Ride Tips and Guidelines

So you volunteered to host a ride! Congratulations! This is one of the fun ways to ride Harleys and meet new friends. Remember that H.O.G. is family oriented. Alcoholic beverages can not be provided by the Chapter.

o  Alcohol Guide Lines

§  The consumption and use of alcohol before or during a motorcycling activity is not safe and responsible behavior and further, there is no liquor liability coverage provided by the Chapter in the general liability insurance policy.

§  However when the kickstand goes down at the last stop, the event is deemed over and concludes the Chapter’s official business.

§  Therefore, the Chapter will post an Alcohol Guideline so that all Chapter Members and Guests are aware that before and during a RMHOG Event, alcohol consumption is discouraged.


1)  Name your “ride”. A lot of rides carry over the same name each year. As soon as possible, give the activities officer a copy of the “ride info” sheet with as much information as possible.

2)  Lay out a route. The ride does not have to start the sponsoring dealership.

3)  Decide a time to start. Remember that if a ride is on a Sunday, employees of the dealership are working as a volunteer. Keep registration time to a minimum. Example, “registration 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.”. You should also set a “last bike out” and “last bike in” at a designated time.

4)  Create a flier, advertising you ride. Have these available for Chapter meetings and at the dealership.

i)  All RMHOG event flyers need to note RMHOG 421

ii)  Contain HOG Logo

iii)  No reference of alcohol or the use of profanity

iv)  Indicate the type of ride meaning the number of total miles, does it include mountain riding, etc.,

v)  Needs to include a start and end time (specifically when last bike needs to be in by)

vi)  The ending location, last stop or some reference to the “side of town” where the event will end.

5)  Entry fee- Determined by you. Try to keep it inexpensive.

6)  Depending on type of ride, stops can be any place, even by the side of the road, always being safety minded.

7)  If your stops are at establishments, arrange with their management. It is always a good idea to re-contact a day or two before the ride. Always follow up with a “thank you”.

8)  Directions. Have them printed and try to keep them simple. Once you have written directions, ride the route a few days prior to make sure your directions are clear and there are no new detours or construction.

9)  Contact dealership liaison officer (Jeff) if you need the dealership to be open, and for registration release forms. There are separate forms for adults and children. There are 2 forms for children.

10) Have you information (flyer) publicized on the website (contact webmaster) and newsletter (contact editor).

Types of Rides

1)  Poker Run- Five stops to draw five cards. You can determine how many cards can be drawn at each stop. Example of poker hand tally sheet is attached. Poker Hands can only be purchased by those over the age of 21. This also includes selling and purchasing raffle and 50/50 tickets. Parents and Guardians are up to their own discretion if they then give then to their minor children to play.

2)  Observation Ride- A sheet with questions is provided. Questions are about things you see along the route.

3)  Scavenger hunt- A list of items to be found, and turned in at the last stop. Remember, not everyone has saddlebags.

There are many types of rides, limited only by your imagination.


Everyone loves prizes. Solicit them from establishments where the ride stops. You may also purchase them and turn in receipts for reimbursement. Reimbursement form is attached. People love a 50\50 drawing also. You can sell tickets ($1 each, 6 for $5, 13 for $10, etc.) The winning ticket gets half of the pot, with the other half going to the club.

Activities Revenue Report

You MUST keep track of all money generated by your ride. Attached is a form that MUST be filled out and turned in to the treasurer with any profits from your ride. Please fill out the appropriate sections with all information included. There are 4 sections. The top is filled out for every event, then choose the type of event you are hosting and complete that section only. This is a separate form from the reimbursement form and does not substitute for the reimbursement form.