Year 10 Work Experience- January 2018- by Mr. Ratcliffe

This term saw many of the Y10 students going on Work Experience. This is not always the case in many schools as the tendency is to only send Sixth Form on Work Experience. However, there are so many benefits to this type of programme that NTC give the boys an opportunity to use a five day ’window’ for experience in the workplace. The onus is on them to organise their placement, as well as completing all the required legal documentation. Below are the personal thoughts of some of the boys who took part:


For work experience I worked at Plumbase, in London. The shop was called PlumbaseLimehouse and I would wake up every morning at around 5:00am. I would end up leaving at around 5:30am and my Dad would take us to London. It would take about an hour to get there so, I would get to Plumbase at around 6:30am and, normally, I would start work at around 7:00. I would usually go into the warehouse and I would see if any empty boxes needed breaking up. I would make them as flat as they could go then I would take them out to the dustbin. After this, I would go and see what shelves needed stocking up and if there was a shelf empty I would go back into the warehouse and find the box/package that needed re-stocking. I would do this every day for the week up until I had my lunch break at 12:10 - 12:40.I learnt a lot from this experience and it made me realise that working is a lot harder than it is and there is a lot more work/effort involved. On a lighter note, I have discovered that I do not like coffee!


I did my work experience at Cleves Primary School in Newham where I worked with children with disabilities. During the week, I learnt about different ways the children learn and helped in any way I could. When I arrived at 9 in the morning I helped take the children to their lessons and sat with them and helped with their work.

I mostly worked with children with life limiting conditions, however, I also worked with students who had autism. During these five days, I learnt many valuable skills, for example, how the ventilator machine worked and I learnt what techniques are used to keep the children interested in what they were learning.

The school they had many specialised facilities such as the sensory room, a room in which there were different textures and sensory equipment designed to stimulate the children who either cannot see or have limited senses. The main leader sab noted down their behaviour and showed what progress they had made. I found the experience very interesting.


For my work experience, I worked with the Police. During this week, I learnt about public order, what happens and how to deal with it.

On the first day, I participated in a mock riot throughout the night, as part of the mob. During this riot there were petrol bombs and wooden bricks being thrown to show what a riot was really like.

On the second and third day I was put in a police group and learnt how to hold a police shield, how to defend yourself from items being thrown at you (Petrol bombs etc.) and all the tactics used during a riot. Once we learnt these skills, another riot took place and I was an acting Policeman, therefore, I had petrol bombs and various other object thrown at me.

On the fourth day, I climbed down a massive tower. This was because the Police have special units that might be needed to get people down from high buildings. Also, I learnt how to kick down doors and what equipment is used for different types of doors.

On the fifth day I was part of the mob again, working with the police to create what a big riot would look like.


For my work experience, I went to Cecil Road Primary School. I was working with the PE department, teaching PE to all year groups. I worked from 08:45-15:30, Monday- Friday.

On Monday, I arrived at 8:30, and in the morning, we had Y6 and were teaching them Hockey. In the afternoon we had Y2 and we were practising our hand-eye coordination.

On Tuesday, I had the Y5 in the morning, and we played football. Then from 11:00-12:00 I had to do some paperwork. At 12:00 I had my lunch and at 13:00 I went outside and was on lunch duty. In the afternoon, we had to cover for a Y1 class.

On Wednesday, I went into school at 8:20, as their breakfast club was taking place so I helped out in that. This day was a little different, as the teacher who was supervising me, was on a course, so wasn’t in. This meant I was with Y3 the whole day.

On Thursday, I went into school the same time as Wednesday and we had Reception class in the morning and was doing the same as we did with the Y2’s. In the afternoon I played Basketball with the Y4’s.

And finally, on Friday, I was in school the same time as Wednesday and Thursday. In the morning, I had Y6 again and played Football. In the afternoon I had Y5 and did Hockey with them.

Overall, work experience helped me a lot by making me more confident through talking more to people. Also, it showed me that it isn’t just about doing PE in Primary Schools, but you have to do lots of other things as well.


For my work experience I went to Flipout, a trampoline park in Chatham. I worked from 10am to 2pm.

On Monday, the trampoline park was closed so I helped clean and make sure everything was ready for customers the next day. I started off cleaning the kitchen and then started to empty the foam pit and clean that out.

On Tuesday, I helped to Marshall in the trampoline park all day.

On Wednesday, I helped to Marshall until 12:00 and then after my break I cleared a storage unit.

On Thursday, I helped to Marshall for the day again.

On Friday, I started off on the front desk helping people book there sessions. After that I went back to marshalling.

This experience helped me a lot because before I went, I wasn’t very confident talking to people, now through this experience, my confidence grew as I had to talk to a lot of people.