Georgia on My Mind - July 2017

July is turning out to be a rather inactive month. No hamfests in

Georgia and apparently no special meetings or events. Everyone is

probably still coming down from Field Day. However, we’re looking

forward and planning for major events coming later this year and in

January – those being the ARES SET in October and the State ARES

meeting in Forsyth in January. More on those events in the next few

months as we make progress. I did, however, attend a meeting on QRP at

the Atlanta Radio Club on July 6th. Steve Hudson, AA4BW, gave a very

interesting presentation on his personal history and activity using QRP.

Steve's approach to QRP is to use as little power as possible to make a

contact and often makes an effort to see just how low in power one can

go and maintain the contact. Steve evidently has the “more power”

gene turned off. Steve is also not an elaborate equipment user. He

likes to use some fairly bare bones older equipment with little more

than a wire tacked to a tree. It was almost as though “let’s see

how crude we can get and still make contact”. Steve passed around

several historical and current QRP equipment which brought back some

memories for some of us. If you get the chance to see one of Steve’s

presentations in the future, you’ll find it educational and


Hope this finds you doing well and enjoying the Summer.

David Benoist, AG4ZR, Section Manager, Georgia


Ever been curious about what other Amateur Radio nets take place in

Georgia or maybe you want to try something beyond a local net? Martha

Muir, W4MSA, our Section Youth Coordinator, came across the West Georgia

Amateur Radio Society (WGARS) website and found a comprehensive list of

nets that take place over a significant part of Georgia. Nets are listed

by the day of the week listing the time, Band or frequency, and mode.

Take a look and see if you see something that interests you.

Go here to see the list of nets:

If you see a net that needs updating or you want to add a net, send an

E-mail to Wayne Hitch KM4BYH club president at . Wayne

also tells me that they periodically hold a foxhunt or two. Foxhunts

are listed on their website events calendar.


This is for those Amateurs that have an Icom 7100 and want to configure

it for accessing their Winlink (RMS Express) E-mail through a VHF packet

gateway. Here is a comprehensive document that gives direction on how

to configure a 7100 for Winlink packet to a VHF gateway (not to be

confused for a Winmor gateway which is accessed over HF). While the

sound device and software are different than those used in the Georgia

ARES standard, this article may offer insight into how to get the 7100

working for VHF packet with other software and sound devices.

Go here for link to document:


The Fannin County ARES team has recently relocated their KM4MAD-10

Winlink packet gateway (145.790 MHz) to a 180 foot tower at Fannin

Regional Hospital. This new location offers greater coverage throughout

the county but also with surrounding counties. We are requesting anyone

local to Northwest Georgia to try and "hit" the gateway and give us a

report. You can also attempt to connect via our digipeater, W4HBS-14,

located at 3000' on Brawley Mountain 14 miles away which greater

increases the access range of the Winlink E-mail packet gateway. Fannin

County ARES now supports three gateways, Winlink Packet, Winlink Winmor

and Winlink Pactor on 2m, 80M & 40M.


Looking for a Georgia on My Mind newsletter editor. The ARRL Section

Manager is looking for an individual to help gather, collect, edit, and

format the monthly Georgia Section newsletter that goes out to all ARRL

members in the State of Georgia on a monthly basis (who have elected to

receive the newsletter in their ARRL membership user profile – some

2000 plus individuals). Tasks include:

- Gathering news and information from Amateur Radio operators, Amateur

Radio Clubs, ARES groups, and Individuals, and other sources of

information and interest.

- Working with the Section manager and others to contact members and

news resources for news worthy information and content

- Working with Subject Matter Experts (SME) to write an article

- Coaxing Amateurs to write “How-to” or personal experience


- Edit and, if necessary, rewrite or construct news items and articles

for clarity and content.

- Assist the Section Manager and other ARRL and ARES leadership in

developing content.

- Help develop a methodology that goes beyond the current text-only

newsletter to include graphics, documents, links, etc.

- Anything else you can think of that will help get more interesting

and educational information out to the Amateur Radio community in


- Topic areas include: education, youth, next generation, scouting,

accomplishments, events, event outcomes, technical, who’s who, emcomm,

clubs, hospital, people, hamfests, forums, nets, etc.

This is not meant to be a full-time job but a way to spread the demand

for getting more useful and interesting content into the newsletter.

The candidate will have considerable influence on development and

format. If you’re interested or have questions, send an E-mail to



Public Service Honor Role

1 Chuck WA0CGZ 199 K4GK 110

Station Activity Report

Chuck WA0CGZ 179, K4GK 94, K4BAI 11

Section Net

Geogia ARES Statewide K4GK Manager

QNI 752, QTC 2, Sessions 4

Net manager K4GK

Georgia ARES Digital

QNI 212, QTC 0, Sessions 4

Manager K4GO

Georgia Single Sideband

QNI 1715, QTC 17, Sessions 30

Net manager KE4VPD

Georgia Cracker Net

QNI 688, QTC 6, Sessions 30

Net manager AF4XZ

Georgia Traffic Net

QNI 190, QTC 6, Sessions 26

Net manager WA0CGZ

Georgia Training Net CW

QNI 174, QTC 2, Sessions 24

Net Manager KG4FXG

Georgia State Net GSN

QNI 472, QTC 64, Sessions 60

Net Manager K4GK

Georgia Traffic and Emergency Net

QNI 988, QTC 19, Sessions 30

Net manager KI4NGD

Reported by Charles Pennington, K4GK, Georgia Net Manager


Go here for the year-to-date Georgia Hospital Net report:

Go here for the July 2nd Georgia Hospital Net report – includes

participation by call sign:

Reported by Stephen Jonas, K4DSJ, EC Chatham County, Net Manager - State

Hospital Net


The following information is gathered from reporting by Georgia County

Emergency Coordinators and District Emergency Coordinators and is

compiled by Thomas Fuller, ASEC, Section Reporting

Monthly Section Emergency Coordinator Report to ARRL Headquarters

ARRL Section: GA Month: JUNE Year: 2017


Total number of ARES members: * 1414 since last month= -102

reported (+, -, or same)

# of DECs/ECs reporting this month: 61 , # of ARES nets active: 310

, # with NTS liaison: 23

Calls of DECs/ECs reporting: see below

Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: 592

Person hours: 6418

Number of public service events this month: 38

Person hours: 1516

Number of emergency operations this month: 21

Person hours: 688

Total number of ARES operations this month: 651

Person hours: 8622

Comments: see below

Signature: Thomas Fuller Call sign:


Please send to ARRL HQ, 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111 by 10th of the

month FSD-96 (1-04)

* 1414 members reported, 1516 from last report, with -102 reported

by EC's

ASECs/DECs/ECs reporting


DEC Air Force/MARS/WB4BDP, DEC Central/WB4KNU, ASEC Digital

Communications/WB4QDX, DEC East Central/K4BR, DEC Handiham/N0FBV, DEC

Metro Atlanta/W4IGE, DEC National Weather Service/Charleston/KB1WEI,

DEC Northwest/AF4DN, DEC Salvation Army/WA4UJC, ASEC Education and




Baldwin/K4DRS, Crawford/WB4NKU, Dodge/KC5AVR, Dooly/KK4REG,

Houston/WB4EEL, Jones/N5BI, Lamar/N5FBI, Laurens/K4DBN, Macon/KI4BEO,

Monroe/KK4TLG, Peach/KK4WTO, Pulaski/N4TUA, Putnam/N0COW,

Washington/K4GK, Wilkinson/WB4FNG

East Central:

Burke/K4BR, Columbia/K1OYQ, Jenkins/W4EIZ, Richmond/NY3Y

Metro Atlanta:

Butts/K3GWK, Clayton/AJ4GT, Coweta/W1AJO, Fayette/KN4YZ, Gwinnett/W4IGE,

Newton/WA4UJC, North Fulton/K4JLG, Paulding/K4DMF, Rockdale/WN4JC


Barrow/KJ4EX, Greene/N0COW, Hall/AF4GT, Morgan/KM4LS, Walton/KJ4NMO,



Bartow/KC4DGX, Fannin/KK4NTE , Floyd/KA5QFI, Gordon/AF4DN,

Pickens/K4SJR, Walker/W4LWC, Whitfield/K4HYJ


Brantley/KI4LDC, Bryan/KK1JE, Bulloch/KK1JE, Chatham/K4SDJ,

Effingham/KK1JE, Pierce/KI4LDC, Screven/KK1JE, Ware/KI4LDC



West Central:




DEC Air Force/MARS/WB4BDP, The next COMEX will be in August. The

specific date has not been released. We need new members with digital

experience. We use higher than 300 baud methods with in-line encryption.

The software packages are well integrated and easy to use, but a

challenge to set up. If you are interested in AF MARS, contact,

We can also forward requests for Army MARS to them.

Submitted by WB4EEL AF MARS State Director

DEC Central/WB4KNU, I took part in the Pappas Peaches Classic 5K as a

volunteer with several others KK4TLG KW4SZ KJ4DFP, . Attended the DEC

Webinar. Also helped with the Ham Cram on June 17th in Fort Valley. I

attended the Marietta Hamfest and enjoyed the ARES forum Spent a lot of

time on phone working with ECs on different

ASEC Digital Communications/WB4QDX, 6/3-Participated in ARRL/ARES and

Digital forums at Atlanta Hamfest, 6/4 - Metro ARES Net participation,

6/7-Section Special Operations GoToMeeting. 6/8-Metro ATL EC conference

call. Planning for August Digital Training in Columbia County.

Administration of Georgia D-STAR repeaters.

DEC East Central/K4BR, Things are really starting to happen here. We

are in the process of appointing hospital operators at our four

hospitals. We are still looking for ECs in Glascock, Hancock, Lincoln,

Talliaferro, Warren, and Wilkes Counties. We are looking for ARES

members in all of our counties, particularly Richmond. Interested hams

should contact me at . John Davis, WB4QDX, will lead a

digital training event for East Central GA ARES personnel on August 12.

Registration applications are being accepted on

DEC Handiham/N0FBV, Working to get other handicapped Hams in to program.

Happy July 4th, N0FBV Don

DEC Metro Atlanta/W4IGE, The 6/4 net was called by Dekalb ARES. We had

our Metro Atlanta District conference call on 6/8. Most of the Metro

Atlanta counties participated in Field Day.

DEC National Weather Service/Charleston/KB1WEI, I Participated in 5 GA

Health Nets, 1 GAARES Nets and 7 local ARES Nets. I activated 1 local

Skywarn nets for severe weather and also did a short article for a local

ARES Publication. Training included Field Day and a Chatham Co.

Hurricane Seminar.

DEC Northwest/AF4DN, Good reports from across the district. Please read

the individual reports from our counties.

Good participation from several of the counties in the district. The

month of June digital net was PSK 125. July we will be doing both PSK

125 and MFSK 16. Tuesdays at 7:30 PM till 8 PM on 3.583

DEC Salvation Army/WA4UJC, Thank you for your support of the SATERN nets

each week. For information on SATERN please go to

ASEC Education and Validation/AC4MG, 1. Processed 4 incoming ID Card

requests 2. Attended monthly Cabinet meeting Total Active GA ARES ID

Cards = 226



Baldwin/K4DRS, Had an excellent Field Day with Milledgeville ARC. Were

visited by representatives of two served agencies, an elected official,

media, and several interested in earning a license. 20 operators and

guests in total.

Crawford/WB4NKU, We participated in 3 Weather Sky Warn nets. Also

several members went to Marietta and had a very good time. Those that

took part in events and Training K4BCO,KJ4RXR, KJ4DFP,WB4NKU, K4RAD,

W1LQJ, KK4BHS, W2VP, Congrats to Wally Glaze on obtaining his General

Class license.KM4UER ???

Houston/WB4EEL, The monthly Tri-County ARES meeting was held June 22

with five Houston County members present. A refresher presentation on

ICS-200 was given from FEMA training materials. A similar presentation

on ICS 800 and possibly the Gwinnett County Course will follow in the

coming months. Several members participated in Field Day with Jump or Go

Kits. Many members are using the smaller HF rigs in Jump kits, which

they use, as their home station. This keeps everything working, and


Jones/N5BI, Great job by everyone. Thank you all.

Lamar/N5FBI, Completed third part of GEMA desktop training. Working with

local CERT group to enhance training and prepare for upcoming events.

One CERT member wants to obtain license.

Laurens/K4DBN, The big event for us this month was Field Day. We

didn’t get in as much operating time as we had planned due to a storm

front that came thru early in the evening. This caused us to have to

secure the radios and move inside, but it wasn’t long before the hot

dogs and hamburgers were ready and a good time was had by all. While we

have nothing to brag about in the number of contacts we made, we are

proud of our public awareness effort. We had representatives from three

county EMA directors including one EMA director who attended in person.

A Laurens county commissioner came by with his eight year old daughter.

His visit lasted quite some time. The local paper ran an article on Ham

Radio two days running. One featured a picture on the front page that

was taken while we still had our field day radios running.

Monroe/KK4TLG, KK4TLG and KM4YSA attended the Marietta Ham fest, Good

presentations and information for Ga. ARES KK4TLG assisted with a ham

cram in Peach County, for Peach Co. ARES. KK4TLGand KW4SZ assisted

Crawford Co. ARES with the Dickies 5k road race. KW4SZ was instrumental

in providing a runner with Medical assistance, when he saw the runner in

distress. KW4SZ immediately called for water and Medical personnel.

Runner was attended to, and taken care of. Monroe County Amateur Radio

Society, held their first ever Field Day. Even though they were rained

and flooded out of their primary location, we deployed to an alternate

location and participated in Field Day, by making several contact. Much

was learned and next year will be even better. Participating was:


Peach/KK4WTO, Thanks ,to Rick Gunderman WA4RG an Floyd Malone KK4WTO for

the help with the Ham Cram at the Peach Co. EMA Center also thanks to