Study Guide - Chapter 15: The First Global Age

Section 1: The Search for Spices

1.  Explain the importance of…

Henry the Navigator embodied crusading drive and spirit of exploration, explored coast of West Africa

Vasco da Gama 1498, rounds Africa & reaches India, 10 Month voyage

Christopher Columbus Italian navigator wanted to reach Indies by sailing west across the Atlantic, North & South America in the way, bypass Italian/Muslim trade

2.  Define the following terms…

Cartographer map makers

Circumnavigate 1522, sail around the world-Magellan/Pigafetta

3.  What Motivated Europeans to seek out routes to Asia? Spices, cloves, nutmeg, ginger, pepper

Section 2: Diverse Traditions of Southeast Asia

1.  How did an international trade network emerge in the Indian Ocean?

NE in summer, SW in winter, valuable trade route

2.  What religious beliefs influenced the peoples of Southeast Asia?

Matrilineal descent, Indian culture, Hindu, Buddhism, Islam

E. Africa/ME/India/SE Asia/China

3.  Describe the relationship between Vietnam and China.

Red River Delta, irrigated fertile rice pods, China conquered Vietnam, 939-they collapse-Vietnam tributary state “small dragon”

Section 3: European Footholds in Southeast Asia and India

1.  How did Portugal gain control of the spice trade? After Vasco da Gama’s voyage Portuguese bunt into Indian Ocean-Massacred Muslims

2.  How did the Dutch replace the Portuguese in Asia? Royal marriage fell under Spanish rule 1500’s, later non-ind., 1579- to Asia and back riches/built Cape Town tip of Africa

Dutch East India Co. open trade w/ China

3.  How did the decline of Muhgal India help France and Britain? 1526 Babar- Mughal dynasty/Akbar, Britih and French East India Co., British used Sepoys-Indians to fight

Section 4: Encounters in East Asia

1.  How did Qing China restrict foreign trade? Why? Little use of foreigners “empire owns the world”, Chinese only wanted payment in gold & silver, strict limits –only @ canton under official supervision

2.  Why did Korea pursue a policy of isolationism? Japanese invasion of 1590 – 1636 Manchus set up Qing, Korea became tributary-felt like a “shrimp among whales” – only Chinese & Japanese trade

3.  Why did Tokugawa foreign policy change over time? 1st welcomed trade – helped order w/new weapons, learned how Spain took Philippines, disliked competition among Christian missionaries, thought Japanese Christian allegiance to Pope, expelled missionaries 1853-forced to open policy