Epistle of Barnabas: Every Syrian Arab and every priest of the idols should be circumcised.

Greek text on page 24

But thou wilt say; In truth the people hath been circumcised for a seal. Nay, but so likewise is every Syrian and Arabian and all the priests of the idols. Do all those then too belong to their covenant? Moreover the Egyptians also are included among the circumcised. Barnabas 9:5

A book called Pirqey Rabbi Eli'ezerchapter 21

Pirke De-Rabbi Eli'ezer

Adam and his helpmeet were sitting and weeping and morning 10 for him, and they did not know what to do (with Abel), for they were unaccustomed to burial. A raven 11 (came), one of its fellow birds were dead (at its side). (The raven) said: I will teach this man what to do. It took its fellow and dug in the earth, hid it and buried it before them. Adam said: Like this raven will I act. He took || the corpse of Abel and dug in the earth and buried it.

10 For the phraseology see Neh i. 4. The legend occurs also in the Koran, Sura v.

11 Tanchuma, loc cit., reads: “Two clean birds”; cf. Gen. Rab. xxii. 8. See Midrash Haggadol, c. 116.

Rabbi Eliezer, Pirkê De Rabbi Eliezer, Translated by Gerald Friedlander, London, 1916 (Reissued by Benjamin Blom, New York, NY, 1971), Chapter XXI, p. 156.

Hebrew text on page 38

Genesis 4:10Hebrew text page 39

And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. Gen 4:10 (KJV)

Genesis 4:10
׃המדאה־ןמ ילא םיקעצ ךיחא ימד לוק תישע המ רמאיו

Midrash Rebah chapter 17, a comment on Genesis 15:7 Hebrew text pages 52 &53

Midrash Rabbah: Translated in English with notes, Glossary and Indices, Editors: H. Freedman and M. Simon, The Soncino Press, London, England, Genesis, Vol. I, Bereshith,

The English — Sources of the Qur’an p. 74-75

"Terah was a maker of idols. Once he went out somewhere, and seated Abrahamas salesman in place of himself. A person would come, wishing to purchase, andAbraham would say to him, ‘How old art thou?’ and he (the other) would say to him,‘Fifty’ or ‘Sixty years.’ And he (Abraham) would say unto him, ‘Woe to that man who issixty years of age, and wisheth to worship a thing a few days old!’ And he (the other)would become ashamed and would go his way. Once a woman came, carrying in herhand a plate of wheaten flour. She said to him, ‘Here! set this before them.’ He arose,took a staff in his hand, and broke them all in pieces; then he gave the staff into the handof the one that was biggest among them. When his father came, he said to him, ‘Who hasdone this unto them?’ He (Abraham) said to him, ‘What ishidden from thee? A woman came, bringing with her a plate of wheaten flour, and said to me, "Here! set this before them." I set it before them This one said, "I shall eat first," and that one said, "I shall eat first." This one, which is the biggest among them, arose, took a staff, and broke them.’ He (the father) said to him, ‘Why dost thou tell me a fable? Do these understand?’ He (Abraham) said to him, ‘And do not thine ears hear what thy lip speaketh?’ He (Terah) seized him and delivered him over to Nimrod. He (Nimrod) said to him, ‘Let us worship the fire.’ Abraham said unto him, ‘And let us worship the waters which extinguish the fire.’ Nimrod said to him, ‘Let us worship the waters.’ He (Abraham) said to him, ‘If so, let us worship the cloud which brings the waters.’ He (Nimrod) said to him, ‘Let us worship the cloud.’ He (Abraham) said to him, ‘If so, let us worship the wind that drives away the cloud.’ He (Nimrod) said unto him, ‘Let us worship the wind.’ He (Abraham) said to him, ‘And let us worship man who resisteth the wind.’ ‘If thou bandiest words with me, lo! I worship naught but the fire; lo! I cast thee into the midst of it, and let the God whom thou worshippest come and deliver thee from it!’ Abraham went down into the furnace of fire and was delivered." 4

4 Midrash Rabbah, Chapter xvii, in explanation of Gen. xv. 7.

Genesis 15:7 Hebrew text top of page 57

Genesis 15:7

ו אני יהוה אשר הוצאתיך מאור

What is the Hebrew text in the middle of the page 57?

Midrash yelkot chapter 44 Hebrew text of pages 84, 85

Genesis 6:2&4 Hebrew text of page 92

Genesis 6:2

םהל וחקיו הנה תבט יכ םדאה תונב־תא םיהלאה־ינב ואריו

׃ורחב רשא לכמ םישנ

Genesis 6:4

ואבי רשא ןכ־ירחא םגו םהה םימיב ץראב ויה םילפנה

םירבגה המה םהל ודליו םדאה תונב ־לא םיהלאה ינב

׃םשה ישנא םלועמ רשא

Gen 6:2-4

2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.(KJV)

What is the Hebrew text in page 93?

Ebodah chapter 2:2 Hebrew Line on tope of page 97

English version: The Sources of the Qur’an p. 110

Its origin is found in the Jewish tractate 'Abodah Zarah (cap. ii. § 2), where we

are told that on that occasion (so God is represented as saying to the Israelites), "I

covered you over with the mountain like a lid."

Pergeh rabbi alizer chapter 45 Hebrew text middle of page 98

The calf came out lowing, and the Israelites saw it, 1 and they went astray after it.

Rabbi Jehudah said: Sammael 2 entered into it, and he was lowing to mislead Israel, as it is said, “The ox knoweth his owner” 3 (Isa. i. 3).

1“And they went astray after it” is omitted by the first editions, but it is preserved by R. Bechai in his comm..on Ex. in loc.

2The later editions read: “Satan.” See Introduction, p. li.

3The owner is Satan according to the Midrash; see T.B. Berakhoth, 32a, and cf. Ps. cvi. 19, 20. The first editions add here: “All Israel saw it, and kissed it, and bowed down to it, and sacrificed to it.”

Rabbi Eliezer, Pirkê De Rabbi Eliezer, Translated by Gerald Friedlander, London, 1916 (Reissued by Benjamin Blom, New York, NY, 1971), Chapter XLV, p. 355.

Yeshet chapter 19 verse 31 Avesta script (I don’t know its proper English name) page 101

Rashi’s comment on Gen. 1:2 Hebrew text in page 101

English Sources of the Qur’an p. 123

the Jewish commentator Rashi, embodying a wellknown Jewish tradition, writes thus: "The throne of Glory stood in the air and brooded over the waters."

Rashi's Genesis

1. When God as Judge[1] began creating the heavens and all that was embedded in them and the earth[2] and all that was embedded in it,[3]

2. the earth was astonishingly empty, darkness was over the waters which covered the earth, and the Throne of Glory hovered over the waters by the command of God.[4]

Now, of these opening words of Scripture, Rashi brings down this:

"The throne of glory stands suspended in the air, and hovers over the face of the waters, by the breath of the mouth of the Holy One, Blessed Be He, and at his command, like a dove which hovers over the nest." (Bereshit 1:1-2)

Midrash on Ecc. 7:142nd Hebrew word page 102

Rabbi yohanan said (the same midrash 3rd Hebrew word page 102

Rabbi Acha Hebrew word p102

Midrash Rabbah: Translated in English with notes, Glossary and Indices, Editors: H. Freedman and M. Simon, The Soncino Press, London, England, Ecclesiastes VII. 14, p. 197.

3. R. Aha interpreted the verse as applying to Torah.[IN THE DAY OF PROSPERITY BE JOYFUL:] by rejoicing in the Torah you will rejoice [in the Hereafter]. AND IN THE DAY OF ADVERSITY CONSIDER1: be of the onlookers of whom it is written, And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcasses of the men (Isa. LXVI, 24), and be not of those who are looked upon of whom it is written, For their worm shall not die (ib.). EVEN THE ONE AS WELL AS THE OTHER: i.e. Gehinnom and Paradise. What is the distance between them? A hand-breadth. R. Johanan said: [They are divided by] a wall. The Rabbis say: They are parallel,2 so that one should be visible to the other.

1 Lit. ‘see’. 2. Lit. ‘equal’.

English — The Sources of the Qur’an, p. 124

This idea is derived from the Midrash on Eccles. vii. 14, where we are informed that, when asked "What space is there between them?" (heaven and hell), Rabbi Yohanan said, "A wall": Rabbi Akhah said, "A span." "And the Rabbans say that they are both near one another, so that rays of light pass from this to that."

The book of Hagagiah chapter 16 Hebrew word p103 ۲۷) گفته شده لتَنُرُ- The book of Rosh hashena 16:2 and in Sanhedrin chapter 108

English Sources of Qur’an p. 125

In Surah XI., Hud, 42, and again in Surah XXIII, Al Mu'minun, 27, we are told that in the time of Noah "the furnace boiled over." This doubtless refers to the Jewish opinion (Rosh Hashshanah xvi., § 2, and Sanhedrin cviii.) that "The generation of the Flood was punished with boiling water." The whole of the statement in the Qur'an as to the way in which the unbelievers mocked Noah is taken from this chapter of Tract Sanhedrin and from other Jewish commentators.

English Sources p. 65. Mishnah Sanhedrin (chapter iv. § 5),

[85] Mishnah, Sanhedrin 4: 5
For this reason, man [i.e. the first human being] was created alone to teach that whoever destroys a single life is as though he had destroyed an entire universe, and whoever saves a single life is as if he had saved an entire universe. Furthermore [the first man was created alone] for the sake of peace among men, so that no one could say to another, “My ancestor was greater than yours” . . . [Yet another reason] was to proclaim the greatness of the Holy One, blessed be He, for when a human being strikes many coins from one mould, they all resemble one another, but the supreme King of kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, fashioned every man in the stamp of the first man, and yet not one of them resembles his fellow. / [פה] משנה מסכת סנהדרין פרק ד משנה ה
לפיכך נברא אדם יחידי ללמדך שכל המאבד נפש אחד מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו איבד עולם מלא וכל המקיים נפש אחת מעלה עליו הכתוב כאילו קיים עולם מלא ומפני שלום הבריות שלא יאמר אדם לחבירו אבא גדול מאביך . . . ולהגיד גדולתו של הקדוש ברוך הוא שאדם טובע כמה מטבעות בחותם אחד וכולן דומין זה לזה ומלך מלכי המלכים הקדוש ברוך הוא טבע כל אדם בחותמו של אדם הראשון ואין אחד מהן דומה לחבירו.

Hebrew phrase pages 103 104

Mishna brachot 1:2 Hebrew words bottom of page 104

Hagagia 11:1 word in Hebrew page 112

Latin text in pages 150-151

Bond hashineh chap 1&2 Pahlavi text 206-207

Greek 161-163 The Testament of Abraham Book 1 Chapter 12

Greek 174 Gospel of Luke 18:25. Is this a quotation of Luke 18:25 or is it a quotation of a text similar to Luke 18:25.

Pahlavi 192 Ribrafnak Chapter 7:4

Pahlavi 193 Ribrafnak Chapter 7:4

Pahlavi 194-195, 197

Greek 198 Vision of St. Paul or Dream of Paul Book 1, Chapter 10:

Greek 199 middle

1 Hebrew word 199

Arta Viraf Namak.




St. Mary’s Coptic

20830 52 Ave. W.
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Father Takla Azmy
Home: (425) 743-7884
Church: (425) 774-3499

Page 132 Nature (personality or the inside) of the Virgin

When Hannah brought Mary into the Temple she was being fed like the pigeon and the angel brought food from heaven for her into the temple. When she worshipped in the temple the angels of God would respect her. They brought food from the tree of life.

When placed by Hanna in the Temple, Mary was fed there like the doves, as the angels of the Lord brought her food from the heavens. When she worshipped the Lord in the Temple, they did reverence to her, and often brought her fruit from the Tree of Life, which she did eat with cheerfulness.1 .... Mary


1 Coptic History of the Virgin.

Page 155 The Story the Sleeping (dreaming) of Mary regarding of Enoch and Elijah

It is necessary for them that they would taste of death at the end.

Text and translation by Forbes Robinson, Coptic Apocryphal Gospels, Texts and Studies 4.2, Cambridge: At the University Press, 1896, 90-127.


Discourse of Theodosius.

Theodosius of Alexandria, Homily on the Dormition

This homily is probably authentic, having been delivered by Theodosius in the last year of his life, 566/567.

Our Lord and our God answered and said to His mother, O my beautiful mother, when Adam transgressed My commandment, I passed upon him a sentence, saying, Adam, thou art earth and thou shalt return unto the earth [109] again. For also I, the Life of all men, tasted death in the flesh which I took from thee, in the flesh of Adam, thy forefather. Yet since My godhead was one with it, therefore I raised it from the dead. I did not wish to suffer thee to taste death, but to translate thee up to the heavens as Enoch and Elias. But these also, even they must needs taste death at last. And if this happens to thee, wicked men will think concerning thee, that thou art a power which came down from heaven; and that this dispensation took place in appearance. I know the heart of all men, and understand their thoughts.”

The Zarathushtrian Assembly

1814 Bayless Street

Anaheim, CA92802

Telephone: (714) 520-9577 (best time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Pacific Standard Time, 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Greenwich Time, Monday to Friday), Fax: (714) 520-9620, E-mail:

Phoned April 30, 2004: They suggested that I phone Dr. Jafarey (spelling) at 714-952-1450

Fax:714-952-1847 Email:

Judith E. Sanderson

Department of Theology & Religious Studies


Seattle, Washington98122

Phone: 206/296-5318

Fax: 206/296-5409

Hebrew scholar

Page 211 Pahlavi

Wisdom of Heaven

Page 211-

Menog-i Khrad ("The Spirit of Wisdom")

God created the world, heaven, angel, He made whole world with his light

Yasht Chapter 19 verse 31-38 King called Jamshid before history.

Jamshed is Adam

Page 212-214

When light of God shined to Jamshid He has good sheep at that time there was evil who reign over people. They called to people wrong word talked to people in the wrong way.