Wednesday Morning Prayers at Clyst St George

Morning Prayers is a short said service every other week on a Wednesday. Why not take 20 minutes and join us – we also have tea or coffee afterwards if you have the time and enjoy a little fellowship? We start at 9.30 am and everyone is very welcome. This month we will meet on 4th and 18th October.

Advance Notice: Words for Voices

Words for Voices will be returning to Clyst St George Church again this year on Monday 11th December at 7.30 pm. Further details in the November issue of the Clyst Valley News.

Invitation to Clyst St George Parish Family Harvest Lunch 2017

Do come and join us for a community harvest lunch at 12.30 pm on Sunday 8th October in Clyst St George and Ebford Village Hall in aid of the church north aisle roof. All you need to bring is your own drink and glasses; squash will be provided. Tickets at £8 (primary school children free) are available from Jacquie (01392 874861), Linda (01392 875705) or Claire Marks (01392 879875).

The Harvest Family Breakfast and Service will be held at 9.30 am prior to the 12.30 lunch; donations of tinned or dried packet food will be gratefully received for the Exeter Food Bank.

Clyst St George Parish Council Chairman’s Notes: October 2017

Thank you to our Vice Chairman Cllr John Manser for the notes last month and my apologies for my absence recently. Sadly as you may know my dear husband Larry died very suddenly in August which has been a great shock to myself and many others. He was a great supporter, in the background, of our Parish Council among many other things and so will be sorely missed.

Life as we know goes on regardless and so I am doing my best to pick up the pieces. Our Parish Council has been working away as usual and our Neighbourhood Plan should hopefully be ready for a public consultation before long. Your comments on the draft plan have been taken into account and you can read them at

With autumn and the changing weather may we remind everyone please to keep their hedges cut back, particularly if they border a pathway or lane? In the interests of community spirit, it is also helpful to make sure that others are also able to cope – maybe they are elderly or not well and cannot cope with their commitments – do look around you as well – most people appreciate a little help now and again.

We are inspecting all our paths, ditches, drains and grass verges to see what needs to be done before winter sets in. It is always helpful if you know of a particular problem where you are – to let our clerk know about it. We may have missed it and will then add it to our lists. If we all do a little to help it makes life easier and also ensures that our parish stays up to scratch.

In September, I attended the Exe Estuary Management Partnership as our Parish Council is a member. Among everything that was discussed there was a presentation given by a new initiative called’ Devonlovesdogs’. If you go online and join the organisation they will send you a welcome pack and it is all free. They have great plans so let’s hope it is a good success for them. The website is: Thank you.

Maureen Ackland-Smith 01392 874065

Larry (Lawrence) Ackland-Smith

Maureen and her son and daughter – Michael and Fiona, would like to thank everyone for all their concern, kindness and care shown to the family on the sudden illness and subsequent death of dear Larry. It is very much appreciated. We feel very privileged to have had 29 wonderful years together with such a lovely person.

Lady Seawards C of E Primary School

Over the summer holidays there has been a wealth of activity taking place at Lady Seawards Primary School. Contractors have completed the new flooring refurbishment within Rockies class and have also made good headway into the main site construction of the new classroom. Over the coming weeks the Year 6 children will have an opportunity to carry out a site visit and pose their own questions about the project design to the Skinners construction team with the children posting their own update and feedback on our school website.

During the summer holidays the school library was also relocated. The area has been transformed into a fantastic space where pupils can access books from their favourite authors as well as use ICT equipment to further support their reading.

Last term some of the Year 3 children worked with artist Beverley Lumley on an enrichment programme which culminated in the creation of the wonderful ‘Four Seasons at Killerton’ sculpture which has been on display at Killerton House as part of the Clyst Vale Learning Community art project. The pyramid sculpture has now been returned to the school and is on display in the school garden.

Clyst St George & Ebford Village Hall

  1. A committee meeting was held on 6th September.
  2. Efforts continue to try and get the trees removed on the boundary between the Village Hall and Lady Seawards School. This has been an on-going problem for the last five years.
  3. Work is near completion for the extended car park, which will provide for an extra 20 parking spaces. The large Calor Gas tank has been removed and been replaced with four gas cylinders. Electric cabling beneath the ground has been laid. The newly purchased land has been prepared and is now covered in tarmac. Our thanks go to Burringtons the developers of the new estate in CSG who have provided equipment and manpower to undertake the task.
  4. A new gazebo has been purchased and is available for hire as part of the Hall facilities and services.
  5. A defibrillator has been installed and is located adjacent to the Hall entrance. The Air Ambulance will be giving a demonstration on Friday 20th October at 8 pm in the Village Hall. The public are invited to attend. [See also below.]
  6. A new contract has been negotiated with BT for provision of improved WiFi facilities.
  7. A new PA system has been installed to provide improved audio and wireless microphone facilities.

Nick Maguire, Secretary

Defibrillator Demonstration

The Devon Air Ambulance are kindly giving a demonstration on the use of the defibrillator in the Village Hall on Friday 20th October at 8 pm. ALL WELCOME.

Card Making Group

Although the card group is not meeting on a regular basis, cards are still being made and we are always grateful to receive more cards (except Christmas ones) for remaking. These can be left in the church which is open approximately 9 am to 5 pm each day. Visitors will also find two boxes of made up cards for sale. The smaller cards are just 25p each and the larger ones 50p each. There is quite a selection: those with no wording or message on the front suitable for any occasion; cards which wish a happy birthday; get well; new name; sympathy; wedding anniversary; retirement; thank you, etc.

Do come in and enjoy a few quiet minutes browsing and perhaps buy a card. Any queries, please contact Linda Wilkerson on 01392 875705.

Nature Garden

Clyst St George has a delightful nature garden by the side of the parish church. The aim of the garden is togrow local Devon indigenous plants and trees and to encourage a Devon meadow with local wild flowers. Should you wish to help develop this ‘green’ facility, you can come along on the first Saturday of every month from 9.30 to 11 am.

Little Dragons Pre-School

Following our successful OFSTED inspection in April 2015 'good with outstanding features', we do still have a few spaces for children. So do come and visit and meet our highly experienced staff team. We are based in Lady Seaward’s School and open four days a week, from Monday to Thursday 8.45 am - 3.15 pm during school term times. For more information, please contact Elly on 01392 877793 in school hours or visit our website