1Executive summary......

2Partners involved......


3.1Type of project (brief description)______

3.2Innovative features in comparison with current situation______

4Description of project activities......

4.1Modes and route involved______

4.2Work done______

4.3Problems encountered and solutions/modifications______


5Project objectives......

5.1Traffic shift______

5.2Environmental benefits______

5.3Price and service performance of the project______

5.4Project objectives relating to innovation______

5.5Evolution and conclusion______

1.Executive summary

Summarise in maximum 2 pages what were the objectives of the project, what has been done, what are the achievements, what are the main problems encountered with the resulting solutions/modifications with regard to the last report, and how will the project evolve towards the end of the contract. Use the appropriate project overview form[1], and put only non confidential information, destined for the public.

2.Partners involved

Project lead partner / Role of partner in the project
Company name:
contact person: Mr.
phone: +fax:
address: /
  • Co-ordinator

Project partners / Role of partner in the project
Company name:
contact person: Mr.
phone: +fax:
Company name:
contact person: Mr.
phone: +fax:


3.1.Type of project (brief description)

Describe the project and what you wanted to achieve so that a reader who does not know the project immediately knows what the project is about. Start from the initial situation and work towards what will become the situation at the end of the project.

3.2.Innovative features in comparison with current situation

Describe which are the innovative elements of your project and how they will impact the market.

4.Description of project activities

4.1.Modes and route involved

Describe the exact route of the project as it was originally by road, and how it will be when this project isimplemented.

4.2.Work done

Briefly describe what you have done in order to implement the project.

4.3.Problems encountered and solutions/modifications

Describe the problems encountered in this project, and the solutions found. If no solution has been found yet, state how you will try to solve the problem.


Name the different steps necessary to achieve the goals of the project (“milestones”), and the time schedule for their implementation (“key dates”).

Start of the operation
Progress/Interim Report to the Agency
Final Report to the Agency

5.Project objectives

5.1.Traffic shift

State the tonne kilometres that have been modal shifted per year, and compare to the contractual objectives.

Route / Planned shift during reporting period / Actual shift during reporting period

5.2.Environmental benefits

Indicate the environmental benefits realised during this contract. Refer to the calculations of Annex I to the contract.

5.3.Price and service performance of the project

Indicate the price and service levels, and compare to the planned levels.

5.4.Project objectives relating to innovation

Describe the status before starting this project, and the status at the end for each of the innovative elements of the project.

Expected achievements and improvements during the project period:


5.5.Evolution and conclusion

State how the project will evolve towards reaching the objectives at the end of the contract.

Project Overview FormProgress/Interim report

The one-page project overview form must be completed to present the key elements of the action.

The key elements are:

I.1Title of the action[2]

I.2Acronym for the action[3]

I.3Type of action applied for

I.4Lead partner’s full address

I.5Contact person’s name (full address only if different from lead partner’s address)

I.6Other partners’ names and countries

I.7Project idea / objectives (max 2000 characters)

I.8Entire transport/logistics route (max 500 characters)

I.9New “modally-shifted” part of route (max 500 characters)

I.10Duration of EC subsidy and Maximum EC subsidy S (€)

I.11Total modal shift generated over duration of EC subsidy[4] orTotal quantity of road traffic avoided during EC subsidy grant Tav (vkm)[5]

I.12Environmental benefits B (€)[6]

I.13Total eligible cost of action Ctotal (€)



I.16Main unforeseen problems encountered (if any)

I.17Solutions to main unforeseen problems

I.18Other key message(s) to the Agency (if any)

Project Overview Form

Marco Polo ProgrammeProgress/Interim report

I.1Title of proposal:

I.2Acronym for proposal:

I.3Type of action applied for:

I.4Lead partner’s full address:

I.5Contact person’s name, tel., fax and email:

I.6Other partners’ names and countries:

I.7Project idea (max 2000 characters):

I.8Entire transport/logistics route (max 500 characters):

I.9New “modally-shifted” part of route (max 500 characters):

I.10Duration of EC subsidy and maximum EC subsidy:

I.11Total modal shift generated over duration of EC subsidy or Total quantity of road traffic avoided during EC subsidy grant Tav (vkm):

I.12Environmental benefits B (€):

I.13Total eligible cost of action Ctotal (€):



I.16Main unforeseen problems encountered (if any)

I.17Solutions to main unforeseen problems

I.18Other key message to the Agency

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[1] “Contract” means the situation at the start of the contract; “interim” means the intermediate report stating ONLY data for the period (year) concerned; “final” means the report at the end of the contract, summarising ALL data for the WHOLE period.

[2] Short, but meaningful name for the action.

[3]Acronym (max. 20 characters) for the proposal to provide a handy abbreviation of the title. This is important for document handling. The acronym should be well chosen.

[4] Use the same calculation method as applied in the proposal.

[5] For Traffic avoidance actions, please also include tkm or m3km

[6]Use the same calculation method as applied in the proposal.

[7]Use the numbered deliverables from the contract text, annex I. Only put the deliverables for this reporting period. Indicate with a * when the deliverable is not fulfilled.

[8] Use the numbered milestones from the contract text, annex I. Only put the milestones for this reporting period. Indicate with a * when the milestone is not fulfilled.