Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 20, 2015 @7PM

The following members were in attendance: Pearl Kingcade, Ed Kingcade, Chip Friday,Dawn D’Adamo, Chris Halteman, Howard Schwartz, Jon Byrnes, Jim Susnoski, Tom Cramp, Matt Connors.

The following guests were in attendance: Mark Wooden, Matt DiCandilo

Meeting brought to order at 7:00 p.m.

Jon Byrnes said that the minutes to the last meeting were posted online for all to review. There were no objections to the minutes from November’s meeting.

Treasurers Report:

  • Presented by Chip Friday.

Fields / Equipment / Snack Stand:

  • Chris Halteman is working with Rodney Blake on organizing uniforms and equipment.
  • Pearl Kingcade asked if we were going to change uniform colors due to so many other teams in Bucks/Mont Connie Mack having the same blue. It was briefly discussed and suggested by Chip Friday that we continue the discussion at another meeting.
  • Howard Schwartz said that there is a lot of old uniforms and equipment in the shed that needs to be cleaned out. It was agreed upon to get rid of the old items.
  • Howard Schwartz suggested finding a kid to line the fields and be available to work on the weekends that we rent out the fields for tournaments.

Registration / website:

  • Jim Susnoski suggested that we open registration immediately. That suggestion was agreed upon by all.
  • Jim Susnoski is going to meet with Jim Levinski to update the website and open registration. They were shooting for Saturday, January 24, 2015 to get that done.
  • Howard Schwartz asked how much we were going to charge for registration. All agreed upon keeping it at last year’s rate. $180 for registration and raffle tickets.

Other Items:

  • Matt Connors talked about possible goals for 2015. He discussed improving the bridge from QYBA to QCM.
  • Jon Byrnes talked about Mark Wooden’s QYBA day last summer that he hosted at QCM for the 12 year olds leaving QYBA. Jon said that it was very successful, and that all of the kids in attendance ended up playing QCM that fall.
  • Mark Wooden explained to the board how he organized and ran the event last year.
  • It was agreed upon to try to host the same type of event this year.
  • Matt Connors went over a list of dates to rent fields to ECTB. The dates were agreed upon by all.
  • Matt Connors suggested that we obtain a deposit from ECTB, and have 8 game minimum field rentals. All were in agreement.
  • Jim Susnoski suggested that teams be required to have a certificate of insurance to play on QCM fields. That suggestion was agreed upon by all.
  • Jim Susnoski told everyone that he was working with the mother of a boy who broke his leg in fall ball. He is trying to get our insurance to cover their expenses after her costs have exceeded $1,000. All were in agreement to help in any way.
  • Jim Susnoski and Dawn D’Adamo gave a brief update on sponsorship and their recurring efforts for more sponsorship revenue.
  • Howard Schwartz suggested reaching out to Mark Angelo to see if he would coach a QCM A team this spring. Matt Connors said that he would reach out to Mark to see if he is available to help.
  • Matt Connors suggested having a tryout or evaluation for all QCM players to see what team/division would be the best fit for each player.
  • Matt Connors asked the board of their thoughts on having non-parent/coaches do the evaluations. All agreed that it was a good idea.
  • It was decided to have the tryout/evaluation of the 13 year olds by themselves, and then a separate tryout/evaluation of ages 14 through 16 together. All agreed on that structure.
  • The board agreed to hold these tryouts/evaluations at a later date sometime in April.

New Business:

  • QCM will be holding the annual banquet on Tuesday, February 17, 2015.
  • Howard Schwartz is going to contact Pregame Sports Bar & Grille for rates and availability for the QCM banquet.
  • Howard Schwartz announced the players who will receive awards at this year’s banquet.
  • Cooper Johnson – Athletic MVP Award
  • Chet Friday – Scholastic Award


Next meeting: February 17, 2015.