Projects to be finalized

Project for the promotion of social and economic independence of the people of the Santakarapuram, Rishvandiym an Thiagadurgam districts- Tamil Nadu
Type / Ordinary
Channel / Bilateral
Managed By / NGO
Sector / Multi-sector
Total Budget / Total 1.180.372 Euro; Italian Government 615.700 Euro
Local Budget
Financing / Grant
Starting Date/Duration
Executing Agency / Manitese (Italian NGO)
Counterpart / Association for Sarva Seva Farms (ASSEFA, Indian NGO)
Status / To be finalized
The general aim of the project is to reduce poverty within the rural population in Villupuram district. The main objective is to improve the social, financial and cultural condition of the poor people in the three blocks of Sankarapuram, Rishivandivam and Thyagadurgam, thanks to the presence of social organizations, introduction of microcredit systems and socio-cultural initiatives undertaken. The main activities under this project are: organizing the rural population while paying special attention to the situation of women; promoting saving plans, trade and availability of micro credits for starting income generating activities in the field of agriculture, dairy farming and small business. The project was approved by the Italian Government on 16 march 2005. On 19.1.06, a no-cost variant of the project was approved. On 24.2.06, the first installment of euro 305,920 was paid.
Promoting organic farming in Maharashtra through community based participatory approaches
Type / Ordinary
Channel / Multilateral
Managed By / International Organization
Sector / Rural development and agriculture
Total Budget / 2.5 Milion dollars
Local Budget
Financing / Grant
Starting Date/Duration
Executing Agency / FAO
Counterpart / Government of Maharashtra
Status / To be finalized
The project’s aim is to improve the living conditions of poor families in the rural areas of the state of Maharashtra through increase in profits by using organic and sustainable production techniques which require low external input.
The FAO selected Maharashtra for this project because it offers favorable conditions for developing organic farming. Firstly because a movement of farmers who support this production method which helps them save on costs of external input is in the initial stage. Secondly, the Government of Maharashtra is changing its approach towards agriculture related problems and now supports projects which promote participation. Finally, in recent years, there has been a remarkable increase in number of ‘Women’s Self Help Groups’ created from micro-credit systems.
The project will be implemented by FAO that will cooperate both with NGOs and local and italian university institutes. The Government of Maharashtra has recognized the need to adopt participatory approach in which the agricultural community is the main protagonist and it, therefore, supports similar projects. Moreover, even the Central Government of India has recently underlined the importance of organic agriculture. In 2001, for example, the Indian Ministry for Industries launched the “National Program for Organic Production” and the Ministry for Agriculture launched the “National Institute of Organic Farming”.
The project details were sent to the Italian Development Cooperation in Rome on May 2005 who may agree to finance it for the year 2006.
Urban Poverty Alleviation
Type / Ordinary
Channel / Multilateral
Managed By / International Organizations
Sector / Poverty alleviation
Total Budget / 12.5 Million Euro
Local Budget
Financing / Grant
Starting Date/Duration
Executing Agency / World Bank
Counterpart / Local Governments of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra
Status / To be finalized
In 2000, the Italian Government approved a grant of 12.5 million euros to India for a project aimed at combating poverty in urban areas under the program “City’s Alliance for Cities Without Slums” launched by World Bank and HABITAT. Two missions by Italian experts in November 2000 and in October 2001 were held to prepare an outline of the project after holding meetings with Government Authorities and visiting the areas. The support project shall be held in selected cities in Andhra Pradesh and in Mumbai. In the first state, a series of steps and tasks shall be undertaken which shall provide a sustainable and replicable model for reduction of poverty in urban areas. In the city of Mumbai, steps shall be taken to relocate homeless people from illegally occupied public spaces to residential buildings in urban areas. The project shall be carried out in partnership with NGOs and Government organizations.
The Italian Government’s support shall be provided in the form of technical assistance in implementing poverty reduction strategies and improvement of urban infrastructures.
A new group of Italian experts came in September 2003 for collecting further details to prepare the project. Being a complex project, it is still in finalization stage.
Empowering Communities for a Change
Type / Ordinary
Channel / Multilateral
Managed By / International Organizations
Sector / Social
Total Budget / US$ 200.000
Local Budget
Financing / Voluntary Contribution
Starting Date/Duration / 2004.; 4 years
Executing Agency / UNODC (United Nations Office for Drug and Crime)
Counterpart / Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
Status / To be finalized
In 2004, the Italian Government has decided to provide 200,000 USD to a UNODC program “Empowering Communities for a change”. The four year program with a total cost of 1,084,800 USD aims at helping the Government organizations and state Governments in reducing the consumption and misuse of drugs and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS among drugs-addicts in north-east areas of India. The project needs to be finalized from UNODC side which is ready to nominate the project manager and support staff so that the activities can start.
Community Midwives
Type / Ordinary
Channel / Multilateral
Managed By / International Organizations
Sector / Maternal and Infant Health
Total Budget / 5.740.000 US$
Local Budget
Financing / Grant
Starting Date/Duration
Executing Agency / UNICEF
Counterpart / Department of Health & Family Welfare (Government of India and State Govts.), Department of Women & Child Development.
Status / To be finalized
The aim of the program is to reduce the maternal and infant mortality rate in 10 districts of 5 Indian states through training of 500 young “Community Midwives”. These young women who are part of the village community, will be able to provide assistance to the future mothers and their newly-borns. India still has one of the highest maternal mortality rate, estimated to be 540 fatalities for every 100.000 deliveries. The number of “Institutional” deliveries is clearly lesser than the number of deliveries assisted by midwives outside the traditional health services network. According to UNICEF, the presence of these trained midwives, who will work along with and under the supervision of traditional midwives and nurses, shall provide an immense contribution in improving the health of women and reduce mortality rate during deliveries. The project document has been sent by the Development Cooperation Office of this Embassy to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 13 January 2003 for evaluation. In spite of a positive view, the possibility of financing the project shall be considered in the near future because of limitation of resources available with the Ministry.
Programme for strengthening of four regional rehabilitation centres for management of spinal injuries and locomotor disabled
Type / Ordinary
Channel / Bilateral
Managed By / NGO
Sector / Health
Total Budget / 2 Million Euro
Local Budget
Financing / Grant
Starting Date/Duration
Executing Agency / To be defined
Counterpart / Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment
Status / To be finalized
The aim of this project, prepared in 2001, is to improve living condition of patients suffering from disabilities, specially those related to spinal injuries.
According to a survey carried out by the National sample Survey Organization (NSSO), about 1% of Indian population suffers from movement related disabilities with more cases noted in rural than in urban areas. Particularly, the annual number of cases of spinal injuries are around 18,000 persons. The existing health facilities can cater to only 5% of medical care and services required mainly in urban areas. Spinal injuries not just cause a physical handicap but also have a negative effect on the psychosocial and economic condition of the physically challenged persons and their families. An early and multidiscipline medical intervention is therefore necessary to prevent further complications.
The project includes: making four rehabilitation and care centers for patients suffering from spinal injuries and movement related disabilities in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Punjab; providing technical and administrative support to these centers; creating a network of rehabilitation services at various levels and work for reintegration of physically challenged persons in society and in work places.
The project document, already approved by the local Ministry for Social Justice and by the Ministry of Finance, has been sent to the Italian Development Cooperation in Rome in March 2001 and the MOU was sent in March 2002. A group of experts has to complete the formulation phase of the project for sending it to the Italian Government.