TOSSUPS – TENNESSEECenter of the Known Universe Open 2004 -- UT-Chattanooga

1. Born to Protestant parents near Dublin in 1871, he spent time in Germany studying music before moving to Paris. There he worked as a literary critic and met William Butler Yeats, who convinced him to move to the Aran Islands, which inspired his 1907 journal The Aran Islands. His first two one-act plays, In the Shadow of the Glenn and Riders to the Sea, were performed by the Irish National Theatre Society. FTP name this Irish playwright, whose most notable work was 1907’s Playboy of the Western World.

Answer:John Millington Synge

2. About forty representatives of the Iroquois Confederation attended it, with Chief Hendrick of the Mohawk as their main spokesman Peter Wraxall served as its Secretary and William DeLancey, acting Governor of New York, was its Chairman. Representatives met daily from June 19 to July 11 to discuss better relations with the Indian tribes and common defensive measures against the French. FTP, name this 1754 meeting of representatives of seven of the British North American Colonies at which Benjamin Franklin proposed a plan for uniting the colonies.

Answer:Albany Congress

3. This reaction is typically carried out in an egg-shaped container. The top of the container has a small opening through which the initial material is introduced, and the final product is removed. The wider base has many perforations called tuyères into which air is forced. The acid form of the process uses clay and silica to line the container, and does not remove phosphorous from the initial material, whereas the basic process uses dolomite, and does remove phosphorous. FTP name this process invented around 1862 that revolutionized the steel industry.

Answer:the Bessemer Process

4. This tissue, a form of connective tissue, comes in two varieties: white and brown, with the white form being prevalent in humans. It serves a number of functions, including the secretion of leptin, which inhibits hunger, and desensitizes liver tissue to the effects of insulin. FTP name this tissue in which the cells are filled with triglycerides which serves as a major store of energy.

Answer:Adipose tissue (Accept “fat tissue” condescendingly)

5. A naked man crouches in the bottom left hand corner holding a cross. He appears to be warding off a parade of animals with grossly elongated legs, with various items on their backs including a tower, an obelisk, and a nude woman clutching her breasts. Below the elephant, two figures appear to be battling one another in the distance. FTP name this 1946 painting by Salvador Dali.

Answer:The Temptation of St. Anthony

6. This skilled clothmaker had curious dressing habits: she wore an enormous hat, scarleted hose, spurs on her feet, and even a rug about her sizable posterior. She had five different husbands over the course of her lifetime, taking her first one at the young age of twelve. This character touts her sexual experience as authority to tell a story about a knight, whose punishment for raping a maiden is to either find out what women truly desire from their husbands and lovers or face execution. FTP, name this titular character of one of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.

Answer:The Wife of Bath

7. In the red corner: William de la Pole, earl of Suffolk; Edmund Beaufort, duke of Somerset, and the queen, Margaret of Anjou. Sometimes in the red corner and sometimes not: Richard Neville, earl of Warwick. Largely disinterested and unaffected: the middle and lower classes. In the white corner: Edward IV and Richard III. FTP name the series of struggles within the English nobility of the late 15th century, which were finally resolved by the rise of Henry Tudor.

Answer: the Wars of the Roses [singular “War” is OK]

8. Among the monsters slain by this hero were Periphetes, Sinis, Sciron, and Procrustes, who had been attacking travelers on the road between Troezene and Athens. He was instructed to travel that road to Athens to join his father Aegeus once he grew strong enough to lift a boulder off of his sword and sandals. He later became king of Athens after his father threw himself into the Aegean Sea. In his most famous exploit, he enlisted the help Ariadne, daughter of King Minos of Crete. For ten points, name this Athenian hero who killed the Minotaur and escaped the Labyrinth.


9. He studied art with Samuel Colman George Inness during the 1860’s, and by 1880, he had become the youngest member of the National Academy of Design. His most famous commission was for the loggia of the main entrance to the Laurelton Hall now exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum in New York. FTP name this champion of Art Nouveau famous for his stained glass lamp creations.

Answer:Louis C. Tiffany

10. Its name means "manly peak" and it was most likely used as a royal estate and religious retreat. One of the most significant things found there was a large stone column known as an intihuatana, which was used in a religious ritual as a symbolic hitching post for the sun, few of which survived the Spanish conquest. FTP, what is this city, located at an altitude of 8000 feet in the Andes mountains, which was rediscovered in 1911 by Hiram Bingham after being lost since the early 1500s?

Answer:Machu Picchu

11. Its popularity rose after the introduction of Cordura, a tire cord made from this material. Made by weaving together the nitrocellulose found in wood pulp, it was invented by Count Hillaire de Chardonnet in the 1880’s. Rising silk prices and the extreme demand for a high-quality fake silk prompted DuPont to open eight plants devoted exclusively to the production of this material in the 1920’s. FTP name this fiber, eight times more prevalent than silk in America at its heyday.


12. Codified at 18 United States Code section 1385, this act generally prohibits Federal military personnel and units of the United States National Guard under Federal authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within the United States, except where expressly authorized by the Constitution or Congress. Passed in 1878, it was intended to prohibit Federal troops from supervising elections in former Confederate states. Lending its name to a notorious white supremacist militia group, FTP, what is this act whose name translates from the Latin as “power of the country”?

Answer:Posse Comitatus Act

13. In 1991 he was awarded the inaugural Ig Nobel Prize for Peace for his “lifelong efforts to change the meaning of peace as we know it.” Among his proposals was “Project Chariot,” which would have created a deep-water harbor in Alaska by detonating underwater hydrogen bombs. With mathematician Stanislaw Ulam, in 1951 he devised a configuration ensuring that a fairly small fission explosion could trigger a much larger fusion reaction, thus earning him the nickname “Father of the H-Bomb.” FTP name this bombastic Hungarian-born nuclear physicist who died in 2003.

Answer:Edward Teller

14. Born in Sulmo in the first century BC, some of this man’s lesser known writings include a handbook on cosmetics and a book of fishing poems. Under the literary patronage of Messalla Corvinus, he composed a multitude of works including the Fasti, a treatise on the occurrences of the first six months of the Roman calendar, and the Amores, a collection of whimsical elegiac love poems. As a result of his Ars Amatoria and an “error” - most likely an affair with Augustus’ daughter Julia - he was exiled to Tomi on the Black Sea. For ten points, name this author of the most authoritative Roman mythological source, the Metamorphoses.

Answer:Publius Ovidius Naso

15. Sweet Sue and her Society Syncopaters are on their way to an engagement at the Seminole Ritz in Miami, Florida and happen to need a saxophone and bass player. Luckily for Sue, Josephine and Geraldine just happen to play those instruments and are available; unluckily for Sue, they are in reality Joe and Jerry, who are on the lam because they saw Spats Colombo gun down some rival gang members in a recreation of the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre. This briefly describes, FTP, the plot of what Billy Wilder classic, chosen the number one comedy of all time by the American Film Institute.

Answer:Some Like It Hot

16. The 14th child of a Methodist minister, his 1899 novel Active Service was based on his observations of the Greco-Turkish War while a war correspondent. He settled in Sussex, England in 1898 and befriended Joseph Conrad, Henry James, and H.G. Wells, but would die in 1900. His several posthumously published works include Wounds In The Rain and Whilomville Stories. FTP name this American author of the autobiographical short story “The Open Boat.”

Answer:Stephen Crane

17. They formed in a garage in Melbourne with Mark Wilson on bass, brothers Chris and Nic Cester on drums and guitar, respectively, and Cameron Muncey on guitar and lead vocals. In 2002 they self-released 1,000 copies of a vinyl-only EP, Dirty Sweet, which sold out in a hurry and got them record deals in the UK and the US, not to mention a gig opening for the Rolling Stones in Australia. FTP name this band, whose first full-length album, Get Born, features the hit “Are You Gonna Be My Girl?”


18. This metal has one of the longest liquid phases of any metal, and is therefore often used in high-temperature thermometers. It expands upon solidification, and its arsenide is used in LEDs. Essentially liquid at room temperature, it is produced in a relatively impure state as a by-product of the extraction of aluminum from bauxite. FTP name this group 13 metal with an atomic weight of 69.723, atomic number of 31, and the abbreviation Ga.


19. Born in Kiev, she immigrated to Milwaukee in 1906 and became a schoolteacher. She and her husband Morris moved to Palestine in 1921; in the mid-Thirties she assumed a political post within the Histadrut, a labor federation. Her government career saw her serve in a number of capacities, including minister of labor and minister of foreign affairs. FTP, name this political leader, the first and only female Prime Minister in Israel's history.

Answer: Golda Meir

20. They are sometimes known as cosmic figures, though that term sometimes also includes their concave equivalents, the Kepler-Poinsot solids. Euclid proved that there are exactly five of them in the last proposition of the Elements. Classically, they were associated with elements -- the tetrahedron with fire, the cube with earth, the octahedron with air, the icosahedron with water, and the dodecahedron with the stuff of which the constellations and heavens were made. FTP, what are these objects, named for the man who described these elemental associations in his Timaeus?

Answer:Platonic solids

21. Kublai Khan and Pope Celestine V were born. Toulouse came under control of Simon de Monfort in the Albigensian Crusade. Otto IV was deposed as King of Germany and Holy Roman Emperor. Beijing was captured by Mongols, beginning the Yuan dynasty. The Fourth Council of the Lateran was held. FTP, all these events happened in what year that saw, on June 15th, the signing of the Magna Carta?


22.Botulism toxin works by decreasing its effects, whereas nicotine increases its activity. The disease myasthenia gravis occurs when the body inappropriately produces antibodies against its receptors, thereby inhibiting its proper signal transmission. First identified by Henry Hallett Dale in 1914, this primary neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system in humans was the first neurotransmitter to be discovered. FTP points, name this compound, an ester of acetic acid and choline.


23.One of the most prolific writers of the Renaissance period, this poet, playwright, and novelist performed services as a spy in the city of Antwerp under Charles II and took up writing as a means of survival after returning to England and not receiving payment from the crown. During a formative period in her writing, she traveled to an English sugar colony and befriended an African prince who was eventually the basis and titular character of her last and most famous novel. FTP name the first professional woman writer in the English language, author of The Rover and Orinooko.

Answer:Aphra BehnBONI – TENNESSEECenter of the Known Universe Open 2004 -- UT-Chattanooga

1. For ten points each, identify the WWI battle.

1. German Gen. Helmuth von Moltke was halted before Paris and eventually driven back in this Sept. 1914 engagement.

Answer:First Battle of the Marne

2. A Russian army advancing into East Prussia was encircled and > defeated in this August 31 1914 battle.


3. This 1916 battle's first day saw the British army suffer nearly 60,000 casualties--the bloodiest day in British military history.

Answer:Battle of the Somme

2. In the "Thursday Next" series of Novels of British author Jasper Fforde, famous literary characters come to life and roam our world as well as the world of fiction. FTPE, identify these famous characters from British Literature that are also members of the "Jurisfiction" law enforcement agency. If you need the author that originally penned them, you'll get 5 pts.

a1) This character’s home county has been re-districted, so it is now known as the "Unitary Authority of Warrington Cat".

a2) Lewis Carroll

Answer: The Cheshire Cat

b1)This character, even though she still wears the tattered wedding gown that she had on when she was jilted at the altar, fights fiction infractions while taking care of her ward Estella.

b2) Charles Dickens

Answer: Miss Havisham

c1)This character takes anger management classes so he doesn't go off on his fellow jurisfiction agents, no wonder after the treatment he got from his adopted brother Hindley. Even though in his own novel he ends up dead at the end, in the world of jurisfiction, he still has a thing for his adopted sister Catherine.

c2) Emily Bronte

Answer:Heathcliff Earnshaw

3. FTPE, given a description of a granulocyte, name it.

a. These large, nonspecific phagocytic cells with lobular nuclei. have granules that stain with both acid and basic dyes.


These phagocytic granulocytes make up less than 3% of the total white cell population. They stain with acid dyes, and are responsible for attacking parasitic worms.


These non-phagocytic cells have granules that contain many inflammatory compounds. They play a major role in allergic responses. They stain with basic dyes.


4. Lots of fun to research this question...FTPE given a description of a liqueur, name it.

a. This Japanese liqueur has a characteristic melon flavor and green color. It is made by the Suntory Hermes company and is a primary ingredient in an Alligator.


b. This Italian liqueur with bottle shaped like a monk’s habit, was developed over 300 years ago in the Italian Piedmont. It is a primary ingredient in a Peanut Butter and Jelly Shot.


c. This German liqueur is made from 56 herbs and spices, and it purported to have been made in the 7th century. It is a primary ingredient in a Fire Engine.


5. FTPE, given a Middle Eastern country, name its capital.

a. Qatar


b. Bahrain


c. Oman


6. Biochemistry, anyone? For ten points, name the amino acid from a description of its side chain. Five points if the one-letter abbreviation is needed.

(10) A secondary propyl group.

(5) V.


(10) A propyl group attached to the alpha carbon and alpha amino groups in a ring structure.

(5) P.


(10) Two methylene groups with a primary amide at the end.

(5) Q.


7. FTPE name these very dead sculptors:

This sculptor’s Discobolos is a superb example of movement and curvature in portraying athletic prowess.

Answer: Myron

Regarded by many as the greatest Greek sculptor, whose masterpieces included the statue of Athena Parthenos and Zeus at Olympia?

Answer: Phideas

This sculptor’s works were considered the mortal equivalent to Phideas’ sculptures of divinities. His meticulously proportioned Doryphoros, or “Spear-bearer”, created the classical standard of the male nude.

Answer: Polyclitus

8. FTPE given a 20th century novel, name its female American author.

a. The Woman Warrior

Answer:Maxine Hong Kingston

b. Bastard Out of Carolina

Answer:Dorothy Allison

c. The Optimist's Daughter

Answer:Eudora Welty

9. Answer the following related questions from American history, FTSNP

a. (5) Passed in 1887, this act’s aim was to regulate surface transportation (initially railroads, later trucking), to ensure fair prices and regulate other aspects of the conduct of common carriers