May 21, 2012
The meeting began at 7:04 p.m. at Borough Hall. Present:Michael Mills,Eugene Dixon, Sebastian Interlandi, Jack Kelly,James Simons, and Kathryn Baranackie. Also present: Erica Sollberger, Director, Lansdowne Borough Parks and Recreation; Marianne Saylor, Borough Environmental Committee Chairperson.
Minutes of Last Meetings
The minutes of the 03/12 minutes were approved. There was no quorum for the 04/12 scheduled meeting.
Borough Council Business
129 Fairview: This property adjacent to Interboro Park was acquired by the Borough. Borough Council is very interested in developing the property as a ‘green space.’ Board members reviewed two proposed plans for the space (community garden/managed tree farm and rain garden/naturalized pathway to the park); the Board recommended the community garden. Mr. Interlandi recommended assessing community thoughts about the site development at the 06/30/12 Community Day event at the Lansdowne Farmers’ Market.
Yard Waste: Ms. Saylor reported ongoing problems with some Borough residents placing yard waste at the curb days in advance of the pick-up date. The problem may be the result of not having a regular pick-up schedule. Ms. Saylor advocates designating Monday as the yard-waste pick-up day. Mr. Kelly recommended identifying a site where yard waste can be dropped off by Borough residents.
Director Business
Hoffman Park Pavilion: The CDC has selected the pavilion project for the next round of projects. At the end of the month, the CDC will send a letter to the Lansdowne Boys and Girls Club to initiate the CDC’s planning process. A payment of $1,500 is required to pay the CDC’s internal costs for the project. The survey of Hoffman park is complete and the result was available for Board members’ review.
Hoffman Park Path Lights: The repair planning/work continues.
Interboro Park: Ms. Sollberger stated that a summer camp has requested use of the park.
Library Request: Ms. Sollberger reported that Lansdowne library has requested to have a campfire storybook activity in a park. Hayes Park was suggested, as was the use of a fire bowl. Additionally, the Board recommended designating the location of the fire bowl in the park.
Graduate Student Pallet Installation: The Board discussed Ms. Sollberger’s suggestion of the installation to engage the community in use of outdoor space. The Board questioned possible liability; Ms. Sollberger will explore this.
Recreation and Park Budget
The survey of Hoffman Park cost about $5,000. The path lights repair will be an additional expense. The Hoffman Park pavilion door needs to be replaced. Additional possible expenditures include a water fountain (replacement) at Hoffman Park, a fence at Marlyn Park, and installation of bridge rails at Marlyn Park.
Board Business/Management
One Board vacancy remains.
Egg Hunt Recap: The event went well in large part due to the increased number of activities. The Board thanked member Khalil Shearlds for his efforts planning and managing the activities. There was one complaint about the portable potty during the day’s event.
Darby Creek Clean-Up Recap: Mr. Kelly reported that the event went well.
Arbor Day Recap: Ms. Sollberger stated that the event was hosted by a Brownie troop and the event was well attended.
Make Lansdowne Beautiful Day Recap: Ms. Saylor said that a small group from the Elm Street Project focused on Interboro Park; this event also was well attended.
Subcommittee Updates: Community Day activities have been suggested and an outline of events will be prepared and submitted to Ms. Sollberger. She requested that the survey for this event include a request for volunteers to undertake community pruning.
Vision/Strategy Summary: Ms. Sollberger suggested further discussion and review of next steps.
03/12/12 Meeting with Simpson Gardens residents: There are community services currently available to senior residents; many use a facility in Yeadon. The residents did not request any specific park activities.
Calendar of Events
Movie Nights: (06/08/12, 07/13/12, and 08/17/12): The Board selected the Muppet movie for the 06/08/12 event.
Farmers’ Market Community Day: 06/30/12
Recreation Department Park Management
Marlyn Park: Ms. Saylor stated that some sewer work still needs to be completed in the area of the Eldon Avenue sidewalk entrance to the park. This area has been overgrown and is not well known.
Entrances to Marlyn and Belmont Parks: Fencing for the former is dictated by the park plan. Mr. Mills asked if it is possible to install a sign at the Marshall Road entrance to Belmont Park.
Date of Next Meeting: Monday, June 18, 2012 at Shrigley Park.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 08:40p.m.