April 10th 2006

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Present: Chairman Bill Harlow, Barry McDonald, Alan Labbe, and Town Manager

Ruth Marden

Absent: Ray Pineau, Rick Simoneau

Guests: Al Landry, Donna Perry, Richard Sproul, Abby Nixon, Pearl Cook

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Pledge of Allegiance: 6:00 P.M.


Minutes of the March 27thMeeting accepted. M/M/S Barry McDonald, Alan Labbe 3-0-0

Old Business


Recognition of service by Alan and Ray

Chairman Bill Harlow, on behalf of the Board of Selectmen and the Town, expressed sincere thanks and appreciation to Ray Pineau and Alan Labbe for their service and dedication to the Town of Jay.

Alternative Education/Tree Harvesting

Nobody was present to propose the project to the Board. A decision was made to table until a later date.

SpruceMountain Entertainment

Ruth Marden received confirmation from Rick Couture, regarding plans to hold outdoor concerts at SpruceMountain, stating that no alcoholic beverages will be allowed on the premises due to too many complications arising, as well as liability costs associated to such an event.

The Spruce Mountain Committee intends to go ahead with plans for summer concerts and will be applying for a Special Entertainment Permit with the Town of Jay in the near future.

Tax Abatement Request

A Tax Abatement request in the amount of $211.66 for the Jay-Livermore Falls Hunting Club was discussed. The abatement had previously been discussed and tabled until the proper paperwork was filed with the Assessor’s Office. A decision was made to deny the request. M/M/S Alan Labbe, Barry McDonald 3-0-0

Sewer Abatement Request

Ruth Marden discussed a Sewer Abatement request recommended by Sewer Supervisor Mark Holt. The request, in the amount of $92.50, is for property owned by Gerard Gilbert at 32 Main Street. A decision was made to grant the request. M/M/S Alan Labbe, Barry McDonald 3-0-0 (See attached)

Vote on Teamster Union Contracts

Ruth Marden presented Agreements between the Town of Jay and Teamsters Local Union #340, to be signed by the Selectmen, for the following Town of Jay Departments; Transfer Station and Recycling Employees, Sewer Department Employee, Jay Police Department, and Highway Department Employees. The Agreements were accepted as written. M/M/S Barry McDonald, Alan Labbe 3-0-0

April 24th Selectmen’s Meeting

There will be no Selectmen’s Meeting on April 24th unless something comes up that needs attention before May 8th.

Other Business

School Department Articles:

Resident Al Landry commented that the first three School Articles to be voted on at Public Meeting on April 24th are very confusing. Bill Harlow said the Articles in question are mandated by the State and must be worded in a specific manner.

Personal Property Tax:

Resident Richard Sproul questioned whether the elimination of Personal Property Tax will pass this year. Ruth Marden responded by stating that some form of the bill will pass this year. The Town of Jay should not be affected the first year. Amendments will be put in place to help all mill towns adjust to the loss of tax dollars. The State will reimburse 50% of thelossof tax money back to the towns, and amendments to the bill may also help increase the reimbursement amounts.

Meeting adjourned at 6:35 P.M. M/M/S Barry McDonald, Alan Labbe 3-0-0

The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday May 8th, 2006 at 6:00 P.M. at the Community Center.

Respectfully Submitted

Jill Gingras

Deputy Clerk