Chabot College

Course Outline for Art 43, Page 2

October 1993

Chabot College/Las Positas College October 1993

Course Outline for Art 43


Catalog Description:

43 - Typography and Publication Design 3 units

Layout and overall pre-press design process for preparing multi-aged publications. Application of type styles and typographical design for graphic communication products from brochures and books to posters and magazine spreads. Includes work with computers on major page design software. Strongly recommended: Art 40. 2 hours lecture, 4 hours studio.

Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1. demonstrate an understanding of the appropriate styles for publications;

2. perform the routine functions required to establish the design specifications and specific style guidelines for several given characteristic publications;

3. utilize and demonstrate, by example, the Macintosh computer and a standard page make-up software package( i.e., PageMaker) in order to layout and bring to press a publication;

4. articulate and note appropriate printer instructions and communicate clearly with pre-press on-press personnel;

5. orally critique effective publication design and layout within given parameters;

6. choose appropriate materials and techniques within an established publication budget;

7. recognize and identify common typefaces and their uses;

8. be familiar with computer applications as related to type design.

Course Content:

1. Design problems with a variety of multi-page publications formats:

a. books

b. booklets

c. brochures

d. catalogs

2. a. Type identification and specification

b. Trends in type usage

c. Communication and expression through type

3. Overall publication functions and appropriate uses of:

a. design and style guides

b. the grid

c. multi publications

4. Publication design elements:

a. heads and body text specifications and typesetting

b. line work and illustrations

c. half tones, screens and photographs

5. Exploring design options

a. layout and composition

b. proportions and spacing

c. text applications typography

d. black screens and reverses

6. Communication for pre-press process through printing:

a. assessing needs of the client

b. appropriateness of design to content and audience

c. clarity in specifications

d. establishing and working within a publication budget

e. printing possibilities, processes, problems

f. establishing and working with deadlines

g. methods of proofing

7. Technical aids and the computer in page design

Methods of Presentation:

1. Lecture with appropriate visual examples of actual publications and their design components with emphasis on process.

2. Demonstration of computer and manual tools and techniques

3. Guest presentations

4. Outside readings assignments and related tasks and site visits (i.e., printers).

Textbook(s) Typical:

Desktop Publishing by Design; Shushan and Wright; Microsoft Publisher

Type and Image; Phillip B. Meggs; Van Nostrand Reinhold Publishers

Special Student Materials:

Art materials, layout boards, computer disks.

RB:kh Art 43.44

Revised: 10/19/93