1.  Reef Casino Award for Best Painting/2D Artwork- Landscape or seascape: $2500 (acquisitive)

2.  Ron and Marion Ireland Award for Best Painting/2D Artwork- Flora or fauna: $2000 (non-acquisitive)

3.  Warren Entsch Award for Best Painting/2D Artwork- Portrait: $1000 (non-acquisitive)

4.  Cairns Art Society Award for Best Painting/2D Artwork- Miniature: $750 (non-acquisitive) Any subject; work to be a maximum of 10 cm x 10 cm without frame.

5.  Ports North Award for Best Painting/2D Artwork- Abstract: $2500 (acquisitive)

6.  Cairns Regional Council Award for Best Sculpture/3D Artwork: $1500 (non-acquisitive)

Any subject; sculpture, ceramic, wall art, installation or freestanding work.

7.  Oak Tree Retirement Village Unpackers’ Prize: $500 non-acquisitive

Any subject, any medium, all selected entries are eligible for this prize.

8.  Frame People's Choice Award: $500 (gift certificate) non-acquisitive

Any subject, any medium, all selected entries are eligible for this prize.

9.  The Art Barn Highly Commended Award: $250 (gift certificate) non-acquisitive

Any subject, any medium, all selected entries are eligible for this prize.

Pre-selection committee: Ludij Peden, Eddie Hayes, Richard Klekociuk

Exhibition judge: Tom McAulay

For all exhibition inquiries, please contact:

Exhibition Co-ordinator, Rose Spencer

Phone: (07) 4226 5569 (BH)



Entries Close / 30 September 2011 at 5 pm
Pre-selection of best 100 entries / 4 October 2011
Delivery of selected artworks:
§  Local entries to Cairns Regional Gallery
§  Distant entries to Art and Office, 110 Scott St, Cairns (ph 07 4051 0552) / On Tuesday 18 October, 10 am to 2 pm
By 14 October at 5 pm
Official Opening of Exhibition and
Presentation of Awards / 21 October 2011
Close of Exhibition / 4 December 2011
Collection of artworks not acquired or sold / 5 December 2011, 10 am to 5 pm

Cairns Art Society gratefully acknowledges the support of our sponsors:



Entry form: must be completed and signed by the entrant, and received by Cairns Art Society by 5pm, Friday, 30 September 2011, together with entry fees, entry form and images of works for pre-selection.

Entry fees: Exhibitors may enter a maximum of two artworks. Entry fees for Cairns Art Society members are $30 per artwork (a diptych or triptych will be considered one work). Entry fees for non-members are $40 per artwork. Entry fees are non-refundable.

Eligibility: All work shall have been undertaken in the 12 months prior to entering the exhibition. It must be the original, unaided work of the entrant, not done under tuition at any class or summer/winter school (including ArtEscape), and must not have been awarded a prize in any other competition. Prints of original work will not be accepted.

Categories: 2D works (including digital art) may be entered in either the realistic or abstract category; 3D works are to be entered in the sculpture category. If no category is nominated, the Cairns Art Society will place the work in an appropriate category. All entries selected for exhibition are eligible for People’s Choice, Unpackers’ and Highly Commended awards.

Dimensions: Paintings/2D works should not exceed 1.25 metres on the longest side including the frame. Miniature paintings should not exceed 10 cm x 10 cm (without the frame). Sculptures/3D works: the base footprint should not exceed 60 cm at its widest point, or 1.5 metres in height. Overall dimensions and weight should not exceed the carrying capacity of two persons. Artists are responsible for transporting their work into and out of the gallery building. The artwork must be easy to move, and have a stable base. Work that requires special installation should include detailed instructions.

Photographs for pre-selection: Pre-selection will occur based on a high quality digital image of the completed, original artwork submitted by the artist with their entry form. The image should be a high-resolution JPG digital image, not larger than 1MB, submitted via email or disk. Please label your disk with name of artist and title of artwork; include a stamped, self-addressed envelope if you wish the disk returned. If an artwork selected for exhibiting is found to differ from the image submitted, that entry will be disqualified and the entry fee forfeited.

Pre-selection: A pre-selection committee of three independent judges selected by the Cairns Art Society Management Committee will view the digital images of all entries, and select a maximum of 100 works for final judging. These works will constitute the exhibition. Entrants will be advised by phone, mail or email if their works have been selected or not.

Presentation: All paintings must be suitably wired ready for hanging or display. Unframed canvases must be professionally presented. Wet paintings will NOT be accepted. All entries should be clearly labelled on the back with the entrant’s name and title of artwork (see label template below).

Judge’s decision: The decisions of the pre-selection committee and the judge will be final. Should any disputes arise for which no ruling has been laid down, the matter shall be determined by the President of the Cairns Art Society, whose decision will be final.

Delivery date for artworks:

Local entries: Local entries selected for exhibition must be delivered to the Cairns Regional Gallery, corner Abbott and Shields streets, on Tuesday 18 October between 10 am to 2 pm. Entries will not be accepted at the Gallery at other times.

Distant entries: Must arrive at Art and Office, 110 Scott St, Cairns before 5 pm on 14 October.

Late Entries: Late entry forms and late delivery of artworks will NOT be accepted.

Sale of artworks: All artworks must be for sale. No work will be accepted or displayed if marked “Not for Sale”. Cairns Art Society will liaise between the potential purchaser and the artist to administer sales, although handling/mailing of artwork will be the responsibility of the artist. The Cairns Regional Gallery will display a catalogue and pricelist during the exhibition, with contact details of a Cairns Art Society member who will manage sales enquires. A 20% commission to Cairns Art Society will be incurred. Please include this commission in your nominated sale price. Artworks winning an acquisitive prize go to the sponsor and cannot be sold.

Publicity: Entrants shall allow their artworks to be reproduced for all publicity and promotional purposes.

Collection of artworks: Other than acquisitive awards or sold artworks, all works must be collected from the Cairns Regional Gallery on Monday, 5 December between 10 am and 5 pm. This is the only day and time available for collection. Distant artists must organise local collection of their work/s (by courier if necessary) from the Cairns Regional Gallery on this day. Any artworks not collected from the Gallery on this day will be held by the Cairns Art Society and incur a $50 storage and handling fee which will need to be paid before the artwork is released.

Removal: No entry can be removed before the exhibition closes at 5 pm, Sunday 4 December 2011.

Insurance: Entrants are responsible for their own insurance, should they require it. All entries are accepted by the Cairns Art Society Inc. on condition that the Society shall not be responsible for loss or damage to any item submitted for exhibition, whether during transport, exhibition, or in the possession of the Society. This is irrespective of whether the Society or its servants are negligent.


Artists may enter a maximum of two artworks.

All entrants must read, complete, sign and return both pages of this form.

1.  I wish to enter the work or works described below in the Cairns Art Society 65th Annual Art Exhibition 2011, and I agree to the conditions of the Exhibition.

2.  I certify that my entry or entries are my original and unaided work undertaken during the 12 months prior to the exhibition, have not been done in an art class or under tuition (including ArtEscape), and have not been awarded a prize in any other competition.

3.  I declare that the enclosed digital images are a true depiction of my finished artworks, and that no works will be altered prior to final judging. If the exhibition committee considers that an artwork differs in any way from the image, I accept that that entry will be disqualified and its entry fee forfeited.

4.  I consent to the sale of all entries, or acquisition by the sponsor if the artwork wins an acquisitive prize.

5.  GST Declaration: please tick whichever is applicable, complete and sign the box below:

I am a non-business hobby artist and do not require an Australian Business Number (ABN).

My Australian Business Number (ABN) is:

I have applied for an ABN and will advise the number on receipt.

I am GST registered.

6.  Membership:

I am a financial member of Cairns Art Society (entry fee $30 per artwork)

I am not a financial member of Cairns Art Society (entry fee $40 per artwork)

7.  I enclose the following fees:

Fee for Artwork 1:

CAS Member $30 Non-member $40

Fee for Artwork 2:

CAS Member $30 Non-member $40

Total Payment enclosed: $

8.  Method of payment:

Cash Cheque Money Order

MasterCard Visa Direct Credit*

Credit Card Name:

Credit Card No.

Expiry Date: ___/___

*Direct Credit: CAS bank account BSB: 633 108, Account: 1127 65391. Please ensure your surname is on the deposit advice.

Signed: / Date:
Name: (please print)
Street address:
State: P/code:
Postal Address: (if different)
Phone No.: / Mobile:

You must include a contact phone number and, wherever possible, an email address!

Entry form – page 1 of 2


Description of artworks

Artist’s name
Artist’s phone no.
Title of Artwork / Artwork 1: / Artwork 2:
Category / 2D – landscape or seascape
2D – flora or fauna
2D – portrait
2D – miniature (up to 10x10cm)
2D - abstract
3D/sculpture / 2D – landscape or seascape
2D – flora or fauna
2D – portrait
2D – miniature (up to 10x10cm)
2D - abstract
Medium & Support
e.g. “Acrylic on Board”
Sale price
include GST (if applicable) and 20% commission for Cairns Art Society / $ / $
Maximum Dimensions with frame:
2D - 1.25 metres on the longest side
3D - 60 cm base and 1.5 metres high
Any works exceeding these dimensions will be disqualified / 2D/Painting (including frame):
Size cm x cm
Weight kg
Height cm
Base cm x cm
Weight kg / 2D/Painting (including frame):
Size cm x cm
Weight kg
Height cm
Base cm x cm
Weight kg
Digital image of artwork supplied / On Compact Disk
via Email / On Compact Disk
via Email
Delivery of entry: / To be delivered to Cairns Regional Gallery on 18 October between 10 am and 2 pm
To be delivered to Art and Office, 110 Scott St, Cairns by 5 pm on 14 October / To be delivered to Cairns Regional Gallery on 18 October between 10 am and 2 pm
To be delivered to Art and Office, 110 Scott St, Cairns by 5 pm on 14 October

Entry Form and digital image of artwork to be forwarded by 30 September to:

Exhibition Coordinator

Cairns Art Society Inc.

PO Box 1400

Cairns QLD 4870

Or emailed to:

Entry form and digital image/s received / Date:
¨  Compact Disk
¨  Email
Entry fees received / $
¨  Cash
¨  Cheque / ¨  Money Order
¨  Credit Card
¨  Direct Credit
CAS membership status / ¨  Member
¨  Non-member
Other received / ¨  Stamped self-addressed envelope for disk
Date disk returned

Entry form – page 2 of 2


Please cut out and affix a completed label to the reverse of your painting, or on a suitable place on your sculpture/3D work.