes / $8.00 per metre / No
Does this include civil sewer access chambers? / Yes / $158.00 per chamber / No
Does the application include fire hydrants? / Yes / $50.00 per fire hydrant / No
Sub total / $
Information checklist
Please advise that you have submitted the following forms and/or information with your application.
  • Form 1 compliance assessment
/ Yes / No
  • 3 x hydraulic drawings
/ Yes / No
  • 1 x floor plan
/ Yes / No
  • 1 x site plan
/ Yes / No
  • 1 x architectural drawing
/ Yes / No
  • 3 x civil hydraulic drawings
/ Yes / No
  • 3 x stormwater drawings
/ Yes / No
  • Supplementary to Form 1
/ Yes / No
  • 3 x site plans showing position of tank and 3 x hydraulics showing rainwater system
/ Yes / No
Does the application require a new water meter?
If “Yes”, please refer toCity of Gold Coast’s water and sewerage webpage for more information on lodging an application for a water meter. / Yes / No
Will trade waste be discharged from the premises?
If “Yes”, please refer to City of Gold Coast’s water and sewerage webpage for more information on lodging an application to discharge trade waste to the Gold Coast wastewater system. / Yes / No
Does the application require a fire service?
If “Yes”, you may be required to supply calculations and a Gold Coast Water Network Hydraulic Information Report.
Please refer toCity of Gold Coast’s water and sewerage webpage for more information. / Yes / No
Section 4: Class 2 – 9 Commercial application (unsewered, on-site sewerage facility)
Is this an amendment to an existing approval? / Yes / $456.00 application fee
$106.00 per additional fixture / No
Previously approved BLD number
Is this a new application? / Yes / No
Is this an on-sitesewerage facility including fixtures? / Yes / $811.00 application fee
$106.00 per fixture / No
Is this a replacement of On Site Sewerage Facility (including relocation/upgrade to trenches or land application area)? / Yes / $1029.00 / No
Is this an on-site sewerage facility concurrence fee application? / Yes / $366.00 / No
Sub total / $
Information checklist
Please advise that you have submitted the following forms and/or information with your application.
  • 2 x copies of a site and soil report for the on-site sewerage facility proposal
/ Yes / No
  • 2 x scaled site plans showing the location of the proposed or existing on-site sewerage facility, the land application area and all existing structures on the property
/ Yes / No
  • the distance from the land application area to the boundary of the property
/ Yes / No
  • the distance from the land application area to all impervious surfaces on the premises, i.e. concrete paths and paved areas
/ Yes / No
  • the distance from the land application area to any bodies of water that may be affected by the effluent from the proposed on-site sewerage facility
/ Yes / No
Payment options
Business partner account (BP)
Business partner name / Business partner number
Cash, cheque or credit card at any of Council’s branch offices. For branch office locations and operating hours, please refer to Council’s website.
Please be advised that payment by credit card will incur a surcharge.
Cheque or money order may be posted to Council’s post office box address. Please ensure that you provide adequate reference details or attachments to allow the cheque to be appropriately receipted.
Please note: Applications will not be accepted without payment.
I declare that:
  • The information provided in this form is complete and correct
  • I have read the privacy notice

Signature / Date

Document #17239318 v55Last updated02/05/2018Page 1 of 5