Dear 7th Grade Athletes & Parents,

Starting Monday, November 11th, the 7th grade athletes will begin basketball practices/tryouts. Each girl has the choice of playing basketball or being in off-season. Off-season will consist of cross-country running, basketball drills/games on the blacktop, soccer, weight training, aerobics, and other conditioning/games (all done outside, in the weight room, or hallway due to gym space). In addition, the cross-country season will begin on Tuesday, November 12th and will run concurrently with the basketball season for 4 weeks. Please discuss your child’s wishes on the matter.

We presently have over 70 girls in the athletic program, most of which will want to play basketball. Due to this large number, not every girl that wishes to play basketball will be on a competing team. We try to carry 28-32 girls on the “A”, “B”, and “Maroon/White (C Team)” teams. Competing Lady Wildcat basketball teams will be posted on Friday,November 16th. If your daughter is not chosen to be on one of the competing teams and wants to improve her basketball skills, she will be given the opportunity to practice from 7:00-8:00 a.m. along with the competing teams. This time is used for basic skill development like dribbling, passing, shooting, etc.. This is not required nor expected but is available for those girls that desire to play high school basketball. At 8:15 a.m. the girls not on a competing team will report with the off-season girls until 9:00 a.m. This time frame (8:00 – 9:00) is used for offense/defense team play. If your daughter does not wish to “practice only”, they do not report until 8:15 for off-season. Since we share the gyms with the boys during the basketball season, we are unable to offer “developmental squads” like we did during the volleyball season.

Practices will begin at 7:00 am on November 11th. The locker rooms will open at 6:45 a.m. giving them 15 minutes to get on the floor and stretch. Please make arrangements for you daughter to be at practice on time. It is imperative for each girl to be on time!! Once the teams are set, a practice and game schedule will be sent home (FYI – games for 7th grade are on Mondays & 1 Tuesday!). The off-season girls will not begin workouts until 8:15. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us @ 817-547-5251 or 817-547-5253.


Amanda Brooks (A-team)

Stephanie Catoe (B-team)

Hillary Friday (Cross Country/Off-season)