Middle Ages: Charlemagne & Feudalism

•  Germanic tribes adopted ______

•  ______– communities of nuns and ______who were servants of God

–  They were Europe’s best ______

–  They opened ______

Gregory the Great

•  ______carried ______and the ______alphabet to Germanic tribes

•  ______the Great = Pope who ______the pope’s ______to be involved in ______.

–  He used church revenues (money) to:

•  Raise ______

•  ______Roads

•  Help the ______

The Carolingian Dynasty

•  Charles Martel – Expanded ______power and became more ______than the ______

•  His son Pepin the Short was anointed by the Pope as king by the grace of God

•  This began what is known as the reign of the ______= time of ______


•  From ______to ______the ______+ warriors terrorized Germany and Italy

•  From the north, the ______attacked

•  Vikings ______with ______speed.

–  They ______their ships, attacked, then shoved out to ______again

–  They were also ______and ______(Leif Ericson)

–  Impressive warships

Feudalism Rises

•  A______of landholding and ______

•  It was based on an ______of ______for other ______

•  ______give

•  knights/vassals

•  ______in

•  ______for

•  the knights’

•  promise

•  to ______the

•  lord and his

•  ______

Feudal Society

•  Rigid (strict) class structure

Land given to a Vassal from a Lord
The person receiving the fief
Peasants who work the land


•  The ______is the lord’s ______

•  The manor ______is an ______arrangement that is ______

•  Lord provides ______, strips of farmland, and ______from ______

•  In return, ______tend the ______, cared for his ______, and ______the ______

•  ______traveled more than ______from the ______

•  Generally ______families lived in the ______on a manor

•  Everything needed such as ______, clothes, fuel, ______and leather goods were ______on the manor

•  Only outside purchases were ______, iron and unusual ______