Department of Anthropology and Sociology28 College Avenue
Hobart and William Smith CollegesGeneva, New York14456-3104USA
Geneva, New York14456USAFax: 315-781-2297
Telephone: 315-781-3439Telephone: 315-789-0438
Email: mail:
Professor of Sociology (with tenure), Hobart and WilliamSmithColleges, 1974 - Present
B.A. - TulaneUniversity, 1970; M.A., Ph.D. - University of Pennsylvania, 1979
Sociology: Introduction to Sociology; Sociology of Business and Management; Sociology of Community; Social Deviance; Sociology of Vietnam; Classical Sociological Theory; Modern Social Theory; Sociology and Existentialism; Sociology of Minorities; Psychoanalysis and Sociology; Society and Technology; Totalitarianism; Senior Research Practicum
Bi-Disciplinary Courses: Men’s Studies: Men and Masculinity; Voyages and Expeditions; The Grotesque: Literature and Life; Existentialism: Sociology and Philosophy
General Curriculum Courses: Mosaic: Knowing and Being; Mechanical Bride: Computers and the Liberal Arts; Ways of Knowing: Science, Social Science, and Humanities
Independent Study Work with Students: Sponsor and Supervisor, Boston Fidelity and RCW-Mirus Internships (5); Geneva Business Improvement District (1); Honors (7); Independent Studies(57)
Coordinator, “American Commitments” Program, Hobart and WilliamSmithColleges
Interdisciplinary Committee Memberships, Hobart and WilliamSmithColleges:
- Africana Studies Program Committee
- American Studies Program Committee
- Asian Languages and Culture Program
- International Studies Program Committee
- Men’s Studies Program Committee, Coordinator
- Public Policy Program Committee
- Public Service Program Committee, Director
- Women’s Studies Program Committee
Founding Member, The FisherCenter for the Study of Women and Men
Past President - New YorkState Sociological Association, 1986, 1995
Co-Director: Men and Masculinity Symposium
Co-Director: Faculty Summer Gender Workshop (Summers, 1989, 1990)
Past Chair, Dept. of Anthropology and Sociology, Hobart and WilliamSmithColleges
Professor, Elderhostel Program, HWS
Coordinator and Leader, Faculty Development Study Tour, Vietnam (Winter 2001, 2002)
Core Director, World Regional Geography, Semester at Sea (Fall, 1999)
Presenter and Respondent, International Conference on Vietnamese Studies, Hanoi, Vietnam (July 1998)
Director, Vietnam Term Abroad Program, Hobart and WilliamSmithColleges (Dec. 1996-March 1997)
CIEE Summer Seminar in Vietnam, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (Summer, 1996)
Director - London Term Abroad Program (Fall, 1981, Fall, 1986, Fall, 1995)
Professor of Sociology, Semester at Sea (Fall, 1994)
Technos Tour, May, 1993)
“Learning and Mentoring Program (LAMP),” New York State Department of Education Learn and Serve Grant to promulgate and research community-based service learning (2002)
Survey of Vietnamese Men - Collaboration with Dr. Le Thi Quy, National Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities – Center for Family and Women’s Studies, Hanoi, Vietnam
Domestic Violence in Vietnam – Collaboration with the Center for Poverty Reduction, Social Science and Humanities University, Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Strategic Management and Technology Issues in Municipal Government
Review of Gao Rang (Grilled Rice) and World Beneath the War, News and Reviews, Asian Educational Media Service, Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies, University of Illinois (forthcoming)
Computer Systems Procurement Handbook for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses: A Practical Guide to Computer and Systems Planning, Procurement, Negotiations, Contracts, Contract Planning, and Implementation, (with B. Strock), RensselaervilleTrainingCenter (forthcoming)
“American Manhood: Dreams and Distortions ” (translated into Vietnamese for forthcoming publication), 2002
“Transforming Information Services: New Roles, New Strategies,” (with J. Jacobstein and B. Strock) IQ Service Report, ICMA (InternationalCity and CountyManagers Association), Spring, 2001.
“Embezzlement, a Real Cause for Concern,” (with F. Bartz and B. Strock) PM-Public Management, Volume 82, Number 10, 2000.
“Incorporating Men into Vietnamese Gender Studies,” Vietnam Social Sciences, Volume 5 (67), 1998, National Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities, Hanoi, Vietnam
The Municipal Computer Systems Handbook: A Practical Guide to Computer Planning, Negotiations, Contracts, Contract Planning and Implementation, 5thEdition, with Barry Strock, Rensselaerville Training Center, 1997-2002
“Teaching Sociology as a Moral Discipline" (with J. Spates), in Quarterly Journal of Ideology, Volume 9, Number 4, 1985.
In Wright, Ideology and Controversy in the Classroom, American Sociological Assn.TeachingResourceCenter, "Teaching Sociology as a Moral Discipline" (1983).
Invited Participant, National Campus Compact Summit (Fall, 2002)
Participant and Roundtable Discussant, “Community-Based Service Learning,” Diversity and Learning Conference, AAC&U (Fall, 2002)
Workshop, “Strategic Business Planning,” City of Tuscaloosa, Alabama (August, 2002)
Invited Participant, “For the Common Good: Liberal Arts and Civic Engagement,” OberlinCollege (June 2002)
“Reflective Writing and Family Literacy,” New YorkState Even Start Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY (May 2002)
Organizer, “Vietnam: Transition and Transformation” Symposium, Hobart and WilliamSmithColleges (February, 2002)
“ The Web of Writing,” National Even Start Conference, San Diego, CA (October, 2001)
“How to Evaluate Information Technology,” American Records Management Association-Albany (June 2001)
“Defensive Procurement,” International Conference-Government Management Information Sciences, Niagara Falls, NY (June 2001)
Organizer, “Ho Chi Minh,” with William Duiker, Author and David Thomas, Printmaker, Hobart and WilliamSmithColleges (February, 2001)
“What Information Technology Should Be Doing For Your Municipality: A Model for Assessment and Change,” Annual Conference, New YorkStateCounty and City Managers Association, Saratoga Springs, NY (May, 2000)
“Assessing and Measuring the Success of Information Technology,” Workshop for Maine Municipal Association Conference on Technology in Local Government, Lewiston, ME (June, 1999)
“America and Japan,” JapanCenter for Michigan Universities, Hikone, Japan (Fall, 1999).
“Incorporating Men into Vietnamese Gender Studies,” International Conference on Vietnamese Studies, Hanoi, Vietnam (July 1998)
“Directed Field Research in Vietnam: Hazards and Opportunities,” NAFSA 50th Anniversary National Conference, WashingtonD.C. (1998)
“New Opportunities for Off-Campus Study in Vietnam,” Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) Conference on Global Citizenship, Boston, MA (1998)
“Reunification and Harmony in Vietnam,” HWS Summer Seminar on International Study (1998)
“Community Service and Service Learning,” American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) National Conference on Service Learning, Miami, FL (1998)
“Diversity and Community Service,” Ford Foundation Conference on Diversity, Boston, MA(1998)
“American Commitments and Diversity at HWS," AAC&U Conference on Diversity, Seattle, WA (1998)
“Managing Change, Changing Management," City of Milwaukee, WI (1998)
“Supervising Student Independent Field Projects in Vietnam,” NAFSAN.Y. Regional Conference (1997)
“Gender Diversity in the Workplace” Workshop for Harvard University Diversity Group, Boston, MA (1995)
President, Harris Consulting Associates
Local Evaluator, Even Start Program, New York State Department of Education Program (2001-present)
Evaluator, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Grant -- Geneva Housing Authority Public Housing Drug Elimination Program, Geneva, New York (1997-2002)
Consultant, Board of Cooperative Extension (BOCES), Internet Acceptable Use Policy (1997-1998)
National Director, Barry Strock Consulting Associates, Inc.
Municipal Program and Performance Assessments
Strategic Business and Technology Plan – Tuscaloosa, Alabama (2001-02)
Public Safety Assessment and Technology Plan – BurkeCounty, North Carolina (2001-02)
Strategic Technology Plan – Crawford County, Pennsylvania (1999-2002)
Strategic Technology Implementation -- Falls Church, Virginia (1999-2002)
Implementation of Strategic Technology Plan – City of Elmira, New York (1998-2002)
Strategic Technology Plan; GIS Needs Assessment – Troy, New York (1998-2002)
Implementation of Customer Service Using Information Technology -- Water Works, City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin (2001)
Competitive Assessment – St. Paul, Minnesota Water Department, St. Paul, Minnesota (1999)
Technology Implementation Plan, Mary Cariola Children’s Center, Rochester, New York (1998)
Strategic Management Planning and Needs Assessments for public and private sector including Watertown, New York; Auburn, New York; Planned Parenthood Broome County, Binghamton, New York; Crawford County, Pennsylvania; South Portland, Maine; Volusia County, Florida; Falls Church, Virginia; Lee Spring Company, Bronx, New York; Howard’s Express, Inc. – Geneva, NY
Project Management
Project Implementation, BurkeCounty Public Safety System (2002)
Project Implementation, Falls Church Public Safety System (2002)
Project Implementation, Crawford CountyFinance and Assessment System (2001)
Project Implementation, Falls Church Assessment and IS Outsourcing (2001)
Project Manager, City of Troy, NY Tax Billing (December, 2000)
- Chair-Elect, Committee on the Faculty (2002 – present)
- Committee on Global Education (2002- )
- Committee on Salary and Compensation (2002 - )
- Presiding Officer of the Faculty (2000-2002)
- Chair, Off-Campus Program Internal Review (2002)
- Provost’s Advisory Committee (2001-2002)
- Off-Campus Program Committee (1998-1999, 2000-2001)
- Committee on the Faculty (1989-1990)
- Chair, Committee on Academic Affairs (1980-1981, 1995-1998)
- President’s Budget Committee (1997-1998)
- ReadersCollege (1995-1996)
- Sub-Committee on Student Athletes (1995-1996)
- Sexual Harassment Grievance Committee (1999)
- President, HWS Chapter, American Association of University Professors (1998-present)
- CoAA Sub-Committee on Gender (1990-1991)
- Grievance Committee (1986-1987)
- Faculty Community Service Prize (1983)
- Faculty Commencement Speaker (May, 1982)
- Presenter, Admissions Open Houses, Trustee Scholar’s Weekend
- Faculty Luncheon Talk, “A Good Husband Does Not Give His Wife Sweets” (Spring, 2002)
- Finger LakesCommunity College Global Awareness Series: :More than a War: VietnamYesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (February, 2002)
- Expert Discussant, “Fathers and Fathering” WCNY Syracuse (November, 2001)
- HWS Alumni Weekend: “Why I am Still Here” (June, 2001)
- Orientation, Class of 2004, Hobart and WilliamSmithColleges: “More than Good Works” Fall, 2000)
- VietnamNationalUniversity, College of Foreign Languages: “American Contradictions” (2000)
- Hobart Charter Day: “Echoes on the Seneca” (reprinted as pamphlet) (Fall, 1999)
- Hobart Leader’s Program: “American Manhood: Dreams and Distortions” (1999)
- Faculty Luncheon Talk, “Gender in Vietnam” (Winter, 1998)
- Men’s Symposium, HobartCollege: “Hobart Men and Models of Masculinity” (1998)
- HWS Workshop: “Communication Skills and the Sociology of Difference” (1998)
- Rotary Club of Geneva: “Vietnam Today” (1998)
- Shrine Club of Geneva: “Voyage of Discovery: International Education Aboard Ship” (1996)
- English As A Second Language Program: “American Diversity” (1996)
- Inter-Fraternity Council: “Men and the Future of Fraternities” (1995)
- GenevaMiddle School: "Careers in Computing" (1994)
- League of Women Voters: "Alternatives to Incarceration" (1994)
- Black Student Coalition & Hillel: "What Blacks and Jews Ought to be Saying to Each Other" (1993)
- HWS Residence Hall Programs: "Males and Relationships" (1993)
- YatesCounty Arts Council: Computers, Arts and Art Organization Management" (1992)
- New YorkState Soil and Water Conservation Boards: "Computers and Office Automation" (1992)
- Iroquois Symposium, HWS: "The Iroquois: Struggle for Survival" (1992)
- YatesCounty Historical Society: “Danish Migration and Ethnic Survival" (1992)
- Organizer, "Thinking Computers: A Symposium on Artificial Intelligence" (1990)
- Community-based Service Learning work
- Executive Committee, We Care Committee of Geneva (1998-present)
- Celebrate Service, Celebrate Geneva: Day of Service (10 years as site leader)
- GenevaArk Lodge #33 Masons
- Scottish Rite - Valley of Rochester
- Order of the Mystic Shrine - DamascusTemple, Rochester
- Past Cub Master - Geneva Cub Scouts Pack 5
- Past Member - Board of Trustees, TempleBeth-El
- Past Secretary - Geneva Generals Youth Hockey
Born September 6, 1949, Miami, Florida
Health: Excellent
Married 1976 to Deborah Davis, 3 Children
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