Minutes of the Feb. 11, 2012 Assembly held at Maryknoll Center
55 Ryder Road, Ossining, N.Y.
OPENING: Michele opened the meeting at 1:05 pm with the Serenity Prayer.
Mary Ellen of District 21 read the Twelve Traditions.
Susan G. of District 8 read the page of the day (Feb.11) from The Courage to Change.
Please email me your reports as soon as possible. A suggestion is to email them to me the night before if possible.
Nov. -Dec. Treasury report opening Bal. 8861.55 closing checkbook Bal. 8448.31 operating Bal. 6948.31
Motion to accept report made by Marlene seconded by Diane
Motion 52/A02/01 Vote: Yes – 51, No - 0, Abs – 3. Motion passes
AREA CHAIRPERSON: Fran M. (not present) meeting chaired by Michele
Thanks to Districts 25/26 for hosting today.
Request for Hosting: District 10 will host the March 24th Assembly. We still need hosting for June 10 and Oct. 28th assemblies.
Welcome GR’s, DR’s, Officers, Coordinators, Liaisons, Committee members and Guests
This year's Conference Theme is: Our Spiritual Journey- we get as we give.
So thank you for another day of service
During my three year term I plan on visiting all Districts and as many groups as possible, so please be in touch with me regarding your upcoming DR Meeting and I will try to attend one at a time.
So far I did visit DR 10, DR 15, DR 16, DR 17, DR 35 this DR currently has no DR
I have cards with my email and phone number at the table.
I can speak on Conference activities, the Concepts or any other questions your groups might have.
March 09-11, 2012 I will attend the 34th annual Northeast Regional Delegates (NERD) Meeting in Mystic CT along with two previous Delegates from our Area.
A friendly reminder…..LOVE GIFTS.
Love gifts are small tokens to be shared with other Areas in our fellowship during the conference. Each District and/or group is given the opportunity to be creative by using the theme, slogans, Serenity Prayer, etc. to send a loving message from New York South.
Please specify your district number and always NYS on it.
Also cards signed by the members of your group would be greatly appreciated.
All love gifts are to be sent to:
Petra L (Hold for WSO 4/15-4/19, 2012)
Stamford Marriott Hotel & Spa
243 Tresser Boulevard
Stamford, CT 06901
Please note packages will not be accepted before April 11th
Use my home address for the return address on the packages/cards
Your DR has the info
I will also be accepting packages at our next Assembly on March 24th
New Publication for Parents Is Ready:
A new Timely Reprint for Parents of Alcoholics (R-18) is now available.
New Service Tool is ready:
A Conflict Resolution wallet card(S-71) is now available
Please contact your LDC to order
These are the chosen Agenda Items we will be discussing at Conference
First Topic for 60-minute presentation and discussion:
How do we empower the average AlAnon member to speak up at meetings when someone else’s sharing is not AlAnon?
Explain the importance of this CAI and how it could shape AlAnon as a whole:
In the group, some dual members tend to speak about their program, mentally ill members tend to speak about therapy, and only one or two members would say something to help members return to AlAnon Principles. How do we empower the others to speak up?
Tradition Five states that "Each AlAnon Family Group has but one purpose: to help families of alcoholics." However, many newcomers to AlAnon have family members with multiple addictions and/or mental disorders. This is not a new issue; however, the percentage of multiple addictions seems to be increasing each year.
Explain the importance of this CAI and how it could shape AlAnon as a whole:
Often these newcomers may regard the alcoholism as having only a minimal impact on the family when compared to the other addictions. Nevertheless, they are family members of alcoholics, and we have an obligation to try to help them while at the same time remember our singleness of purpose and not allow our focus to be shifted away from alcoholism.
Almost every group has encountered this situation and has found its own way of coping. Also there have been discussions at district and Area levels. At this time, a discussion of this issue at the WSC could be valuable in helping groups to achieve balance between helping and being diverted.
How do we ensure the AlAnon message remains clear as we continue to expand our membership both within our Conference structure and within other service structures as well? How do we lovingly encourage members to only use our AlAnon language when sharing their AlAnon spiritual journey?
Explain the importance of this CAI and how it could shape AlAnon as a whole:
As we continue to grow and reach out to new and potential members, our message of hope must remain clear. In attempting to embrace new members in our own Areas and in other service structures, we are increasingly challenged with multiple outside influences (i.e. treatment center jargon, culturally diverse terms and phrases, other 12-Step fellowships’ verbiage, etc.), to keep our message consistent. When we give a pure and undiluted message of hope, and guide others to give the same clear message, we lessen confusion and distraction as we give to ourselves and others who embark on our spiritual journey.
Second Topic for 60-minute presentation and discussion:
How does WSO see social networks, such as Facebook and YouTube, as a way to attract and retain new members to our fellowship?
Explain the importance of this CAI and how it could shape AlAnon as a whole:
Even though the WSO has now entered Facebook and Twitter, what are the ways in which social networking can aid in attracting and retaining members into our fellowship and retain our anonymity and keep within the understanding of our Traditions?
After 60 years of AlAnon, we are still not well known. How can we get AlAnon and Alateen “out of the closet”?
Explain the importance of this CAI and how it could shape AlAnon as a whole:
There is a statistic that states every alcoholic impacts eight or nine people. Given those numbers, our rooms should be overflowing; however, they are not. What do we need to do in order for the programs of AlAnon and Alateen to be as well known as A.A.? The most important thing is for people to be aware of the benefits of AlAnon and Alateen.
We will have a skit later on CAL.
And please let me know via email suggestions to those topics so I can present our NYS view on the matter.
With love and gratitude in Al-Anon service, Petra L, NYS 51
Thanks to Marcia B. for running the GR Concept Meeting today.
Group Inventories:
· 11/13/11 – Group Inventory – Valley Stream
· 12/10/11 – Group Inventory – Park Slope
· 1/15/12 – District Inventory – District 10/Nassau
Upcoming Inventories:
· 2/13/12 – Group Inventory – Valley Stream
· 3/3/12 - Board Inventory – NY Intergroup
· pending - Group Inventory – D21 “Work the Program, Not the Problem”
Remember: “periodic inventories help to keep your ‘group’ healthy and invigorated. Members can use the inventory to discuss new service opportunities and address major or minor concerns before the group’s unity is disrupted.”
(taken from G-8)
Group Inventories for Districts, AIS, Intergroup
I have adapted the Al-Anon Guidelines G-8a Taking a Group Inventory, to meet the needs of Districts/Al-Anon Information Services/Intergroup Boards. If your district or AIS is interested in doing a group inventory, please contact me and we can talk about how to facilitate setting it up. At this level, additional resources include:
Al-Anon Guideline: Taking a Group Inventory G-8b
Al-Anon Guideline: Reserve Fund Guideline G-41
I encourage you to have these discussions with your districts and boards and consider taking an inventory.
G.R. Concept Meeting
As Alternate Delegate, I lead a G.R. Concept Meeting at each Assembly. We spend some time reading and discussing one of our 12 concepts. Please plan your attendance at Assemblies to include the Concept meeting, held from 12:15 – 12:45 pm. Your participation and experience, strength and hope are important to this Area and to the study of the Concepts. I have a chart available so you will know what Concept is being discussed at each of our Assemblies
Audit Report by Michele:
Discovery 2011: done by Ann D & Lou P.
· Check for 235.39 turned in to Area.
· Bank charges of $ 45.00 for returned checks.
· All vouchers and statements correct.
Area: partially correct; some statements were missing due to number of different people doing the position.
There was one check paid with only one signature. Treasurer has obtained copies of missing statements and
will be reviewed to finalize audit.
Skit was performed “Cal: What’s in? What’s out? “
2012 Emergency Budget :
Motion made by Irwin seconded by Arthur:
That the Southern New York Assembly approve extending the emergency operating budget through March 24 of $4000.00 at which time we will discuss & vote on our annual budget.
Motion 52/A02/02 Vote: Yes – 53, No - 0, Abs – 3. Motion passes
Motion 52/A02/03
Motion made by Sarah & seconded by Marcia to add to the Trusted Service Profile
“A.A. members do not serve as Group Representatives (GRs), District Representatives (DRs), Area Coordinators, Newsletter Editors, Delegates and/or any of their alternates. (Al-Anon Alateen Service Manual, p 79)
Vote: Yes – 41, No - 0, Abs – 2. Motion passes.
Motion 52/A02/04
Motion from Steering committee: To invite an Al-Anon speaker to talk about service at the beginning of each Assembly (except for June or election Assemblies) for approximately 20 minutes.
Vote: Yes – 5, No - 32, Abs – 4 Motion fails
Motion 52/A02/05
….That the Assembly approves the following to be included in the SNYA Guidelines:
Procedures for removal and replacement of Officers/Coordinators for failure to perform their service positions as outlined in SNYA Guidelines (and where appropriate, the current Al-Anon Alateen Service Manual)
Al-Anon Unity Statement
“Each member of the Fellowship is a significant part of a great circle of hope. While respecting each other’s individuality our common welfare must come first. Our recovery depends on our mutual need and an atmosphere of trust.”
Adopted by the 1984 World Service Conference
Removal consideration would be appropriate under the following conditions:
a. Failure to attend two successive meetings (AWSC/Assembly without advanced notice or reasons according to the Guidelines of the SNYA Area, and without submitting a report, and/or
b. Failure to carry out the responsibilities, as listed in the service position description in the SNYA Guidelines and the current Al-Anon Alateen Service Manual, and /or where performance is shown to be unacceptable.
If any/all of the conditions above exist, the following steps will be taken:
· Chairperson will contact Officer/Coordinator in an attempt to resolve issues (if the issue is with the Chairperson it will be referred to the Alternate Delegate to attempt to resolve).
· If there is no resolution, it will be brought to the AWSC for further review, discussion and action.
· The AWSC is given latitude in determining the reasonable cause.
· If the Delegate, Officer or Coordinator does not fulfill the duties of that office as described elsewhere in these Guidelines, or does not attend two consecutive meetings including Assembly and AWSC meetings, the AWSC members may make a recommendation to the Assembly to remove and replace the Delegate, Officer or Coordinator, upon a vote equal to the required 2/3 vote to elect that Delegate, Officer or Coordinator.
· Mediation is optional at all times.
Vote: Yes – 55, No - 0, Abs – 1. Motion passes
Motion 52/A02/06
Re: Legal Information (page ii)
The AWSC recommends to the assembly the removal of the entire LEGAL INFORMATION section from page ii of the guidelines as it does not pertain to the set up of the area.
Vote: Yes – 41, No - 0, Abs – 2. Motion passes
Motion 52/A02/07
Made by Marlene & seconded By Diane
To approve the recommendations of 2006-2007 Steering committee to change the guidelines leaving out that the Secretary will mail copies of the minutes.
Vote: Yes – 54, No - 1, Abs – 1. Motion passes
Motion 52/A02/08
That the AWSC send to the Assembly the following change to the SNYA Guidelines
Re: Area Group Records Coordinator
5. Annually sends the names and addresses of the Area World Services committee to the group records coordinator at the World Service office.
Under Delegate: the Delegate is responsible for updating the Area World Service information to the WSO in a timely fashion.
Vote: Yes – 42, No - 0, Abs – 1. Motion passes
Motion 52/A02/09
That the AWSC send to the Assembly the following change to the SNYA Guidelines
re: Area Archivist (p. 9):2. Establishes and maintains a public storage area for all archives.
Vote: Yes-4 1, No-0, Abs-1. Motion passed
Motions discussed at 1st Assembly:
Motion made by Michele & seconded by Fran, to establish a budget committee.
That the Area establish a budget committee for each term. The budget committee to consist of: Alternate Delegate (Chair), Current Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer (current, Ah hoc), a past Treasurer and a fifth person selected by the Alternate Delegate.
In case of vacancy on the budget committee the AWSC is empowered to appoint to fill the vacancy.
Responsibilities of the Budget committee:
Budget to include:
· estimated /projected income.
· Exact expenses documented monthly.
Budget prepared by committee and emailed to AWSC members prior to September AWSC for review/approval and to send to the Assembly in October
Motion made by Michele & seconded by Fran to propose an Assistant Treasurer position.