PUBLICATIONS: Diana Lopez, Ph. D.


1.  Lopez, D.M., M.M. Sigel, A.R. Beasley, and L.S. Dietrich. Biochemical and morphologic studies of lymphocystis disease. Natl. Cancer Inst. Monograph 31:223-236 (1969).

2.  Lopez, D.M., M.M. Sigel, and P. Meyers. Blastogenic transformation assay for detection of immunologic reactivity to avian oncornaviruses. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 51:303-305 (1973).

3.  Lopez, D.M., M.M. Sigel, and J.C. Lee. Phylogenetic studies on T cells. I. Lymphocytes of the shark with differential response to phytohemagglutinin and Concanavalin A. Cellular Immunol. 10:287-293 (1974).

4.  Lopez, D.M., M.M. Sigel, and P. Meyers. Lymphocyte response to mammary tumor antigens free of mammary tumor virus in relation to clinical status. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. 52:289-292 (1974).

5.  Sigel, M.M., W. Lichter, and D.M. Lopez. In vitro methods to complement in vivo approaches utilizing combinations of chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Cancer Chemo. Rep. 4:109-114 (1974).

6.  Dorizzi, M., G. Ortiz-Muniz, D.M. Lopez, M.M. Sigel, and R.S. Epstein. Increase in the proportion of cells with the C'3 receptor in BALB/c mice bearing mammary tumors. Int. J. Cancer, 16:1015-1021 (1975).

7.  Lopez, D.M. and M.M. Sigel. Correlation of tumor growth and cell-mediated immune responses of mice bearing mammary tumors following surgical procedures. J. Reticulo. Soc., 18:305-312 (1975).

8.  Lichter, W., D.M. Lopez, L.L. Wellham and M.M. Sigel. Ecteinascidia turbinata extracts inhibit DNA synthesis in lymphocytes after mitogenic stimulation by lectins. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 150:475-478 (1975).

9.  Sigel, M.M., D.M. Lopez, and G. Ortiz-Muniz. In vitro immune responses to viral and tumor antigens in murine breast cancer. Cancer Res., 36:748-752 (1976).

10.  Lopez, D.M., G. Ortiz-Muniz, and M.M. Sigel. Macrophage migration inhibition and lymphocyte stimulation with mammary tumor virus associated antigens in Balb/c mice. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 151:225-230 (1976).

11.  Sigel, M.M., D.M. Lopez, and G. Ortiz-Muniz. Migration inhibition and blastogenic reactions with viral and tumor antigens in transplantable mammary tumor systems. Annals N.Y. Acad. Sci., 276:358-368 (1976).

12.  Epstein, R.S., D.M. Lopez, G. Ortiz-Muniz, and M.M. Sigel. Emergence of a subpopulation of lymphocytes bearing θ antigen and complement receptor during tumor growth. Int. J. Cancer, 18:458-461 (1976).

13.  Lopez, D.M. and M.M. Sigel. Tumor antigen extracts stimulate cytotoxicity against unrelated target cells. Int. J. Cancer 18:808-812 (1976).

14.  Lopez, D.M. and W. Voigt. Adenocarcinoma R-3327 of the Copenhagen rat as a suitable model for immunological studies of prostate cancer. Cancer Res., 37:2057-2061 (1977).

15.  Lopez, D.M., M.M. Sigel, and L. Herbert. Enhanced killer cell activities induced by progressive tumor growth. J. Reticulo. Soc., 22:437-443 (1977).

16.  Lopez, D.M., M.M. Sigel, G. Ortiz-Muniz, and W. Parks. Specificity and age of appearance of natural immunity to MTV antigens. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 158:23-27 (1978).

17.  Sigel, M.M., J.C. Lee, E.C. McKinney, and D.M. Lopez. Cellular immunity in fish as measured by lymphocyte stimulation. Marine Fisheries Rep, 40:6-11 (1978).

18.  Epstein, R.S., D.M. Lopez, and M.M. Sigel. Divergent appearance of complement receptors and Fc receptors on T cells in a murine mammary tumor system. Cell. Immunol., 40:154-163 (1978).

19.  Distasio, J.A., D.M. Lopcz, A. Ghaffar, M.M. Sigel, and M.A. Silverman. Mechanism of specifically induced non-specifically expressed cytotoxicity. J. Reticulo. Soc., 24:161-167 (1978).

20.  Epstein, R.S., D.M. Lopez, M.M. Sigel and G.D. Ross. Characteristics of complement receptor-bearing cells in the spleens of tumor-bearing mice. J. Immunol., 121:1524-1527 (1978).

21.  Voigt, W. and D.M. Lopez. Characterization of prostate carcinoma lines in the Copenhagen rat. Natl. Canccr Inst. Monogr. 49:269-273 (1978).

22.  Lozzio, B.B., D.M. Lopez, P. Coulson, and S.V. Lair. High incidence of mammary tumors in mice with inherited asplenia carriers for thc nude gene. Cancer Res., 39:1529-1533 (1979).

23.  Charyulu, V., M.M. Sigel, D.L. Durden and D.M. Lopez. Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) antigen(s) are present on B lymphocytes of BALB/c mice. Int. J. Cancer 24:385-393 (1979).

24.  Lopez, D.M., M.M. Sigel, and V.L. Charyulu. Kinetics of responses to tumor antigens and mouse mammary tumor virus in BALB/cCrgl and BALB/cfC3H mice. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 66:191-196 (1981).

25.  Lopez, D.M., V. Charyulu, and M.M. Sigel. Subset of spleen lymphocytes from BALB/cCrgl mice stimulated by mouse mammary tumor virus. Cancer Res., 41:813-818 (1981).

26.  Paul, R.D., A. Ghaffar, M.M. Sigel, V. Charyulu, and D.M. Lopez. Splenic alterations during mammary tumorigenesis: Diverse effects on different immune parameters. Anticancer Research 1:63-69 (1981).

27.  Lopez, D.M., W.P. Parks, M.A. Silverman, and J.A. Distasio. Lymphoproliferative responses to mouse mammary tumor virus in lymphocyte subsets of breast cancer patients. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 67:353-358 (1981).

28.  Distasio, J.A., D.A. Cheresh, R.J. Schilder, C.L. Vogel, M.A. Silverman, and D.M. Lopez. Maximizing differences in the Concanavalin A-induced blastogenic responses of lymphocytes from breast cancer patients and controls by the use of α-methyl-D-mannoside. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 68:69-74 (1982).

29.  Lopez, D.M., M.M. Sigel, and J. Schlom. Detection of type specific antigenic determinants of murine mammary tumor viruses with cell mediated immune assays. Proc. Soc. Exptl. Biol. Med., 169:144-148 (1982).

30.  Cheresh, D.S., J.A. Distasio, C.L. Vogel, and D.M. Lopez. Mitogen-induced blastogenesis and receptor mobility inhibition by breast cancer serum with elevated orosomucoid (α1-acid glycoprotein) levels. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 68:779-783 (1982).

31.  Buessow, S.C., K. Caldwell, M.A. Fletcher, and D.M. Lopez. Purified membrane fractions from mammary tumor cells elicit biological reactivity in in vitro cell-mediated immune reactions. Eur. J. Cancer Clin. Oncol., 18:595-604 (1982).

32.  Lopez, D.M., R.D. Paul, A.U. Gadgil, and W. Lichter. Functionally sensitive and resistant populations of lymphoid cells from normal and mammary tumor bearing mice following treatment with cyclophosphamide. Anticancer Res., 2:227-234 (1982).

33.  Lopez, D.M. and R.D. Paul. Analysis of lymphoid cells responding to virus- and tumor- associated antigens in spleens of syngeneic mouse mammary tumor systems with low and high oncogenic potentials. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 69:1403-1410 (1982).

34.  Lopez, P.F., W.P. Parks, and D.M. Lopez. Antigenic determinants in a virus-induced mouse mammary tumor recognized by cell-mediated immune assays. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 72:725-732 (1984).

35.  Buessow, S.C., R.D. Paul, A.M. Miller and D.M. Lopez. Lymphoreticular cells isolated by centrifugal elutriation from a mammary adenocarcinoma. I. Characterization of an in situ lymphocyte suppressor population by surface markers and functional reactivity. Int. J. Cancer, 33:79-85 (1984).

36.  Paul, R.D., R. Padmanabhan, and D.M. Lopez. Characterization of the effector cells mediating an "innocent bystander" cytotoxicity reaction induced by a syngeneic mammary adenocarcinoma in mice. Cancer Res., 44:4480-4486 (1984).

37.  Buessow, S.C., R.D. Paul, and D.M. Lopez. Influence of mammary tumor progression on phenotype and function of spleen and in situ lymphocytes in mice. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 73:249-255 (1984).

38.  Lopez, D.M. Humoral and cellular immune responses to mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) in experimental animal models. Anticancer Res., 4:305-312 (1984).

39.  Balazovich, K.J., D.M. Lopez, and L.Y.W. Bourguignon. The involvement of the cytoskeleton during antibody-depedent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Cell Biology Int. Reports 8:923-938 (1984).

40.  Lopez, D.M., V. Charyulu, and R.D. Paul. B Cell Subsets in Spleens of Balb/c Mice: Identification and isolation of MMTV-expressing and MMTV-responding subpopulations. J. Immunol., 134:603-607 (1985).

41.  Lopez, D.M., R.J. Pauley, and B.B. Lozzio. Interaction of heterozygous nude gene with the asplenia trait in mammary tumorigenesis. J. Exp. Med., 161:629-634 (1985).

42.  Lopez, D.M., P.F. Lopez, W.P. Parks, and R.D. Paul. Dependence of initiation of an innocent bystander cytotoxicity reaction on the association of viral antigens and tumor cell membranes in mice. J. Natl. Cancer Inst., 76:923-931 (1986).

43.  Paul, R.D. and D.M. Lopez. Induction of Ainnocent bystander@ cytotoxicity in nonimmune mice by adoptive transfer of L3T4+ Lyt 1+,2+ mammary tumor immune T-cells. Cancer Res. 47:1105-1110 (1987).

44.  Padmanabhan, R.R., R.D. Paul, G.A. Watson, and D.M. Lopez. Emergence of a B lymphocyte population with ADCC effector function in mammary tumor bearing mice. J. Leuk. Biol. 43:509-519 (1988).

45.  Lopez, D.M., B.B. Blomberg, R.R. Padmanabhan, and L.Y.W. Bourguignon. Nuclear disintegration of target cells by killer B lymphocytes from tumor bearing mice. FASEB Journal 3:37-43 (1989).

46.  Fu, Y-X., N. Altman, and D.M. Lopez. Thymic atrophy induced by murine mammary adenocarcinoma in vivo. In Vivo 3:1-6 (1989).

47.  Fu, Y-X., R.D. Paul, Y. Wang, and D.M. Lopez. Thymic involution and thymocyte phenotypic alterations induced by murine mammary adenocarcinomas. J. Immunol. 143:4300-4307 (1989).

48.  Fu, Y-X., G. Watson, J.J. Jimenez, Y. Wang, and D.M. Lopez. Expansion of immunoregulatory macrophages by granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor derived from a murine mammary tumor. Cancer Res. 50:227-234 (1990).

49.  Watson, G.A., Y-X. Fu, and D.M. Lopez. Splenic macrophages from tumor bearing mice co-expressing MAC-1 and MAC-2 antigens exert immunoregulatory functions via two distinct mechanisms. J. Leuk. Biol. 49:126-138 (1991).

50.  Pauley, R.J. and D.M. Lopez. Expression of endogenous Mtv provirus transcripts in BALB/c splenic lymphocytes. Proc. Soc. Ex. Biol. Med. 196:316-320 (1991).

51.  Lopez, D.M., M. Lopez-Cepero, G.A. Watson, A. Ganju, E. Sotomayor, and Fu Y-X. Modulation of the immune system by mammary tumor-derived factors. Cancer Invest. 9:643-653 (1991).

52.  Fu, Y-X., G.A. Watson, M. Kasahara, and D.M. Lopez. The role of tumor-derived cytokines on the immune system of mice bearing a mammary adenocarcinoma. I. Induction of regulatory macrophages in normal mice by the in vivo administration of rGM-CSF. J. Immunol. 146:783-789 (1991).

53.  Sotomayor, E.M., Y-X. Fu, M. Lopez-Cepero, L. Herbert, J.J. Jimenez, C. Albarracin, and D.M. Lopez. Role of tumor derived cytokines on the immune system of mice bearing a mammary adenocarcinoma. II. Down-regulation of macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity by tumor derived granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor. J. Immunol. 147:2816-2823 (1991).

54.  Fu, Y-X., J.P. Cai, Y.H. Chin, G.A. Watson, and D.M. Lopez. Regulation of leukocyte binding to endothelial tissues by tumor-derived GM-CSF. Int. J. Cancer 50:585-588 (1992).

55.  Lopez, D.M. Modifications of antitumor defenses by tumor derived factors and by superantigens. Medicina (B.A.) 52:539-548 (1992).

56.  Sotomayor, E.M., K. Rao, D.M. Lopez, and A. Liepins. Enhancement of macrophage tumoricidal activity by the alkaloid derivative Ukrain. In vitro and in vivo studies. Drugs Exptl. Clin. Res. 18:5-11 (1992).

57.  Rivera, L.M. and D.M. Lopez. NK cells from mammary tumor bearing mice do not exert natural killer activity but function as antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity effectors. Anticancer Research 13:177-184 (1993).

58.  Sotomayor, E.M., X.F. Cheng, Y-X. Fu, A. Hawkins, C. Calderon-Higginson, and D.M. Lopez. Impaired activation of tumoricidal function in macrophages from mammary tumor bearers: The role of IFN-γ. International J. Oncology, 3:719-727 (1993).

59.  Dewanjee, M.K., A.K. Ghafouripour, M. Kapadvanjwala, E.L. Oates, A. Krishan, D.M. Lopez, A.N. Serafini, and G.N. Sfakianakis. Radiolabel antisense oligodeoxynucleotides: In vitro and in vivo applications. J. Clin. Immunoassays 16:276-289 (1993).

60.  Lopez-Cepero, M., J.A. Garcia-Sanz, L. Herbert, R. Riley, M.E. Handel, E.R. Podack, and D.M. Lopez. Soluble and membrane bound TNF-α are involved in the cytotoxic activity of B cells from tumor bearing mice against tumor targets. J. Immunol. 152:3333-3341 (1994).

61.  Dewanjee, M.K., A.K. Ghafouripour, M. Kapadvanjwala, S. Dewanjee, A.N. Serafini, D.M. Lopez, and G.N. Sfakianakis. Noninvasive imaging of c-myc oncogene messenger RNA with indium-111-antisense probes in a mammary tumor-bearing mouse model. J. Nuclear Med. 35:1054-1063 (1994).

62.  Calderón, C., Z-H. Huang, D.A. Gage, E.M. Sotomayor, and D.M. Lopez. Isolation of a nitric oxide inhibitor from mammary tumor cells and its characterization as phosphatidyl serine. J. Exp. Med., 180:945-958 (1994).

63.  Sotomayor, E.M., M.R. DiNapoli, C. Calderon, A. Colsky, Y-X. Fu, and D.M. Lopez. Decreased macrophage- mediated cytotoxicity in mammary-tumor-bearing mice is related to alteration of nitric oxide production and/or release. Int. J. Cancer, 60:660-667 (1995).

64.  Lopez-Cepero, M., Y. Wang, I. Keydar, C. Brandt-Carlson, J.S. Butel, and D.M. Lopez. Detection of retroviral superantigen and products of the envelope gene from endogenous mouse mammary tumor virus in B cells from BALB/c mice. Cellular Immunology, 163:191-197 (1995).

65.  Watson, G.A. and D.M. Lopez. Aberrant antigen presentation by macrophages from tumor bearing mice is involved in the down-regulation of their T cell responses. J. Immunol., 155:3124-3134 (1995).

66.  Xie, Y., M.E. Handel, J.W. Streilein, and D.M. Lopez. Epidermal Langerhans cells from mice bearing a granulocyte-colony stimulating factor-producing mammary tumor display impaired accessory functions. Anticancer Research, 16:9-16 (1996).

67.  DiNapoli, M.R., C. Calderon, and D.M. Lopez. The altered tumoricidal capacity of macrophages isolated from tumor-bearing mice is related to reduced expression of the inducible nitric oxide synthase gene. J. Exp. Med., 183:1323-1329 (1996).

68.  Lopez, D.M., M.E. Handel-Fernandez, X. Cheng, V. Charyulu, L.M. Herbert, M.R. DiNapoli, and C.L. Calderon. Cytokine production by lymphoreticular cells from mammary tumor bearing mice: the role of tumor-derived factors. Anticancer Research, 16:3923-3930 (1996).

69.  Handel-Fernandez, M.E., X. Cheng, L.M. Herbert, and D.M. Lopez. Downregulation of IL-12, not a shift from a T helper-1 to T helper-2 phenotype, is responsible for impaired IFN-γ production in tumor bearing mice. J. Immunol. 158:280-286 (1997).

70.  DiNapoli, M.R., C.L. Calderon, and D.M. Lopez. Phosphatidyl serine is involved in the reduced rate of transcription of the inducible nitric oxide synthase gene in macrophages from tumor bearing mice. J. Immunology, 158:1810-1817 (1997).

71.  Handel-Fernandez, M.E., and D.M. Lopez. Altered binding of the NF-GMa transcription factor is involved in the upregulated production of TNF-α by macrophages of mammary tumor bearing mice. Int J. Mol. Med. 1:227-234 (1998).

72.  Cheng, X-F., and D.M. Lopez. CD4+ but not CD8+ T cells from mammary tumor bearing mice have a downregulated production of IFN-γ: Role of phosphatidyl serine. J. Immunol, 160:2735-2741 (1998).

73.  Charyulu, V.I., and D.M. Lopez. Abnormal binding pattern and composition of the NF-κB complex components are involved in increased TNF-α production by tumor bearers= B cells. Int. J. Mol. Med., 3:411-416 (1999).

74.  Charyulu, V., and D.M. Lopez. Elevated GM-CSF levels in tumor bearing mice upregulates IL-6 production by B cells via a mechanism independent of TNF-α. Int. J. Oncology, 16:161-167 (2000).

75.  Adkins, B., Q.-L. Sun, V. Charyulu, D. Lobo, and D.M. Lopez. Early block in maturation Is associated with thymic involution in mammary tumor bearing mice. J. Immunol. 164:5635-5640 (2000).

76.  Sun, Q.-.L., V. Charyulu, D. Lobo, and D.M. Lopez. Role of thymic stromal cell dysfunction in the thymic involution of mammary tumor bearing mice. Anticancer Research 22:91-96 (2002).