Reg No A0056213B

Administration Officer Pamela Dind

P.O. Box 5290 Frankston 3199 Hm 97831588 Mlb 0409 831110



Meeting declared open at: 1.00pm

Present : President Sandra Lapham, Snr Vice President Peter Bowman, Jnr Vice President Trudy Everett, Administration Officer /Secretary Pamela Dind, Treasurer Ian McKay, Committee Michael Popplewell and Jason Placas.

Present as per attendance sheet attached.

Apologies : As per attendance sheet.

Minutes of 3rd Annual General Meeting held at City of Frankston Bowling Club on the 3rd June 2013 be accepted Moved Pamela Dind seconded by Peter Stevens that the minutes are a true and accurate record carried

Business arising Nil

Business: President’s Report Treasurers Report

Match Committee Report Coaches report

BVRR Report Greens Report

Moved by Gabe Shepperd (Hastings) seconded by Peter Stevens (KWR) that the reports be adopted and that the Annual Financial Report and Statement submitted by the Division in accordance with Section 30 (3) of the Associations Incorporation Act 1981. Carried

Recommendations of Capitation/Affiliation Fees for Season 2014/2015

That the outgoing Executive recommends to the Incoming Executive and members that the Affiliation Fees/Capitation Fees will not be increased. The fees payable to the Peninsula Bowls Division to remain at $5.00 per member, for clubs who do not participate with the PBD the fee to remain at $2.00 per member. Invoices to be sent to Clubs in June.

Moved Ian McKay seconded by Chris Geehman (FRSL )that the fees as presented be adopted Carried.

Recommendations for Honorariums for Season 2014/15

President $400

Snr Vice $200

Jnr Vice $150

Administration Officer (a reduction in total) now to be $1300.00 Treasurer $550

Board Members $100 each

Pennant Recorder Saturday $300

Pennant Record Midweek $200

Match Chairperson $300

Match Committee $100

Moved by Rex Alexander (KWR) seconded Audrey Moore (Seaford) that the recommendation for Honorariums for the season be adopted carried

A ballot was required as there were 2 nominations for the position of President. Sandra Lapham and Jason Placas.

Jason Placas was elected President of the Peninsula Bowls Division Inc by ballot. Moved that that the Delegates approve the voting slips to be destroyed.

Moved David Gibbon (Mt. Eliza) Seconded by Moira Campbell (Somerville) Carried.

The position of Jnr Vice President: Dick Bullows was nominated from the floor by Liz Ecccles-Smith (Mt. Eliza) seconded by Kevin McCormack (Seaford) Danny Wynd (Hastings) nominated by Basil Cull (Mornington Civic) and Dick Wedd (Karingal) Dick Bullows was duly elected on a ballot undertaken. Vacancy called for Snr Vice President

From the floor, Milka Vogt was nominated by Martin Cheeseman (Mornington)

Seconded by Richard Keogh (COF) carried. Milka Vogt elected as Snr Vice President

Position Committee vacancy called from the floor, nominations for Danny Wynd (Hastings) moved by Gabe Shepperd (Hastings) seconded by Dick Wedd carried,

Danny Wynd was elected as Committee Member.

Moved by Peter Stevens (KWR) seconded by Kevin McCormack (Seaford) that the voting papers be destroyed carried.

Position vacant for 1 committee member Danny Wynd was nominated by Basil Cull (Morn Civic) seconded by Dick Wedd (Karingal) that Danny Wynd be elected as Committee member of the Board. Carried.

Election of Office Bearers

President Jason Placas Snr Vice Milka Vogt

Jnr Vice Dick Bullows

Administration Officer/Secretary Pamela Dind Treasurer Ian McKay

Board Members (2) Michael Popplewell. Danny Wynd.

Adopted that the above nominations be accepted, Moved by Pamela Dind seconded by David Gibbon ( Mt Eliza)and that Judith Thorpe and Ian McKay be scrutineers for the ballot carried.

Motions on the table as presented

Moved by Richard Keogh (COF) During the AGM, Delegates can move from the floor, nominations of three (3) individuals, that are not necessarily Board Directors, to service as Chairman and two (2) pennant coordinators (one for Saturday and one for Midweek Pennants) Any addition Match Committee members that may be required shall be Board Appointments seconded by Gabe Shepperd (Hasting )that the motion be adopted…..carried

Moved by Peter Stevens (KWR) seconded by Pamela Dind that after the start of Midweek and Saturday Pennant Seasons, it is a requirement that Clubs notify the Administration Officer of any change to their membership, in particular Transfers from one club to another prior to the next Pennant match in which the member will be participating. Failure to do so will result in the Club “playing an unregistered member for which there may be penalties”. That the motion be adopted Carried.

There being no other business tabled meeting closed at. 2.10pm