Table S1 Cacti species with unisexual reproductive systems. It is calculated that Cactaceae includesaround 2000 species (Anderson, 2001) from which 26 species have a reproductive system (dioecious, gynodioecious, subdioecious or trioecious) different to the hermaphrodite. These species are distributed in 9 genus that belong to three subfamilies: Pereskioideae, Opuntioideae and Cactoideae.

Pereskia zinniiflora / Dioecious / (Leuenberger 1986)
Pereskia portulacifolia / Dioecious / (Leuenberger 1896)
Pereskia quisqueyana / Dioecious / (Leuenberger 1986)
Pereskia marcanoi / Dioecious / (Areces-Mallea 1992)
Opuntia stenopetala / Dioecious / (Bravo-Hollis 1978)
Opuntia robusta / Hermaphrodite, dioecious and trioecious / (Del Castillo 1986)
Opuntia quimilo / Gynodioecious / (Díaz and Cocucci 2003)
Opuntia quitensis / Dioecious / (Anderson 2001)
Consolea spinosissima / Subdioecious ordioecious / (Strittmatter et al. 2002;
Consolea corallicola / Dioecious / (Negrón-Ortiz and Strittmatter 2004)
Consolea rubescens / Dioecious / (Strittmatter et al. 2006)
Consolea millspaughii / Dioecious / (Strittmatter et al. 2006; 2008)
Consolea moniliformis / Dioecious / (Strittmatter et al. 2006; 2008)
Consolea nashii / Dioecious / (Strittmatter et al. 2006; 2008)
Consolea picardae / Dioecious / (Strittmatter et al. 2006; 2008)
Cylindropuntia molesta ≈ Opuntia molesta / Gynodioecious / (Rebman 1998; Rebman and Pinkava 2001)
Cylindropuntia calmalliana ≈ Opuntia calmalliana / Gynodioecious / (Rebman 1998; Rebman and Pinkava 2001)
Cylindropuntia sanfelipensis ≈ Opuntia sanfelipensis / Gynodioecious / (Rebman 1998; Rebman and Pinkava 2001)
Cylindropuntia wolfii ≈ Opuntia wolfii / Gynodioecious / (Rebman 1998)
Mammillaria neopalmeri / Gynodioecious ortrioecious / (Lindsay andDawson 1952)
Mammillaria dioica / Gynodioecious ortrioecious / (Lindsay and Dawson 1952)
Selenicereus innesii / Gynodioecious / (Kimnach 1982)
Echinocereus coccineus / Dioecious orhermaphrodite / (Hoffman 1992)
Pachycereus pringlei / Trioecious orgynodioecious / (Fleming et al. 1994)
Echinocereus yavapaiensis / Dioecious / (Baker 2006)
Echinocereus mombergerianus / Trioecious or gynodioecious / (Baker 2006)


Anderson EF(2001) The cactus family. Timber Press USA. 776 pp

Areces-MalleaAE(1992)Pereskia marcanoi a new species of Cactaceae from HispaniolaBrittonia 44:423-428

Baker M(2006) A new florally dimorphic hexaploid, Echinocereus yavapaiensis sp. nov. (section Triglochidiatus, Cactaceae) from central Arizona. Plant Syst Evol258:63-83

Bravo-Hollis H(1978)Las cactáceas de México. Vol. 1. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. México

Del Castillo R(1986) La selección natural de los sistemas de cruzamiento en Opuntia robusta. Tesis de Maestría. Colegio de Postgraduados Chapingo México. 133 pp

Díaz L, Cocucci A(2003) Functional gynodioecy in Opuntia quimilo (Cactaceae), a tree cactus pollinated by bees and hummingbirds. Plant Biol5:531-539

Fleming TH, Maurice S, Buchmann SL, Tuttle MD (1994) Reproductive biology and the relative male and female fitness in a trioecious cactus, Pachycereus pringlei (Cactaceae). Am J Bot 81:858-867

Hoffman TM(1992) Functional Dioecy in Echinocereus coccineus (Cactaceae): Breeding system, sex ratios and geographic range of floral dimorphism. Am J Bot12:1382-1388

Kimnach M(1982)Selenicereus innesii, an aberrant new species from the West Indies. Cactus and Succulent Journal US54:3-7

Leuenberger B (1986) Pereskia (Cactaceae). Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden 41:1-141

Lindsay G, Dawson E (1952) Mammillarias of the islands off northwestern Baja California, Mexico.Cactus and Succulent Journal US 24:76-84

Negrón-Ortiz V, Strittmatter L(2004) Embryology of floral dimorphism and gender system of Consolea corallicola (Cactaceae), a rare species of the Florida Keys. Haseltonia10:1-10

Rebman J(1998) A new cholla (Cactaceae) from Baja California, Mexico. Haseltonia 6:17-21

Rebman J, Pinkava D(2001)Opuntia cacti of North America- An overview. Fla Entomol84:474-483

Strittmatter LI, Negrón-Ortiz V, Hickey RJ (2002) Subdioecy in Consolea spinosissima (Cactaceae): breeding system and embryological studies.Am J Bot 89:1373-1387

Strittmatter LI, Negrón-Ortiz V, Hickey RJ(2006) Comparative microsporangium development in male-fertile and male-sterile flowers of Consolea (Cactaceae): When and how does pollen abortion occur. Grana45:81-100