Greenbelt Cycling Route

Greenbelt Cycling Route Implementation

NorthumberlandRegion Meeting

Thursday May 23, 2012, 10:00pm

Cobourg Community Center


Zaina Alhillou – Northumberland County

Cori Arthur – Northumberland County

Trevor Clapperton – Municipality of Port Hope

Rob Franklin – Town of Cobourg

Karen Theriault – Kawarthas Northumberland Tourism

Louisa Mursell – Transportation Options

Marlaine Koehler - Waterfront Regeneration Trust

Peter Lipscombe – Waterfront Regeneration Trust

Greenbelt Cycling Route Implementation presentation will be posted on a project website under development. URL will be emailed to attendees in two weeks.


Research Google trends for terms containing route and cycling

Route Feedback:

Regional Road 9

- already identified as East-West connection in County active transportation plan

- many attractions are along route 9 – towns, hamlets, conservations areas

- alternate route 7 very remote

- busy road with moderate traffic volumes

- road allowance would permit future improvements, subject to road resurfacing schedule

- bridge east of Regional Road 28 very narrow – would require share the road signage and alert on maps

- some sections may be candidate for traffic calming, including posting 60 km/h limits

ACTION: Zaina to report back on suitability of Route 9 – report on any potential hazards

- Route 9 is not on the official active transportation master plan and has not been identified as a linkage

- Northumberland County staff has assessed the road and found it to be unsuitable to be labelled for bikes

- Alternative connection between Durham Region and the Rice Lake Ramble needs to be identified

Rice Lake Ramble

- previously identified route

- very scenic

- already marked with Share the Road signage

- may be opportunities to co-brand the route

North South Connections

Rice Lake Ramble

-eastern portion is de facto connection with Waterfront Trail, as well as designated GBCR

-Share the Road signs in place on the Rice Lake Ramble

- good connection with Cobourg

Route 10

- possible connection

- requires further investigation into road conditions and facilities along route


- no signage program currently in place for Rice Lake Ramble

- co-branding with GBCR could be possibility

- 50/50 funding available from RTO, so long as other 50% contribution is not provincial money


Northumberland County

- formal approval likely necessary

- all routes have been previously identified in active transportation plan

- presentation to council by WRT would be helpful

ACTION:WRT to coordinate with Zaina for presentation to council

Lower Tier

- likely no formal approval necessary

- report to council in Cobourg, Port Hope

ACTION: Rob Franklin and Trevor to draft report based on WRT supplied letter

GBCR Steering Committee

- in favour of creating GBCR steering committee

- Zaina is lead for County, lower tier representatives brought in as necessary

Next Meeting

- Fall

- Dates: Mon, Tues local council meets, County council Wednesday

- Thursday is preferable date for meeting