Life of the Word
Bro Kenan Williams
37 Now we find out our identification with our Sacrifice, the Life of the Sacrifice in us, which is the Holy Spirit. When that cell was broke, it released God, released God, that He had sanctified a people with His Own Blood and put God in the man again. God in you, Eternal Life!
38 And any Greek scholar knows that that word, Eternal Life, comes from the word Z-o-e, Zoe, which means "God's Own Life." That's right. The only way that you ever can have Life, there is only one form of Eternal Life, and that's God's Own Life in you. See? Then you have Eternal Life, because He is the only Eternal there is. And we are the attributes of His thoughts, before there was even a foundation of the world or anything. All this is just His thinking, and we're the display of His thoughts of what it was.
39 And He had to come down in order to take away sin. No one else could do it. There wasn't no one worthy to do it. No one could do it but Him, and He did it. And then when that Life was released from that body, Man, which was the Son of God; His creative power made a building, like any contractor, built the building that He moved into, Himself. God did that.
40 And then when that life was taken, the Blood, the chemistry of It, poured out upon the ground, just like just Abel's poured out upon the ground. But from that Blood came the Holy Spirit of God, and that was sent to man on the Day of Pentecost, to be identified with the Sacrifice that died for them. There is no other way in the world we can get it. A positive Token!
44 If you had to come to the courts, of being guilty, you would seek the best lawyer you could find. Anybody would do it.
45 And every man that's born in the world, I don't care how good of home he come out of, he is guilty of the Blood of Jesus Christ until he has accepted the pardon of it. And the only way that you know the pardon is right, when the Token puts Itself upon you, and you have the Token.
46 Notice, you are guilty, and you would hunt the best attorney that you could find to plead your case. And if I was going to the Judgment of God, I don't want no priest, I don't want no man; I want the best attorney I can find to plead my case.
47 Let me say to this, to you, my Christian friend. Our attorney is also our judge, and our--our judge became our attorney. The case is settled when we receive His pardon. The judge Himself came down and became the attorney, and the attorney and judge is the same Person. God become man, that He might justify man by His Own death that He placed upon him. Hallelujah! That means, praise our God! He deserves all praises. Our judge and our attorney is the same Person.
48 The Holy Ghost is the Token that we have been pardoned. The case is closed. To every man and woman that truly has received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, he has been tried, he is identified with his attorney, with his judge, with his sacrifice, and the Token he holds in his possession shows that his trip is paid to Glory. Amen. It's all over. He holds that Token. It's his, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which is the witness of the resurrection of Jesus. Amen. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] That's your identification, you're holding the Token.
49 Now if you haven't got that Token, you'll not be coming in. You must have the Token. That's the required price, "When I see the blood, the blood is the token. When I see the blood, I'll pass over you." You must have the Token. If you don't, why, you won't go. You've got to have the Token.
50 If the token was not displayed, the token wasn't showed down there, even the covenant wasn't in effect. You say, "Well, now, Brother Branham, now wait just a minute." That's exactly right.
51 The token was above the covenant. For Israel had a covenant to be circumcised, and any Jew could go out and show any person, "I can prove to you I am circumcised, I am a Jew, I am circumcised according to Jehovah's command," but yet that didn't expel him if the token wasn't there also. He must display the token. Do you get it? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] He... The token has got to be there, anyhow. And if you are in the covenant... If any Jew would say, "I ain't putting no blood on my door, I can prove that I am a covenant Jew," the death Angel got him. No matter how loyal he was, how much church member he was, how much tithes he paid, how he said he believed Jehovah; Jehovah required that token.
52 And He does it today, too. It's got to be. It must be, "For there is not another way under Heaven, not another name given any way," no matter how good, how loyal. That Token has got to be there, and displayed.
150 A minister said to me one time, said, "Brother Branham, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness."
I said, "That's true."
Said, "What more can a man do but believe?"
I said, "That's exactly right."
151 "Then where do you get this Holy Ghost, outside of believing?"
152 I said, "But He give him the seal of circumcision, as a confirmation of his faith." Amen.
153 And if He has never give you the baptism of the Holy Ghost, yet, then He hasn't confirmed your faith that you say you have. But the Token is the confirmation.
154 I say, "I got the money, I paid it in the office down there!" But you've got to show the token. That's right. When I show the Token, I got a right.
155 And when I can show the Token, of the Holy Spirit, you've got the right to any purchased thing that Jesus Christ died for. It's the Token. Watch just a moment, as we close. Hold the Token over your unwavering faith in the promised Word. "I believe that Jesus said, 'Ask the Father anything in My Name, I'll do it.'" Hold your Token over that promised Word, and walk right to it. "'I'm the Lord that heals all thy diseases.' 'He was wounded for my transgressions, with His stripes I was healed.' Take my Token, of the Holy Spirit that's in me, hold It over my prayer, and say, 'Lord God, You promised it, "When I see the Token, I will reward you. I promised to do it."'" He can't do nothing else. He look right through the Blood of His Own Son. There is the Token applied. He has to do it because He promised it.
156 He could not go into a house, the death angel, destroyer, and take one out. He couldn't do it, because there was the blood of the lamb, the requirement of Jehovah.
157 And the requirement of Him, today, is the Blood of His Own Son, Jesus Christ, and the Token of the Holy Ghost.
158 We haven't got It; we might be Baptist, Presbysterian, Lutheran, Pentecostals, whatever we might be; we might shout, scream; we might be, oh, so educated. That has not one thing to do with It. You must present the Token.
159 Then, you are a subject for the resurrection, because the resurrecting Power is already in you. The Token is the resurrection Power, showing that Jesus raised up from the dead. And you are raised from the dead, the dead things of unbelief, and have been made alive in the Word of Jesus Christ. You believe it and the Word lives through you.
160 "If ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, ask what you will." Saint John 14:12, "He that believeth in Me, the works that I do he shall do also; greater than this shall he do, because I go to the Father." "A little while, and the world seeth Me no more; yet you shall see Me, because I'll be with you, even in you." How did He? Not the body; it's sitting at the right hand of the Majesty. But the Token, that you have received Him, and He has give It back to you, take that Token and claim anything you wish to. God promised it.
161 I've always said, I met two classes of people: the fundamentals, and the Pentecostals. The fundamentals, positionally, studies the Scriptures and figure it out. They say, "Well, we are sons of God." They believe that, yes, sir, but they don't have any faith with it. But the Pentecostals has a lot of faith, and they don't know they're sons of God. Like a man got money in the bank, can't write a check; and the other one can write a check, got no money in the bank.
162 If you could just ever get the thing together, till men and women could realize! You that's been truly baptized into the Holy Spirit, and you have the Token to display, you have a right to every redemptive blessings that God promised. Everything that He promised, is yours. Hold your Token over your unwavering faith, as you pray, and over His Word. Faith in His Word!
188 Notice God's preparation for that time. Now, as we know that the Bible said, "All those things happened for examples, you see, to us." Notice, when God got ready to judge Egypt, first He made a preparation. What did He do at the first time? He never changes His order.
189 The first time, when He got, when He made His preparation, He sent a prophet with a message. First thing He done to His people was sent a prophet with a message.
190 The next thing He done, to identify this prophet, He sent a Pillar of Fire for identification, to identify it.
191 And the third thing He sent was the token. That's exactly right. The token, what was the token mean? Assurance!
192 First, His prophet with the message; He identified Himself among the... with a--with a Pillar of Fire with His prophet; then He sent a token, to get under this blood, that He had accepted this substitute death in your place. Then, the blood was a token that He looked, that you had heard the message, believed on the Pillar of Fire, and had accepted the substitutionary that He had provided for you, and you were under the blood of the very chemistry of the life that went out for you. My! What a perfect, what a perfect thing that is, see, you are under the blood.
193 Now you're under the Spirit, under the Holy Spirit. See? See? You believe the Message of the day, see, you believe the--the--the--the--the power, the--the--the Pillar of Fire. You believe that, see, and you do.
194 Now, now look, just to believe It is not enough. Not to--to... To walk around where It's at, isn't enough. See, that's to make yourself worse, "For he that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it's sin." See, those borderline believers, Jesus spoke of the same thing.
195 Hebrews, the 6th chapter, "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have been made partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted of the good Word of God, and the world to come, if they shall fall away, to renew themselves again to repentance; seeing that they crucify to themselves the Son of God; and count the covenant of the Blood, wherewith they were sanctified with..." The chemistry there sanctifies. It ain't the Token. The Blood is not the Token now. The Life is the Token.
196 The life could not be there, 'cause it was an animal. The chemistry was the token, you'd have to have literal blood applied on the door. But now it's the Holy Spirit. We're coming to it, just in a moment, to prove that, see. It's the Life that is the Token.
197 Your life has gone, and you are dead, and your life is dead. You are hid in God, through Christ, and sealed in there by the Holy Spirit. The mind that was in Christ is in you. And Christ, and the Bible, and the Word, is the same. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Then you, and the Word, and God, and Christ, are the same. "And if ye abide in Me, and My Word in you, ask what you will, it'll be done." See?
198 Put the power right into Moses' lips, to go out there with His Word and speak, and frogs come; speak, frogs left; speak, lice come; speak, life--lice left. Amen!
199 But then the token was required for all Israel. All Israel was required of this token. "And when I see the token, I'll pass over you." Oh, my, my! What an assurance!
200 Israel coming out of Egypt, was a type, of the antitype today. Egypt was the church, and Israel represented the Bride. And as Israel come out of Egypt, so does the Bride come out of the church. See? Cause, there has to be something there for It to come out of, and It's got to come out of, so, if it was a type. The--the church is down in Egypt, in the world and in sin, and does not care a--a--a tinker about your Token. They don't even believe It. But Israel loved it, for it's salvation to them. Oh! Oh! It should make us happy, should make our hearts... Oh!
201 Apply It, church! Now don't fail. Will you now? Don't, don't, don't let the sun set. Don't, don't, don't, don't rest, day or night. Don't take no chance. It won't work, children. It won't work. You must have the Token!
202 You say, "I believe. Yes, I go. I, yeah, I believe the Message. I..." That's all right, but, that--that's good.
203 But you must have the Token! Do you hear, Branham Tabernacle? You must have the Token displayed! Without It, all your believing is in vain. See? You'll live a good life; you listen to what the Word says; you go to church; you try to live right; that's fine, but that's not It. "When I see the blood," that's the Token. And the Token here is not...
204 Cause, what, He--He had to see the actual chemistry, because the life had gone, he had gone from it, it was an animal.
205 But here It's His Own Life that was in the Blood. And the chemistry was only a signal or a sign of sanctification, but the Life Itself is the Token; for without the circumcision, without the Token, you're not even in the covenant. The whole thing works together. If you say you're circumcised to the Word, and It only, then you'll believe the Word; if you believe the Word, then the Token has got to come, for he said, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." There you are. Oh, my!