Summary of July 11, 2005Staff Senate Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 2:30 PM.

Approval of June Minutes: Approved without changes.

Chair’s Report – Bill Forman

  • PTO Policy – The policy has been in process with the HRAC and got out to staff before it got to SPR. Julien Carter will address later in the meeting.
  • Board of Trustees Retreat in Frankfort- The Trustees heard from Governor Fletcher and Tom Layzell, President of the CPE. The Governor spoke of the arena and healthcare. Bill was amazed that Kentucky insures 25% of the population of the state as employees, or as Medicare or Medicaid patients. Dr. Layzell fielded questions about University funding based on benchmark institutions and the issue that some did not like our benchmark choices. He also discussed U of L’s mission. Dr. Willihnganz discussed the improvements U of L has made in student base, ACT scores, etc. In 1998, there were 281 Honors students…in 2005, there are over 1600. Retention and graduation rates are improving. A retention management center has been set up. The CareerResourceCenter is to be reopened as a hub with spokes running to the different colleges.
  • Partnership for Prescription Assistance – Bill had the brochure which is also on Docushare. He called and was told that even if people have insurance, the Partnership can help. It is based on a sliding fee scale with many determining factors. There are several programs available.
  • Staff Senate Retreat and Meeting – September 12th. At Shelby Campus in the Founder’s UnionBuilding. 9 – 4:30 It can tend to be cold, so bring a sweater.
  • Chair will present the 30 Years of Making a Difference PowerPoint later in the meeting.

Faculty Senate Representative- Dr. Bob Staat.

  • The Faculty Senate had a productive meeting. The senate approved a proposal for the Institute for Democracy and Development, to be housed in political science.
  • The Senate also approved an integrated five-year B.S./M.Eng. degree in bioengineering at the J.B.SpeedSchool of Engineering. It will impinge a bit on Biology and Chemistry, but both departments have pledged their cooperation.
  • President Ramsey reported that revenues were up $150 – 200 million above projections, but expenditures were also up about $200 million. There is also a $3 million shortfall at the MedicalSchool, primarily from Medicaid funds. The City budgeted $8.7 million but only gave $7 million for indigent care. Dr. Ramsey also reported that politics are not productive…the gaming issue is not likely to go anywhere.
  • CPE – has tried to redefine the public agenda based on 5 questions. U of L was given new mission parameters and boxed into only 5 counties. The Faculty Senate passed a resolution which was accepted by CPE. The people at U of L got behind our leaders and pushed back and retained our statewide mission. With respect to Benchmarks, UK objected to UNC, UCLA and three other schools which besides being metropolitan schools, are also flagship schools in their states. U of L is accomplishing things here and UK does not want us to have flagship benchmarks!
  • Scorecard – U of L received $65 million in giving for the past year when the goal was only $47 million. We will be entering a capital campaign in 2008. Last year the University received $96 million in grant money.
  • Arena – while the campus is an attractive site, we’ll play basketball anywhere!
  • There was a question about contracts. From U of L Today “The senate also considered and approved a request from a medical school constituent for the senate to investigate the amount of time it takes for a research contract to pass through the Office of Contracts. Health sciences faculty are concerned that they are losing research opportunities because the process takes too long. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee will look into the claim.”

Associate Vice President of Human Resources- Julien Carter

  • There are many things going on. HR is about to wrap up the Health Insurance and Pharmacy RFP. There is an HR Advisory Committee Meeting this Thursday.
  • The Voluntary Benefits RFPs for Long Term Care, Vision, Home and Auto Insurance, Dental and Group Life should come before the HRAC in August. The Salary RFP group has been conducting interviews with companies and should have a recommendation soon. Then HR can get funding and launch the ongoing software to monitor salaries and paylines instead of having studies every few years.
  • Implemented Master Administrator on July 8th – Staff can go on-line and allocate deductions from paychecks. Everything is done in percentages.
  • Employment verification is also on live. There should be no charge for this to employees.
  • Draft PTO Policy – The intent of the draft policy is not to cut any benefits; it is intended to increase flexibility. Staff Policy Review (SPR) still needs to review and comment on the policy. Given that the average age of Staff is 47, we know people struggle with family stresses. This policy should provide flexibility to use in a way that meets the employee’s needs. Wording suggestions or ideas to make things clearer are welcome. Please make them to the HRAC Members and Julien. There were a number of questions addressed and a number of comments from Senators and Visitors present in the room.
  • Questions??
  • Life Insurance is still available via payroll deduction.
  • A new Dental Insurance will not affect the programs at the DentalSchool.
  • Home and Auto insurance via payroll deduction should become available soon.
  • Health Insurance Waiver participants and the Campus Health Initiative – HR and HRAC are looking at strategies to include waiver participants, but there is a cost associated with the CHI.
  • PTO and Shared Leave – if it is more flexible, will people stop donating for shared leave? In theory, they should not.

Student Senate Representative – Sowmya Srinivasan

  • SGA Leaders are back from China. There is a retreat coming in August
  • Recycling projects are increasing.
  • SGA is looking at ways to improve and develop the Health Fee and Athletic Fee.
  • Homecoming – they are planning activities.
  • Trip to USF for football game after the Block Party.
  • DVDs are available for checkout by students, faculty and staff with a Cardinal Card. They are also working on a discount list of businesses which provide discounts to Cardinal Card users.
  • Higher Education Project – SGA is working with Ann Northup to make student loans more affordable
  • Questions?? Contact Sowmya at

Chair Forman made his PowerPoint presentation

The Officers will have Listening and concerns sessions with Staff approximately every other month. 4 times on Belknap and twice on HSC. The first session is scheduled for July 26 on Belknap. More to come.

Vice President for Business Affairs - Larry Owsley

  • Welcome to new and returning Senators! Today is mainly a Q&A Session:
  • What is going on on Fourth Street? There is a new Dorm being built which will increase housing on campus and add meeting rooms and space for Greek organizations.
  • What will the new Baxter construction do to handicapped parking for DentalSchool patients? Mr. Owsley will check on that.
  • What is going to be housed in the old Home of the Innocent’s Building? The new School of Public Health will be housed there possibly along with some collaboration with the Health Department.
  • Why has the Crawford Pool closed down to everyone but the teams and when will the Natatorium open? The Natatorium will open in September, and he’ll check on why Crawford is closed to staff and faculty.
  • Is Carmichael Hall still going to be torn down? People keep needing space there, but it is slated for demolition at some point.
  • Will Crawford Gym be torn down? It is there for now. Long-range…U of L has to update the Facilities Master Plan.
  • Eastern Parkway Study? 1200 people responded to the survey and there are some promising options. There was interesting in eliminating the Third and Eastern Parkway northbound right turn onto Eastern Pkwy. Install a medial with trees and lights which creates a barrier and defined crossing sites.
  • Is there going to be parking for dropping something off at the Controllers office? There is a 15 minute parking spot adjacent to Crawford Gym.

Standing Committee Business – Reports should be available on Docushare

Executive Committee – Bill Forman

No report

Credentials & Nominations – Loren Beard

Welcome to new and experienced Senators!!

  • At Large assignments: The 2005-07 seats will be filled by
  • Valerie Browning - the President’s Office
  • Nanette Dix -Medicine
  • Kent Gardner -Medicine
  • Martha Parry -Medicine
  • Wanda Taylor - CBPA
  • Susan Walker -Medicine
  • 2005-06 seats will be filled by
  • Ruby Backert -Medicine
  • Marry Cross - Medicine

C&M recommended Jim Runyon as the Staff Senate representative on the EAP Committee.

The motion passed unanimously.

A question had been raised about posting election results on the listserve. All votes were counted and verified by C&N and the Parliamentarian. If someone requests to see the results, they are available in the Staff Senate office for three years after the election. Appointments to view results may be made with Robin.

Finance and Economic Welfare – Ruby Backert

No Report – Did not meet.

Plans and Policies – Beverly Daly

No Report – Did not meet.

Services and Facilities – Angela Lewis-Klein

No Report – Did not meet.

Staff Grievance – Teresa Yates

No Report – Did not meet.

Staff Policy Review – Bridget Burke

No Report – Did not meet.

University-wide Committees

Staff Senators are reminded to forward all reports for Standing Committees and University-wide Committees to the Staff Senate Secretary/Treasurer for inclusion on the Docushare site.

Report of the Ad Hoc Committee – John Ralston

Absent legislation from the state legislature or an executive order from the Governor enabling collective bargaining, there would be little gained byorganizing a union at U of L. Although employees are always free to associate with whom they choose--to include organizing--because a union and the university cannot engage in collective bargaining a union would have little other purpose.

Other Business

Having no other business, the meeting adjourned at 4:20 PM

Staff Senate Officers for 2004-05

Chair – Bill Forman 852-0996

Vice Chair – Bev Daly 852-8360

Sec/Treas. – Brent Fryrear 852-2956

Senate Office - Robin Emond-Durham – 852-6713


Staff Senate Collection onDocushare: