PRESENT CllrRebecca Cady, Chairman

Cllr Neill Child Vice Chairman

CllrBarryQuinn (DistrictCouncillor) (late as attending another meeting)

CllrTessaWiltshire (co-opted)

APOLOGIESCllr Christine Evans

Cllr Tib Axon

INATTENDANCE County Cllr Mike Lovell

3Members of the Public

Liz Maidment(Parish Clerk)

1Public Participation Time for 15 minutes

a)Brian Willgress informed the meeting that SITA are using chainsaws to cut down

treesand gorse. However, it states that this work cannot be carried out after the 31st March due to the possible danger of damaging the habitat of nesting birds and other wildlife. The surveyors needed to do this in order to use their lasers to survey the land.

ActionBQ to contact the Enforcement Officer

b) David Topp would like confirmation as to the dates when the level crossing

would be closed. The Holme crossing will be closed 1000hrs Saturday 05 April until 0400hrs Monday 07 April 2014. There will also be work from Thursday 24th April until Thursday 15th May between the hours of 2100hrs and 0700hrs. During these dates the crossing will remain open during the daytime but two-way traffic signals will be used. The final closure will be from Saturday 17th May until Monday 19th May also between 2100hrs and 0700hrs.

c) Brian Willgress asked if the Police will attend any Parish Meetings.

Due to other commitments they are unable to at the moment. However they do want to visit periodically to maintain a close liaison with the community.

d) It was also asked by Brian Willgress that there has been a lot of speeding on the

A352. He observed two vehicles trying to race each other. RC informed the meeting that this can be reported to the Camera Enforcement Team at Winfrith as they will investigate it. At Upton and Winfrith they have set up Community Speedwatch groups which consist of trained residents monitoring the speed of motorists as well as other motoring offences. They then report the incidents to the Police.

Articulated lorries from Metcalfe and A&D Skips have been seen doing 60 in a 40mph speed limit. It was also noted that on 1st April at 1600hrs a lorry tried turning left into Binnegar Lane when the sign clearly states that it is forbidden.

Action Clerk to write to the Enforcement Officer, A&D Skips and Rogers Concrete to inform them that HGVs cannot turn in there.

2To receive apologies for absence

Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr Christine Evans and Cllr Tib Axon

3Grant of Dispensations

No application for a dispensation had been made.

4Declarations of interest


BQ arrived at meeting approx. 7.20pm

5To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting

It was resolved that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 4th March and the extraordinary meeting held on 27th March were approved as a true account of the meeting and were duly signed

6To consider Matters arising from the above minutes.

There was no matters arising from the minutes

7Planning Applications or Planning Information received

EA1/2014/0005 – The Holme Estate – Stokeford Farm, East Stoke, BH20 6AN

Screening Opinion Request – Solar Farm

The Parish Council had no comments to make about this application however they would like to state that it is difficult to comment as unable to visualise the plans with the paperwork that was provided.

a)Update on Previous Planning Applications

E/2012/0130 – Highwood Mead, Highwood Lane, BH20 6AR

The appeal decision for the above was dismissed. Noted

8Reports from County and District Councillors

a)County Cllr Lovell

i)An email has been sent to Danny Allen regarding the hole in Bindon Lane.

At this stage awaiting reply and no work has been carried out.

ii)The County has been given £6million by the Government to use by August

to fund the pothole repair. Other maintenance has been delayed in order to complete the work within the timescale and additional contractors have had to be brought in.

b)District Cllr Quinn

The new waste collection service has been running for a month. There has been few complaints although it has been observed that the smaller bins can easily be blown over. Across the County there has been a £1.4million saving from the reduced amount of waste taken to landfill. If people have limited space to store the bins then sacks can be provided.

9River Frome Issues

The river levels have declined recently.

10Any Police issues to report or update on issues reported

Tessa Wiltshire is still receiving Ringmaster and this month it was reported that there has been a lot of theft of farm/outdoor machinery. BQ would like to confirm that the Police will try and attend some Parish Meetings to continue the good liaison with the community.

11Solar Park – Update on Community Fund guidance and administration

Within the Fund guidance it states that it would help any community projects especially environmental and youth ones.

12Highways Issues

a) Update on issues reported

b) Other Issues

i)Binnegar Lane ‘No SITA Access sign’

The sign is still progressing. It was noted that on both the 1st and 2nd April HGVs have been slowing down to turn, but have realised their mistake and continued to drive ahead.

i)Removal of tree stump along A352

On the Dorsetforyou Portal the job states that it is now closed. They have taken out some of the tree stump but it was felt that the whole stump will need to be removed.

Action Parish Clerk to contact Danny Allen

c)Other Highways Issues.

Work has been carried out on the A352 between Worgret and Wool by BT to recover cables.

There has been a lot of water on the A352 which was caused by a spring coming out in the “S” bend. It was felt that a spring box is needed. This may also be required in Binnegar Lane.

The ditch opposite the Cemetery will be cleared by a JCB.

There has also been water pouring out of the yard heading towards Horse Pond.

Action BQ to ask Danny Allen

13Consultations for consideration or New Items for Discussion/Consideration

a)Temporary road closures – Holme, East Stoke, Wool and East Burton Level Crossings

The Holme crossing will be closed the weekend of 5/6th April.

Action Parish Clerk to put up posters on the noticeboards

b) Notification of Grant Payment 2014-2015 - Noted

14I.T. Issues

i)BQ informed the meeting that the memory stick opens in Outlook but the files

appears to be empty. A suggestion was made that it can be opened another way so this will be pursued. It was noted that the Parish Clerk will need a copy of Outlook to open these files. The old laptop will be kept and not written off until the issue of the memory stick has been fixed.

Action Parish Clerk to investigate whether a free Outlook download is available or if not what the cost options are.

ii)The new email address was not updated on the PDC system. It has now been

resolved as it was then changed on the server. It will however take a while for the changes to go through the system.

iii)The website price has increased from €100 for year 2 &3 to€150.There is no

fee for the first year due to the website being a tester one for the SYCL project. The Council are happy with this price increase and will continue to go ahead with the website. A domain name of eaststokedorset.org.uk was agreed at £6.98 excluding VAT for two years. The Parish Clerk asked if there would be a form of contract for the website to state the prices and what services would be received.

ActionParish Clerk to purchase the domain name from 123.reg.co.uk. Also to ask Robert Kenwood from SYCL if there will be a contract.

15Churchyard Update

A reply has not been received regarding this.

Action Tib Axon to contact Rhona Floate

16Grass Cutting Tender from 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2016 Grass Cutting Tender

The Contract has been signed by Wessex Grounds Services and the unsuccessful tenders will be notified by letter. WGS has offered to do a one off cut of the Parish Land to demonstrate their machinery. The Council agreed to take up this offer but stated the company will have to abide by the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000

Action Parish Clerk to check that the key works on the Parish Land padlock and to send letters to the unsuccessful companies.

17Spring Newsletter Update

The Village Hall Committee now has a two sided newsletter. PDC will do the printing for both newsletters but two separate invoices will be required. Confirmation is needed as to whether the newsletters will be distributed at the same time. The deadline for the newsletters will be 14th April. It was agreed that other articles that could go in are railway crossing closures, Elections and Boundary Review

Action Parish Clerk to update changes and add level crossing details. BQ to write about the elections and boundary review.

18Correspondence Received

a)What could help Dorset economies grow? –Chalk and Cheese - Noted

b)PDC Meetings Open to the Public for March and April 2014 - Noted

c)RSN Spotlight on Heart of the Village - Noted

d)Purbeck Community Lunch – Speaker Update - Noted

e)Poole to Wool – East Stoke Closure - Noted

f)Hethfelton Wood - Noted

g)Neighbourhood Inspection Programme 2014 - Noted

h)Dorset Highways Councillors Survey – Feedback - Noted

i)Dorset Community Action E Bulletin - Noted

j)Travel and Transport News from Dorset County Council - Noted

k)CIL Adoption and Implementation - Noted

l)News Release – Flood Support offered to Purbeck’s householders and businesses - Noted

m)Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting January 20th 2014 – The Parish Council will review training. RC to write letter back to Ros Hamm.



No receipts were received this month

b)PaymentsCheque No

Dorset Association of Parish and Town Councils New Clerks Course


Rebecca Cady Purchase of Memory Stick and Data Transfer (Excel Group)


Liz Maidment Payment of Water Bill for Churchyard Standpipe £11.57 000411

The bill from Wessex Water stated that it had to be paid within seven days. Parish Clerk called the company but they wouldn’t negotiate a longer period therefore it was paid using a personal cheque.

Liz Maidment Purchase of Ink Cartridge Pack£9.46000414

March Salary for Liz Maidment£162.16000412

c)Internal Audit

Paula Harding has offered to undertake the internal audit. This will be done the week commencing 21st April.

20Items for information or next agenda

i)The Elections will take place on 22nd May.

ii)Finalise arrangements for AGM/APM and confirm date in June

Action Parish Clerk to contact John Champion from the Dorset Golf and Country Club to see if he would like to do a talk at the AGM.

21Date of the Next Parish CouncilMeeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday 1st May 2014

RC sends her apologies.

With no further business to transact the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm

Chairman: …………………………………..Date ……………………

Chairman’s InitialsMinute No. 201Page 1 of 5