Rebecca Cooper

Anne Schwelm

August 29, 2009

Info 511: Assignment 11

IPL Project


Question 1:

I am trying to find somewhere online that I can view the (Psychology Reader (2004). New York: Scientific American) it normally comes standard with the book "Psychology 9th Edition; David G. Myers". I bought the psychology book online and it didn’t come with it, but I need the psychology reader soon to finish a paper that is due soon any help would greatly appreciated.

Thank you

name: Ryan



location: Brussels Belgium

area: Psychology

reason: School

school: Yes

sources consulted: Just random sites from Google.

Hello Ryan

Greeting from the Internet Public Library! Thank you for your

question about the being able to view the (Psychology Reader

(2004). New York: Scientific American) it normally comes standard

with the book "Psychology 9th Edition; David G. Myers" I looked

at several sources to obtain and verify this information and here

are the results of that search.

To find more information on your book I searched the web and

found the publishers website: Worth Publishers

I clicked on Psychology, then Introductory Psychology, located

the text Psychology by David G. Myers, selected Media &

Supplements, and expanded Student Resources and Tools. Below is a

direct link to the final site.

This website indicated that the book you are looking for is

Scientific American Reader 3rd Edition Psychology, ISBN

a-4292-5143-3 or ISBN 13:978-1-429-25143-3

I was unable to find a copy that had would enable you to view the

book electronically. This could be due to that it is a text and

is copy write material.

So I looked for websites where you could obtain a copy of thetext.

One website that is very good besides Amazon to buy booksis

I typed David G. Myers in the Author box and Scientific American

Reader in the Title box. When I did this it also revealed a book

called Psychology Reader by David G. Myers ISBN 13: 9780716724162

or ISBN 10: 0716724162/ 0-7167-2416-2. The link provided below

has both texts listed.

The link is quite long and may break so here is a shorter one.

I also checked WorldCat to find out where you could obtain a copy

of the text at a library.

I clicked on the Advance Search option. I typed in Psychology

Reader in the Title box, and typed David G. Myers in the Author


It looks like the closest library to Brussels, Belgium is at US

Air Forces Europe, RAF Lakenheath that you can request for Inter

Library Loan (ILL) and have the text sent to you.

Sorry I couldn’t find an electronic version of the text but I

hope this information will be helpful to you. I enjoyed searching

for this text for you.

If you need further assistance, please write back to us.

Time:2 hours

Sources consulted and strategies: I knew going into this question that is was very unlikely that I would find this text online due to that it was published in 2004 so that it was protected under copy write laws. To make sure I checked to see if I could find any information on the text on the Internet without any luck. I then and went and checked the Library of Congress, Los Angles Public Library, New York Public Library, Online Books Page, and Online Book Catalog without success in finding the text online. The next thing for me to do was to go to WorldCat to see what libraries that was closest to Belgium that he might be able to inter library loan. The closest library was located in England on an Air Force Base.

Critique:I wish that I could have found an online version of the text but copy write really ties our hands on what can be printed online in full text. The most that can be found is exerts and that always makes me feel frustrated that I can’t have the full text online at my finger tips. I wish that I knew where to find more websites that offer online versions of books.

Question 2:

I have inherited a collection of miniature collectibles from my

mother. Many are Goebel by Robert Olszewski, considered "Special

Releases" most are Disney characters. I cannot find any

reference guides that will give me edition numbers, when made &

value now. Please help me find this info.

name: Janice Bonnay



location: Eastlake, OH 44095

area: Other

reason: For pricing of collectibles to sell

school: No

sources_consulted: Public Library, internet searches

Hello Janice

Greeting from the Internet Public Library! Thank you for your question your Goebel Miniature Collectibles by Robert Olszewski. I looked at several sources to obtain and verify this information and here are the results of that search.

To find more information on your collection I searched Google

I found the Olszewski: Studios website:

This website contains a lot of information about Olszewski’s work and all of his collections. It also provides list of everything he has done, when he produced the work, and how much it was sold for.

I also looked to see if there was a book that you could buy that listed Olszewski’s miniatures and a price guide. I found one on

I typed in Goebel by Robert Olszewski in the title box and found “The Goebel Miniatures of Robert Olszewski: An Authoritative Reference and Price Guide” ISBN 096229540X / 0-9622954-0-X. Below is a link of the search results:

The link is quite long and may break so here is a shorter one.

I also checked WorldCat to find out where you could obtain a copy of the book at a library.

I typed in The Goebel Miniatures of Robert Olszewski: An Authoritative Reference and Price Guide in the subject box. Below is a link to the results:

It looks like there are several libraries in OH that you can request for Inter Library Loan (ILL) and have the book sent to you.

I hope this information will be helpful to you. I enjoyed searching for information on your collection for you.

If you need further assistance, please write back to us.

Thank you for using the IPL!

Time:30 mins

Sources consulted and strategies: This question was actually quite easy to answer. I have come into this problem myself with trying to replace my Swarovski Crystal Collection that was stolen by the moving company when we left Germany. I had to find a price guide in order to file a claim with the moving company. So finding a price guide for the Goebel Collection was quite easy. Using WorldCat to find the guide provide instant results and listed a library that was in the same state that the recipient could use Inter Library Loan to be sent to the local library. Finding a copy on ABE books was also simple when I had a title of the guide. I was also lucky to find a very informative website that was put out by the company that made the collection and it provide lots of useful information.

Critique:I was very satisfied with this answer and I also receive a very satisfied response from the customer.

Question 3:

How big is Charleston, VA (or wherever it is that the University of Virginia is) and how fast is it growing/shrinking?

name: Jim



location: Benton, IL

area: Geography

reason: considering moving

school: No

sources_consulted: I havn't really looked yet.

Hello Jim

Greeting from the Internet Public Library! Thank you for your question the population of the city where University of Virginia. I looked at several sources to obtain and verify this information and here are the results of that search.

The city that located near the University of Virginia is Charlottesville, VA. To find information about Charlottesville I searched Google

I typed in Charlottesville, VA in the search box and found the City of Charlottesville’s official website

This website contains a lot of information about the city of Charlottesville. To answer your question about the population of Charlottesville it is estimated in 2007 to be 41,228. To find this information I selected the button About Charlottesville and then the option Community Profile, below is a direct link to the site:

The link is quite long and may break so here is a shorter one.

To verify this information it went to the US Census Bureau and they report the population in 2000 to be 40,088 to there is a small increase in the city’s growth. Below is the link to this information:

The link is quite long and may break so here is a shorter one.

Since you also showed interested in moving there to attend the University of Virginia I also search the for the official site for the University the link is below:

This site contains a lot of information about the school and also contains a link about the city of Charlottesville. To find this information I typed in Charlottesville into the search box and selected the Web button, I then found the Exploring the University of Virginia and Charlottesville. This site provides information about ratings from Forbes and Money Magazines, below is a link to that information:

I hope this information will be helpful to you. I enjoyed searching for information about the city of Charlottesville, VA for you.

If you need further assistance, please write back to us.

Thank you for using the IPL!

Time:1 Hour and 30 minutes

Sources consulted and strategies: I first had to find the correct name of the town that the University of Virginia was located because Charleston was not the correct location. From there I was able to find information on Charlottesville. I was able to find the official site on the City of Charlottesville that contained a lot of information about the city and its growth rate. I also verified the information on the US Census Bureau. I also searched for information on the University of Virginia because the recipient was also showed interested in attending.

Critique:I was trying to find another website that would contain information on Charlottesville besides the city official site but I was unable to find a site that I would recommended as being an authority source. Most of the sites were sponsored by business and in that sense was biases.

Question 4:

I like to know if the public libraries have books on notary

publics, I would like to take a course on line but at this time I

cannot purchase the book. I would like to read its contents

before I purchase it.

name: veronica



location: arleta, california

area: Education

reason: to educate me on how to become a notary public

school: No

sources_consulted: I searched the net , but I need to purchase.

Hello Veronica

Greeting from the Internet Public Library! Thank you for your question concerning locating books on public notary. I looked at several sources to obtain this information and below are the results of that search.

I used the Worldcat database to find information on the subject you request. The link to Worldcat is below:

In the search box I typed in: Notaries, California

I added California because you indicated that you were from Arleta, California. I found the following books that may be useful to you:

Title: The 2008 California Notary law primer: all the hard-to-find information every California Notary Public needs to know!

Author: National Notary Association (U.S.)

Publisher: Cathsworth, CA: National Notary Association, 2007

ISBN: 1597670421 9781597670425

Below is link to the direct citation:

Another book that may be of help to you is:

Title: California notary public : become a notary public : six hour home study course

Publisher: [Loma Linda, Calif.] :, [2005?]

ISBN: 0977392406 9780977392407

Below is link to the direct citation:

Here is another book that may be helpful to you:

Title: Preparing for the California notary public exam : the easy-to-follow handbook to help you get ready for and pass California's notary examination

Author: National Notary Association (U.S.)

Publisher: Chatsworth, CA : National Notary Association, 1998.

ISBN: 0933134991 9780933134997

Below is link to the direct citation:

Worldcat provides a list of libraries that have these books, but you can go to your local library and request Inter Library Loan (ILL) for these books to be sent to your local library for you to check out.

Worldcat also provides places where you can buy the books when you decide they are what you need.

Another website to buy books that offer very good prices is ABebooks

For the first book that was listed I just copied the title into the subject box: The 2008 California Notary law primer : all the hard-to-find information every California Notary Public needs to know! Below is a direct link to a bookstore that is selling the book used:

The link is quite long and may break so here is a shorter one.

For the second book ABebooks did not list anyone that was selling it, but Worldcat listed someone on Amazon that was selling it and you can click on the link provided.

For the third book that is listed above I copied the title into the search box: Preparing for the California notary public exam : the easy-to-follow handbook to help you get ready for and pass California's notary examination. Below is a direct link to a bookstore that is selling the book used:

The link is quite long and may break so here is a shorter one.

I hope this information will be helpful to you. I enjoyed searching for books on Public Notaries for California for you.

If you need further assistance, please write back to us.

Thank you for using the IPL!

Time:1 Hour

Sources consulted and strategies: Using Worldcat was very efficient in finding books that was geared directly towards achieving becoming a certified Public Notary of California. I was able to come up with a study guide and handbook. I also added information on to where the recipient could located used copies of these books should she decided they are what she was looking for in her pursuit of a new career.

Critique: I think this question was answered satisfactory and I was able to find very useful information in order for her to pursuit information to become a Public Notary.

Question 5:

What foods contain niacin? I think that niacin is also referred

to as vitamin B3.

name: Sarah



location: Narberth, PA

area: Health

reason: To follow doctor's orders to "eat more niacin."

school: No

sources_consulted: None.

Hello Sarah

Greeting from the Internet Public Library! Thank you for your question concerning what foods contain Niacin. I looked at several sources to obtain this information and below are the results of that search.

I used AltaVista to find information on the subject you request. The link to AltaVista is below:

In the search box I typed in: Niacin foods

I found the following Northwestern University website that may be useful to you:

The link is quite long and may break so here is a shorter one.

This website contains a Nutrition Fact Sheet on Niacin (vitamin B3). Inside the fact sheet the following is addressed: Physiological Functions, Factors Affecting Availability, Deficiency, Toxicity, Requirements, and Dietary Sources.

Within the section on Dietary Sources list the foods that have the highest content of Niacin. Of the top listed foods that contain Niacin are Beef Liver, Peanuts, Chicken, and Tuna.

Another website that may be of help to you is the Medline Plus website:

This website is takes you to the Medical Encyclopedia on Niacin. It gives you Illustrations,Alternative Names, Definition, Function, Food Sources, Side Effects, Recommendations, and References.

Under Food Sources it states that Niacin (also known as vitamin B3) is found in dairy products, poultry, fish, lean meats, nuts, and eggs. Legumes and enriched breads and cereals also supply some niacin.

I hope this information will be helpful to you. I enjoyed searching for foods that contain Niacin for you.

If you need further assistance, please write back to us.

Thank you for using the IPL!

Time:1 hour and 45 minutes

Sources consulted and strategies: The strategy that I used for this question was to find a medical source and a source from a University and it worked out that I was able to find one from each that pretty much contained the same information for the verification. Using AltaVista instead of Google I was able to weed out the pharmaceutical sources that were trying to sell their product to more authority sources.

Critique: This was actually an easy question to answer and I was able to actually provide an answer to the question that was asked. It was great to find a tangible answer and not guessing if I was providing information that may or may not be what the recipient wanted.

Question 6:

I am looking for the name of the facility manager at CargillCorporation

name: jane schwalbach

