Public Speaking Ms. Brennen

Introductory Speech


The purpose of the introductory speech is to share information with your audience that gives us an idea of the type of person you are. Basically, you’ll tell us some basic background, share some stories and experiences using 5 things that represent the very unique you that you are.

Organize your information to have a beginning, a middle, and an end as well as inform us, persuade us, and entertain us. Use TRANSITIONS to move among your topics. Share your philosophy of life and how you live it. Make us see the connections we have with you as you use eye contact, voice, gesture and the fascinating specialness of your life.


Topic: The topic is, obviously, you – the content and items you include must be school-appropriate.

Time: 4 - 6 minutes

Organization: You will organize the speech using an attention-getting introduction that establishes goodwill and previews your topics. The middle will give the big picture and use support and examples, and the conclusion will review your main points and wrap up with something finalizing and memorable.

Sources: You must document any sources from which you take a quote or idea. The rest of the speech will come from the own background, ideas, beliefs, personal experience and the five things you bring with you.

Visual Aids: Use “Five Things in a Bag” as visual aids for this speech.

Notes: You are permitted to use notes cards or your outline.

Outline: There is a required outline and Works Cited page for this speech. Both the outline and Works Cited must be typed. The outline must include the main subjects of the speech as well as sub points to the main sections. The Works Cited must include the sources of your quotes or ideas borrowed in MLA format.

Pt. Value: This speech is worth 36 points and will be scored on the

Introductory Speech Rubric. The Outline/Works Cited pages are worth an additional 20 points.

Due Date: Speeches begin on ______.

Final Tips: 1) Gather & organize your material 2) Outline out your speech

3) Document your sources 4) Have a prepared Introduction,

5) Rehearse and time yourself Body, and Conclusion