Resettlement Plan of the World Bank Financed AnhuiShayingRiver Channel Improvement Project
AnhuiShayingRiver Channel Improvement Project
Resettlement Action Plan
Anhui Provincial Port & Shipping Construction Investment Group
July 2010
Resettlement Plan of the World Bank Financed AnhuiShayingRiver Channel Improvement Project
I.Purpose of preparing this resettlement action plan
1The resettlement action plan (RAP) is prepared in accordance with the applicable laws of the People’s Republic of China and local regulations and a series of provisions in the Bank Operational Policy OP4.12 Involuntary Resettlement for the purpose of “developing an action plan for resettlement and restoration for the people affected by the project, so that they benefit from the project, their standard of living is improved or at least restored after the completion of the project”.
II.Definitions of terms
Displaced persons
2Based on the criteria for eligibility for compensation, “Displaced Persons” may be classified in one of the following three groups:
a)those who have formal legal rights to land (including customary and traditional rights recognized under the laws of the country);
b)those who do not have formal legal rights to land at the time the census begins but have a claim to such land or assets—provided that such claims are recognized under the laws of the country or become recognized through a process identified in the Resettlement Plan; and
c)those who have no recognizable legal right or claim to the land they are occupying.
3Persons covered under paragraphs 2(a) and (b) are provided compensation for the land they lose, and other assistance. Persons covered under paragraph 2(c) are provided resettlement assistance in lieu of compensation for the land they occupy, and other assistance, as necessary, to achieve the objective set out in this policy, if they occupy the project area prior to a cut-off date established by the borrower and acceptable to the World Bank. Persons who encroach on the area after the cut-off date are not entitled to compensation or any other form of resettlement assistance. All persons included in paragraph 2(a), (b), or (c) are provided compensation for loss of assets other than land.
Compensation and resettlement measures
4To address the following impacts of the involuntary taking of land: (i) relocation or loss of shelter; (ii) lost of assets or access to assets; or (iii) loss of income sources or means of livelihood, whether or not the affected persons must move to another location, a Resettlement Plan or a resettlement policy framework shall be prepared to cover the following:
(a)The Resettlement Plan or resettlement policy framework includes measures to ensure that the displaced persons are:
(i) informed about their options and rights pertaining to resettlement;
(ii) consulted on, offered choices among, and provided with technically and economically feasible resettlement alternatives; and
(iii) provided prompt and effective compensation at full replacement cost[i], for losses of assets attributable directly to the project.
(b)If the impacts include physical relocation, the Resettlement Plan or resettlement policy framework includes measures to ensure that the displaced persons are:
(i) provided assistance (such as moving allowances) during relocation; and
(ii) provided with residential housing, or housing sites, or, as required, agricultural sites for which a combination of productive potential, locational advantages, and other factors is at least equivalent to the advantages of the old site.
(c)Where necessary to achieve the objective of the policy, the Resettlement Plan or resettlement policy framework also includes measures to ensure that displaced persons are:
(i) offered support after displacement, for a transition period, based on a reasonable estimate of the time likely to be needed to restore their livelihood and standards of living;
(ii) provided with development assistance in addition to compensation measures described in paragraph 4(a)(iii), such as land preparation, credit facilities, training, or job opportunities.
5Cut-off date: means the date of publication of the bulletin of land acquisition and relocation in this project. After this date, the displaced persons shall not build, rebuild or expand their houses; shall not change the uses of their houses and land; shall not lease their land, lease, sell or purchase their houses; and any person that moves in after this date shall not qualify as a displaced person.
Resettlement Plan of the World Bank Financed AnhuiShayingRiver Channel Improvement Project
1Overview of the Project
1.1Brief introduction
1.2Project benefit estimates
1.3Project preparation and progress
1.4Key resettlement impacts
1.5Measures to reduce resettlement
1.6Identification of related projects
2Project Impacts
2.1Project impact survey
2.2Affected areas
2.3Project impacts
2.3.1Affected population
2.3.2Acquisition of collective land
2.3.3Temporary occupation of collective land
2.3.4Permanent acquisition and temporary occupation of state-owned land
2.3.5Demolition of residential houses
2.3.6Demolition of attachments
2.3.7Vulnerable groups
3Socioeconomic Overview of the Affected Areas
3.1Socioeconomic profile of affected cities and counties/districts
3.2Socioeconomic profile of affected townships
3.3Socioeconomic profile of affected villages
3.4Socioeconomic profile of affected ethnic minorities
3.5Socioeconomic profile of affected households
3.5.1Age distribution
3.5.2Educational level
3.5.3Productive resources
3.5.4Household annual income and expenditure
4Legal Framework and Policy Objectives
4.1Policy framework
4.2Legal and policy provisions applicable to resettlement
4.3Main differences between World Bank policies and laws of the PRC
4.4Resettlement policies of the Project
4.4.1Compensation for acquisition of collective land and labor resettlement
4.4.2Policy for permanent acquisition of state-owned land
4.4.3Compensation and resettlement policies for houses on collective land
4.4.4Compensation and resettlement policies for houses on state-owned land
4.4.5Compensation and restoration policies for temporary land occupation
4.4.6Compensation policy for vulnerable groups
4.4.7Compensation policy for affected infrastructure and ground attachments
5Compensation rates
5.1Compensation rates for acquisition of rural collective land
5.2Compensation rates for permanent occupation of state-owned land
5.3Compensation rates for temporary land occupation
5.4Compensation rates for demolition of houses on collective land
5.5Compensation rates for demolition of houses on state-owned land
5.6Compensation rates for ground attachments
5.7Other costs
6Production and Livelihood Restoration Programs for Displaced Persons
6.1Resettlement objective
6.2Resettlement principles
6.3Permanent acquisition of collective land
6.3.1Impact analysis of permanent land acquisition
6.3.2Resettlement program for permanent land acquisition
6.4Demolition of residential houses
6.4.1Resettlement for demolition of rural residential houses
6.4.2Resettlement for demolition of urban residential houses
6.5Gratuitous allocation of state-owned land
6.6Restoration program for temporarily occupied land
6.7Restoration program for affected vulnerable groups
6.8Protection of women’s rights
6.9Restoration program for ground attachments
7.2Organizational chart
7.4Measures to develop institutional capacity
8Resettlement costs and sources of funds
8.2Year-by-year investment plan
8.3Sources of resettlement funds
8.4Management and disbursement plan of resettlement funds
8.4.1Fund flow
8.4.2Disbursement and management
9Public Participation, Consultation and Appeal Channel
9.1Public participation strategy
9.2Public participation process and policy disclosure plan
9.3Appeal channel
10Implementation schedule
10.1Principles for linkup between resettlement and project construction
10.2Schedule of resettlement milestones
10.2.1Principles for preparing the working schedule
10.2.2General resettlement schedule
11Monitoring and Evaluation Arrangements
11.1Internal monitoring
11.1.1Implementation procedures
11.1.2Scope of monitoring
11.1.3Internal monitoring reporting
11.2External independent monitoring
11.2.1Independent monitoring agency
11.2.2Monitoring procedure and scope
11.2.3Monitoring indicators
12Entitlement Matrix
Appendix 1 Schematic map of the Project
Appendix 2 Resettlement of the related project Fuyang Ship Lock Reconstruction
Appendix 3 Ethnic minorities involved in the affected areas
Appendix 4 Land reclamation and medium and low yield land improvement project for sludge disposal sites
Appendix 5 Plan for implementing the endowment insurance for land-expropriated farmers in the affected areas
Appendix 6 Schedule of temporarily occupied collective land for spoil grounds
Appendix 7 List of affected attachments
Appendix 8 Resettlement monitoring and evaluation outline
Appendix 9 Resettlement Information Booklet
Appendix 10 Policy framework for resettlement
Appendix 11 Photos of Interview
Appendix 12 Framework Agreement of the Anhui Provincial Communications Department and the Fuyang Municipal People’s Government on the Project
Appendix 13 The list of person of all cities and counties in resettlement implementation agencies and their connection
Resettlement Plan of the World Bank Financed AnhuiShayingRiver Channel Improvement Project
List of Tables
Table 11 Summary of course lines and engineering measures
Table 12 Bridge reconstruction works
Table 13 Schedule of supporting works
Table 14 Schedule of key resettlement impacts
Table 15 Measures to reduce resettlement
Table 21 Scope of permanent land use affected areas
Table 22 Scope of temporary land use affected areas
Table 23 Summary of affected population
Table 24 Summary of permanently acquired collective land
Table 25 Summary of temporarily occupied collective land
Table 26 State-owned land occupied permanently (temporarily) by the Project
Table 27 Rural residential houses demolished for the Project
Table 28 Urban residential houses demolished for the Project
Table 29 Schedule of affected attachments
Table 210 Schedule of affected vulnerable groups
Table 31 Key economic indicators of affected cities/counties
Table 32 Key economic indicators of affected townships/sub-districts
Table 33 Socioeconomic profile of affected villages
Table 34 Statistics of affected population
Table 35 Income and expenditure structure of affected rural households
Table 41 List of policies applicable to the Project
Table 51 Uniform annual output values and compensation rates for land acquisition
Table 52 Compensation rates for temporary land occupation
Table 53 Compensation rates for demolition of rural residential houses
Table 54 Compensation rates for demolition of urban residential houses
Table 55 Compensation rates for ground attachments
Table 56 Compensation rates for other costs
Table 61 Impact analysis of acquisition of collective land
Table 62 Resettlement program for acquisition of collective land
Table 63 Payment and benefit rates of endowment insurance for land-expropriated farmers
Table 64 Schedule of medium and low yield land improvement of affected villages
Table 71 Full-time staffing of resettlement agencies
Table 72 General resettlement training program
Table 81 Compensation budget for resettlement
Table 82 Fund use plan by year
Table 91 Early-stage records and subsequent plan for public participation process of affected people
Table 92 Policy disclosure process
Table 101 Resettlement schedule
List of Figures
Figure 21 Collective land to be acquired
Figure 22 Land to be occupied temporarily in spoil ground
Figure 23 Rural residential houses to be demolished
Figure 71 Resettlement Organization
Figure 81 Fund flowchart
Figure 91 Grievance redress
Resettlement Plan of the World Bank Financed AnhuiShayingRiver Channel Improvement Project
APSCIG / - / Anhui Provincial Port & Shipping Construction Investment GroupM&E / - / Monitoring and evaluation
MLR / - / Ministry of Land and Resources
MSA / Maritime Safety Administration
NRCR / - / NationalResearchCenter for Resettlement
PMO / - / Project Management Office
PRC / - / People’s Republic of China
RAP / - / Resettlement Action Plan
Currency unit=Yuan (RMB)
1.00 yuan=$0.15
1 hectare=15 mu
1 jin=0.5 kg
Resettlement Plan of the World Bank Financed AnhuiShayingRiver Channel Improvement Project
1Overview of the Project
1.1Brief introduction
The ShayingRiver, located on the left side of the HuaiRiver, is the largest branch of the HuaiRiver. It is originated in the Funiu Mountain Range in Henan Province, formed by the convergence of the Sha and Ying Rivers in Zhoukou City, running through central Henan from northwest to southeast, entering Anhui Province at the Changsheng Stream in Jieshou City, and running from Jieshou City, Taihe County, Fuyang Municipality into the Huai River at Mohekou in Yingshang County, with a full length of 620km and a watershed area of 36,651 km2, in which its length is 206km and its watershed area 4,112 km2 in Anhui Province. According to the Layout Plan of Inland Navigation Channels and Ports (2005—2020), the Shaying River channel runs from Luohe, Henan to Mohekou, Anhui, with a full length of 378km, planned as a Class IV channel. The Yingshang ship lock and the Taihe Genglou hydraulic complex in Anhui have been completed, and the Fuyang ship lock is under construction. By now, the problem of navigation obstruction from lock and dam on the ShayingRiver channel has been largely solved. If the channel is further dredged, the stretch below Zhoukou, Henan will be open for navigation.
The purpose of the Project is to restore the navigation of the ShayingRiverfully through channel dredging, obstructive bridgereconstruction, bank seepage control, the setup of revetments and anchorage service zones, and the deployment of navigation aids and signs. See Appendix 1 for the schematicmap of the Project. The scope of the Project is as follows:
A.Channel and dredging works
The AnhuiShayingRiver channel from Changshenggou to Mohekou (HuaiRiver inlet) has a full length of about 206km, and the mileage of the regulated channel will be about 205.6km. The Genglou, Fuyang (under construction) and Yingshang ship locks on this channel divides the regulated channel into four segments.According to the project design, the center of channel will be the thalweg of the existing channel where possible to maintain the existing plane form of the channel;where the width or bending radius of the channel is insufficient, engineering measures such as avulsion, dredging and regulation shall be taken, and highly bent river segments will be cut off locally to the standard for Class IV channels. The layout of course lines and the engineering measures are shown in Table 11.
Table 11Summary of course lines and engineering measures
Channel segment and pile No. / Direction of course line and engineering measures / Key resettlement impactJieshou-upper Genglou lock (K0+000-K26+000) / 1) The Changshenggou-Xiaogang segmentis relatively straight;the center of channel is arranged along the thalweg, with 7 intersection points, a minimum bending radius of 330m and a maximum bending radius of 1,000m; the channel mileage after setting-out is 7km; 2)the Xiaowan-Genglou ship lock segment is bent, narrow and varying, with flood land developed; this segment has 23 intersection points, with a minimum bending radius of 330m and a maximum bending radius of 1,300m; local avulsion is required at one location. / 682.8mu of land will be acquired, affecting 192 households with 714 people. Houses of 1,156.5 m2 will be demolished, affecting 12 households with 56 people.
Lower Genglou lock-upper Fuyang lock (K28+000-K80+000) / In the Xuzhuang, Wangyao, Tianzhai, Lianghekou, Xiazhangwan, Chendian and Donggou segments, the channel is visibly bent, with a small bending radius, where convex bank avulsion and mouth cutting measures will be taken to regulate the channel; the center of channel of this segment has 47 intersection points, with a minimum bending radius of 330m and a maximum bending radius of 1,500m; local avulsion is required at Xuzhuang, Xiazhangwan, Chendian and the Ciweixin River mouth, etc.
Lower Fuyang lock-upper Yingshang lock (K83+000-K159+000) / 1) The Fuyang ship lock-Zhangdianweizi segment is slightly bent; the center of channel is largely arranged along the thalweg; this segment has 26 intersection points, with a minimum bending radius of 330m and a maximum bending radius of 2,500m; there are two cut-offs in this segment; 2) The Zhangdianweizi-Yingshang ship lock segment is bent, with large bends at Kouzi, Xinji, Jiangkou and Xinmiao, etc.;this segment has 47 intersection points, with a minimum bending radius of 330m and a maximum bending radius of 3000m; there are two cut-offs in this segment.
LowerYingshang lock -Mohekou (K162+000-K205+600) / This segment is bent, has many consecutive bends and 32 intersection points, with a minimum bending radius of 330m and a maximum bending radius of 1,200m; there are two cut-offs in this segment.
B.Bridge reconstruction
The AnhuiShayingRiver channel is constructed up to the Class IV standard, and its navigation clearance shall be as follows for straight segments: 90×7.0m for single-opening navigation (clear width × clear height) and 45×7.0m(clear width × clear height) for double-opening navigation.
There are 13 bridges along the AnhuiShayingRiver channel. In particular, the LiuzhuangExpressPassageBridge in YingshangCounty, Hefei-Huainan-FuyangExpresswayBridge and S102Yingshang Ship Lock Highway Bridge already meet the standard for Class IV channels, and the remaining 10 bridges are obstructive to varying degrees and are to be rebuilt. Among the 10 bridges to be rebuilt, the FuyangShipLockHighwayBridge will be rebuilt together with the Fuyang ship lock and not included in the Project. In addition, in order to utilize channel construction funds rationally, since it will take time for the number of vessels to grow and vessels to become larger based on freight volume forecast, the obstructive bridges will rebuilt in stages. According to the survey, the LinjiedanHighwayBridge in Jieshou, YingRiverNorthBridge in Fuyang, YingRiverSouthBridge in Fuyang and Beijing-KowloonRailwayYingRiverBridge and Fuyang-ZhoukouExpresswayBridge meet the standard for Class V channels, and will be rebuilt in the future. Therefore, 4 cross-river bridges will be rebuilt under the Project, which are the JieshouYuminBridge, Jieshou (old S204)ShayingRiverBridge, TaiheCountyYingRiver2ndBridge and TaiheCountyYingRiver4thBridge. See Table 12 for the bridge reconstruction works.
Table 12Bridge reconstruction works
No. / Bridge / Present / Rebuilt/newly built / Key resettlement impactMain structural form / Length (m) / Width (m) / Main structural form / Length (m) / Width (m)
1 / JieshouYuminBridge / V-shaped continuous steel structure / 183.5 / 9.5 / (75+120+75)m variable height continuous box girder / 906.5 / 20.0 / Urban houses of 27,884 m2 will be demolished, affecting 346 households with 1,406 people
2 / Jieshou (old S204) ShayingRiverBridge / Reinforced concrete trussed arch / 204.0 / 11.0 / 100m tied arch / 327.5 / 20.0
3 / TaiheCountyYingRiver 4th Bridge / Reinforced concrete double arch / 230.0 / 10.6 / (60+100+60)m variable height continuous box girder / 977.5 / 32.0
(60+100+60)m suspension cable steel truss bridge / 251.6 / 7.0
4 / TaiheCountyYingRiver 2nd Bridge / Reinforced concrete trussed arch / 345.0 / 17.6 / 100m tied arch / 617.5 / 27.5
C.Supporting works
To meet the service requirements in navigational safety, harboring, lock delay and environmental protection for cargo vessels, it is necessary to arrange anchorages and service zones during channel improvement, including 2 anchorage service zones and 6 anchorages. The anchorage and service zone works of the Project are shown in Table 13. In addition, channel communication and video monitoring systems will be built around FuyangMunicipality in the Project, and navigation aids and signs will be arranged along the channel. All navigational marks will be illuminated at night.
Table 13Schedule of supporting works
No. / Pile No. / Work / Key resettlement impactAcquired
land(mu) / Demolished rural houses (m2)
1 / Left bank K75+500 / Fuyang service zone / 83.5 / 0
2 / Right bank K92 / Sanshilipu service zone / 263.9 / 445.9
3 / Left bank K7 / Xuzhai anchorage, Jieshou / 167.9 / 0
4 / Right bank K25+500 / Upper Genglou lock anchorage / 81.1 / 199.8
5 / Left bank K29 / Lower Genglou lock anchorage / 70.5 / 0
6 / Left bank K37+700 / Taihe city gate anchorage / 22.1 / 0
7 / Right bank K159 / Upper Yingshang lock anchorage / 91.5 / 0
8 / Left bank K162 / Lower Yingshang lock anchorage / 194.7 / 0
1.2Project benefit estimates
The Project will generate significant economic benefits after completion, with an economic internal rate of return of 11.7%; in addition, the Project is a not-for-profit traffic infrastructure project with excellent social benefits. It will improve the navigational capacity of the ShayingRiver, promote rapid economic growth, remove most of internal pollution sources of the ShayingRiver and improve water quality. In addition, the Project will reduce the permanent occupation of land resources arising from highway construction and the consumption of energy for highway construction, thereby facilitating environmental improvement and promoting sustainable growth.