A. The information given in this form will be treated as strictly confidential.

B. The completed form should be returned to

The Ironside Administrator

The Gordon Schools

Castle Street


AB54 4SE

C. False or incomplete statements made willfully will lead to cancellation of the application.

D. If, for any reason, it is decided not to enroll for the educational courses under consideration then the applicant is requested to inform the Ironside Memorial Endowment Management Committee immediately at the above address.

E The decision made by the Ironside Memorial Endowment Management Committee regarding the allocation of a bursary is final. Further correspondence will not be entered into.

F Applicants will keep regular and punctual attendance for the full length of the course and may be asked to refund the amount of the grant received, in the event of the applicant leaving before the end of the course other than for a reason satisfactory to the Management Committee.


·  Bursaries will support studies in science and engineering at further and higher education institutions.

·  Beneficiaries must have completed their secondary education at The Gordon Schools and; have completed one or more complete academic sessions at The Gordon Schools.

·  Beneficiaries shall require to proceed straight from school to a course of further education, however beneficiaries shall be permitted to take a break in their academic career, disregarding periods which are considered to be normal holiday periods, providing always that this break is immediately prior to the commencement of such further education.

·  A bursary would be paid in the first year of study only.


First name
Address for correspondence:
Tel no. / Post code
e mail address
Date of enrolment at The Gordon Schools
Date of leaving The Gordon Schools
Date of commencing at college or university
If the difference between the date of leaving The Gordon Schools and the date of commencing further studies is more than would be considered as a normal holiday period (i.e. from the end of May until October in the same year) then please provide a brief explanation of your activity.
Name of college or university
Name of course being taken
Date of commencing study
Subjects & course titles being studied

I, (applicant) ______

(Please print name)

certify that :-

(a) that the information contained in this Application is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, correct.

(b) I undertake that if awarded a bursary, will keep regular and punctual attendance for the full length of the course, and I shall refund the amount of the grant received, in the event of my leaving before the end of the course other than for a reason satisfactory to the Management Committee.

Signature of applicant ______

Date ______