

1.Fifth International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development

3 - 5 May 2005,Cadiz, Spain


Organised by:Wessex Institute of Technology, UK, The University of Cadiz, Spain & The University of Siena, Italy

In collaboration with:International Journal of Ecodynamics

Sponsored by:WIT Transactions on Ecology & the Environment


ECOSUD 2005 is the Fifth International Conference in the well-established series on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development. The meetings provide a unique forum for the presentation and discussion of recent work on aspects of ecosystems and sustainable development, including physical aspects and modelling. The aim of the Conference is to encourage and facilitate the interdisciplinary communication between scientists, engineers, economists and professionals working in ecological systems and sustainable development. Emphasis will be given to those areas that will most benefit from the application of scientific methods for sustainable development, including the conservation of natural systems around the world.


ECOSUD 2005 will be of interest to scientists, engineers, economists and professionals, working in the areas of ecological systems and sustainable development.

  • Keep up-to-date on the latest advances in the field.
  • Present your research within a unique forum.
  • Collaborate with experts from around the world.
  • Your conference paper will be reviewed by members of the International Scientific Committee and other colleagues, and once selected, will be rapidly published in book form by WIT Press.
  • Your paper will also be permanently archived in the Transactions of the Wessex Institute on our eLibrary site, where it will be available to the international scientific community

Papers are invited on the topics outlined and others falling within the scope of the meeting. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted as soon as possible. We strongly encourage the submission of abstracts electronically.

Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the final paper. Final acceptance will be based on the full-length paper, which if accepted, must be presented at the conference. To be fair to all participants, each registered delegate will only be able to submit one paper. The language of the conference will be English.请提交英文论文

-Mathematical and system modelling
-Ecosystems modelling
-Thermodynamics and ecology
-Environmental management
-Environmental and ecological policies
-Sustainability indicators
-Data collection
-Sustainability development studies
-Economic issues
-Sustainable waste management
-Environmental risk
-Conservation and management of ecological areas
-Natural resources management
-Recovery of damaged areas
-Remote sensing
-Water resources
-Soil and agricultural issues
-Energy conservation and generation
-Air pollution and its effects on ecosystems

2.Third International Conference on River Basin Management including all aspects of Hydrology, Ecology, Environmental Management, Flood Plains and Wetlands

6 - 8 September 2005
Bologna, Italy


Organised by:
Wessex Institute of Technology, UK

Sponsored by:
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment


River Basin Management 2005 is the third conference in the series which marks the growing international interest in the planning, design and management of river basin systems.
The conference will aim to communicate recent advances in the overall management of riverine systems, including advances in hydraulic and hydrologic modelling, environmental protection and flood forecasting.
In recent years, significant advances have been made in the development and application of hydroinformatics software tools for predicting flow, water quality, sediment transport and ecological processes in riverine systems. River Basin Management 2005 will provide the ideal forum for practitioners and academia to highlight the latest developments in this field and to discuss the experience of applying such software tools to practical riverine problems.
Topics such as river ecology, geomorphology, flood forecasting and field and laboratory data for riverine basins, are of special interest to the conference.


This conference is particularly aimed at bringing together practising engineers, environmental managers and academics in the field, with an interest in discussing the conference topics. In particular, case studies are encouraged where delegates can share their problems and solutions with a wider international community.

  • Keep up-to-date on the latest advances in the field.
  • Present your research within a unique forum.
  • Collaborate with experts from around the world.
  • Your conference paper will be reviewed by members of the International Scientific Committee and other colleagues, and once selected, will be rapidly published in book form by WIT Press.
  • Your paper will also be permanently archived in the Transactions of the

Wessex Institute on our eLibrary site, where it will be available to the international scientific community.

Papers are invited on the topics outlined and others falling within the scope of the meeting. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted as soon as possible. We strongly encourage the submission of abstracts electronically.

Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the final paper. Final acceptance will be based on the full-length paper, which if accepted, must be presented at the conference. To be fair to all participants, each registered delegate will only be able to submit one paper. The language of the conference will be English.请提交英文论文

-Hydraulics and hydrology
-Integrated watershed planning
-River and watershed management
-Water resources management
-Water quality modelling
-Flood risk
-Ecological perspective
-Field and laboratory data
-MIS, GIS and remote sensing
-Sediment transport
-River morphology
-Environmental analysis
-Hydrological modelling
-Case studies

3.Second International Conference on Sustainable Planning & Development

12 - 14 September 2005 ,Bologna, ItalyBologna 博洛尼亚,意大利



The Conference will address the subjects of sustainable planning and regional development in an integrated way as well as in accordance with the principles of sustainability. It has become apparent that planners, environmentalists, architects, engineers, policy makers and economists have to work together in order to ensure that planning and development can meet our present needs without compromising the ability of future generations.

In recent years, there has been in many countries, an increase in spatial problems that has lead to planning crises. Planning problems are often connected with uneven development, deterioration of the quality of urban life and destruction of the environment. The increasing urbanisation of the world coupled with the global issues of environmental pollution, resources shortage and economic restructuring demand that we make our cities places worth living in.

On the other hand, problems of environmental management and planning are not restricted to urban areas. Environments such as rural areas, forests, coastal regions and mountains face their own problems that require urgent solutions in order to avoid irreversible damages. The use of modern technologies in planning, such as geographical information systems and remote sensing, give us new potential to monitor and prevent environmental degradation.


The conference will be of interest to planners, environmentalists, engineers, architects, ecologists, economists, policy makers and other government officials, researchers and academics involved in the field of sustainability.

  • Keep up-to-date on the latest advances in the field.
  • Present your research within a unique forum.
  • Collaborate with experts from around the world.
  • Your conference paper will be reviewed by members of the International Scientific Committee and other colleagues, and once selected, will be rapidly published in book form by WIT Press.
  • Your paper will also be permanently archived in the Transactions of the

Wessex Institute on our eLibrary site, where it will be available to the international scientific community.

Papers are invited on the topics outlined and others falling within the scope of the meeting. Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted as soon as possible. We strongly encourage the submission of abstracts electronically.

Abstracts should clearly state the purpose, results and conclusions of the work to be described in the final paper. Final acceptance will be based on the full-length paper, which if accepted, must be presented at the conference. To be fair to all participants, each registered delegate will only be able to submit one paper. The language of the conference will be English.请提交英文论文

-City planning
-Regional planning
-Environmental management
-Environmental legislation and policy
-Environmental impact assessment
-Ecosystems analysis, protection and remediation
-Social issues
-Coastal planning and policy
-Regional economics
-Resources management
-Rural development
-Waste management
-Urban Landscape Transformations

4.1st International Conference on Environmental Exposure and Health

5 – 7 October 2005

Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.Atlanta,亚特兰大,美国

Sponsors: Georgia Institute of Technology, Wessex Institute of Technology (UK), Centers for Disease Control (US), others
Contact: M. Aral School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA ; Phone: +1-404-894-2243; Fax: +1-404-894-5111; E-mail: ; Web Site:

***Abstract Deadline: 15 April 2005 ,2005年4月15日前提交论文文摘

The purpose of this conference is to provide the proper environment for communication among scientists and engineers to achieve a better understanding of the development of economic resources and the preservation of the environment. This conference will bring together health specialists and scientists, social and physical scientists, and engineers to evaluate current issues in environmental exposure and health, and chart future directions and needs in the field. Topics include multipathway exposure analysis, advanced methods and computational tools, exposure monitoring, health risk analysis, and other related subjects.


1.Third International Workshop on theAnalysis of Multitemporal Remote Sensing Images

16-18 May 2005
Beau Rivage Resort and Casino, Biloxi, MississippiUSA

The Third International Workshop on the Analysis of Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Images (MultiTemp-2005) will continue the objective of the previous workshops to assess the state-of-the-art of both theory and applications in the analysis of multitemporal remote sensing images and geospatial data.

MultiTemp-2005 is soliciting papers specifically addressing the theory and application of multitemporal remote sensing imagery for serving the nine societal benefit areas identified by the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). Papers may focus on benefits accruing to society from existing or planned observations that are used in models or decision support systems, the identification of gaps in Earth observations from space, or constraints (e.g., interoperability, information technology, infrastructure) applicable to multitemporal imaging. Ideally, the workshop will have papers dealing with both the theoretical and applied issues surrounding the use of multitemporal remote sensing imagery in support of the nine societal benefit areas of GEOSS.

The workshop program will include invited lectures and papers accepted for oral and interactive presentation. Accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings. A two-page extended abstract must be received via e-mail at before January 17, 2005. In each extended abstract, authors should identify a suitable topic from the list below.

  1. Reducing loss of life and property from natural and human induced disasters
  2. Understanding environmental factors affecting human health and well being
  3. Improving management of energy resources
  4. Understanding, assessing, predicting, mitigating and adapting to climate variability and change
  5. Improving water resource management through better understanding of the water cycle
  6. Improving weather information, forecasting and warning
  7. Improving the management and protection of terrestrial, coastal and marine ecosystems
  8. Supporting sustainable agriculture and combating desertification
  9. Understanding, monitoring and conserving biodiversity

Workshop Chairs:
Roger L. King, Mississippi State University
Ron J. Birk, NASA
Ross S. Lunetta, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Web Address:

Abstract submission: Before January 17, 2005
2-page extended abstract

Email to

Registration fees: $250 USD

Webmaster: Mr. Granville Paules - NASA ()
Designed and maintained by Tara Jensen ()

2.3rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing and Data Fusion Over Urban Areas (URBAN 2005)


5th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Urban Areas (URS 2005)

March 14-16, 2005
Arizona State Univerity - Main Campus
Tempe, Arizona

The deadline for the abstracts is November 15, 2004.

Authors will be notified of acceptance by December 15, 2004.
Deadline for full papers is January 31, 2005.

Topics include:

URBAN 2005

New sensors and data
Advanced data processing techniques
Urban structure detection
GIS and urban image fusion
Data visualization techniques
URS 2005
Urban climatology, geology and geo-hazards
Remote sensing applications to social science
Remote sensing applications to urban planning and conservation
Urban development and growth patterns
Urban/perturbation ecology

Visit for more information

3.25th EARSeL Symposium

Global Developments in Environmental Earth Observation from Space


Remote Sensing of the Coastal Zone

3D Remote Sensing


Abstracts for the 25th EARSeL Symposium:

Papers will be presented orally and by poster. Both are considered of equal standing and no distinction is made between them in the proceedings. Authors who prefer a poster presentation should notify the organisers. An abstract of approximately 500 words (one A4 page) should be forwarded preferably by email, no later than 6 November 2004, to:


EARSeL Secretariat
Mrs. M. Godefroy
2, Avenue Rapp
75340 Paris cedex 07, France
Tel: +33-1-45 56 73 60
Fax:+33-1-45 56 73 61

Abstracts for the Workshops should be sent using the website interface:

Remote Sensing of the Coastal Zone

3D Remote Sensing

4.31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
June 20 - 24, 2005, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation


We are pleased to invite you to the 31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment. The overall theme is the use of Earth observation systems in monitoring, understanding and managing our planet's environment with particular emphasis on global change, security and sustainability. The Symposium will include oral and poster sessions on vital issues of interest to research and educational institutions, governmental agencies, commercial companies as well as resource managers, decision-makers in public and private sectors and scientists involved in remote sensing research and applications.


Technical program
The primary forum for the application of Earth observation systems
Presentations by experts from all over the World
Special focus on technical sessions on the Arctic and sub-Arctic region
Symposium proceedings on CD and distributed both at the meeting and through international networks

Exibition and dispalys
Interactive poster presentations
Organizations exhibiting their latest products and services
One-on-one consultations (get instant feedback on your application issues)

Call for Papers

The 31st ISRSE Program Committee will consider and evaluate all abstracts received for possible inclusion in plenary, poster or parallel sessions. Abstracts submitted should focus on one of the following categories and themes:


  • Reducing loss of life and property from natural and human-induced disasters
    Land subsidence / land slides / earthquake warning / volcanic activity
    Wildfires / forest fires / burnt areas
    Tsunami / storm surges
    Floods / drought / hurricanes / typhoons / severe storms / blizzards / heat waves
    Harmful algal blooms
    Oil spills / nuclear and chemical accidents
    Conflicts / humanitarian aid and refugee management
    Space weather
  • Understanding environmental factors affecting human health and well being
    Air quality / aerosols / tropospheric ozone
    Atmospheric chemistry and dynamics / transport monitoring and modelling
    UV and near UV radiation
    Urban environment / transportation infrastructure and patterns / noise levels Quality and quantity of water for human use / waste management
    Famine / food security
    Land use/land cover
    Vector and water borne diseases
    Energy resources and energy use
  • Understanding, assessing, predicting, mitigating and adapting to climate variability and global change
    Polar change / sea ice change/ permafrost change
    Glaciers and ice sheets
    Sea level rise
    Ocean and atmospheric circulations
    Air-sea-ice interactions
    Carbon cycle management, including carbon stock accounting
    Greenhouse gases
    Ozone and polar UV exposure
    Global temporal gravity field
  • Improving water resource management through better understanding of water cycle
    Evaporation / precipitation
    Groundwater management / watershed management
    Inland waterbodies / wetlands
    Water quality
    Snow cover monitoring
    Soil moisture / vegetation
  • Improving weather information, forecasting and warning
    Ocean surface parameters
    Land surface parameters
    Sea and lake ice parameters
  • Improving the management and protection of coastal and marine ecosystems
    Sea surface temperature / chlorophyll / sea level height / sea ice / currents / salinity
    Pollution (including oil) management
    Marine security /coastal transport / ship routing / ship traffic monitoring
    Algal blooms / primary production / eutrophication
    Fishery management and efficiency
    Coastal and estuarine management
  • Management and protection of terrestrial ecosystems & understanding, monitoring and conserving biodiversity
    Forest management/ Boreal forests / effect of agricultural practices
    Land cover and land use change
    Urban sprawl / subsidence measurements / soil sealing
    Natural and cultural heritage
    Habitat monitoring and protection / disturbance regimes
    Human-wild life - disease interactions and invasive species
  • Supporting sustainable agriculture and combating desertification
    Precision farming / competitive agriculture
    Food security / crop production
    Land degradation / biomass / vegetation stress / deforestation / land cover and use
    Meteorological and hydrological events
  • Improving regional planning and management of energy resources and transportation
    Offshore engineering
    Arctic marine routing / ship traffic monitoring
    Pipeline management
    Regional planning
  • Emerging technologies
    Data assimilation
    Advanced instrumentation and missions
    Space-borne architectures
    Sub-orbital platforms
    Verification, calibration and validation
    Sensor web
    Data integration and service provision
    Data access, distribution and dissemination to users
    Capacity building in new technologies
    New programmes