SES4U How Diamonds Work


1)  What are the '4 C's of diamonds'? Explain each 'C'.

2)  How much of a human body is made of carbon?

3)  Where do natural diamonds form?

4)  Under what conditions do natural diamonds form?

5)  What are kimberlite pipes? What are their significance to diamonds?

6)  What is kimberlite rock?

7)  What is Mohs Hardness Scale? How does it work?

8)  What is the markup on diamond prices?

9)  What is De Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd. and what is their influence on worldwide diamond trade?

10)  Explain De Beers' marketing campaign. What was their most successful slogan? Include dates in your explanation.

11)  What is a conflict diamond / blood diamond?

12)  How does illegal diamond mining affect African primate populations?

13)  Fill copy and fill out the following table in your notes

Diamond name / Carats / Discovery / Current State
The Cullinan
The Hope Diamond
The Excelsior
The Great Mogul

14)  What is cubic zirconia?

15)  What is moissanite?

16)  What is the main difference between man-made diamonds and natural diamonds?

SES4U How Diamonds Work


1)  What are the '4 C's of diamonds'? Explain each 'C'.

2)  How much of a human body is made of carbon?

3)  Where do natural diamonds form?

4)  Under what conditions do natural diamonds form?

5)  What are kimberlite pipes? What are their significance to diamonds?

6)  What is kimberlite rock?

7)  What is Mohs Hardness Scale? How does it work?

8)  What is the markup on diamond prices?

9)  What is De Beers Consolidated Mines, Ltd. and what is their influence on worldwide diamond trade?

10)  Explain De Beers' marketing campaign. What was their most successful slogan? Include dates in your explanation.

11)  What is a conflict diamond / blood diamond?

12)  How does illegal diamond mining affect African primate populations?

13)  Fill copy and fill out the following table in your notes

Diamond name / Carats / Discovery / Current State
The Cullinan
The Hope Diamond
The Excelsior
The Great Mogul

14)  What is cubic zirconia?

15)  What is moissanite?

16)  What is the main difference between man-made diamonds and natural diamonds?

Diamonds Quiz: / 10 K/U

1. A diamond is ______in its most concentrated form.

a. carbon

b. potassium

c. silicon

2. Diamonds form:

a. at the bottom of certain parts of the Indian Ocean.

b. in certain types of caves just below the Earth's surface.

c. about 100 miles below Earth's surface, in the mantle's molten core.

3. Kimberlite pipes are named after:

a. Kimberley, the daughter of the founder of diamond cartel De Beers

b. Kimberlite, the rarest and most precious kind of diamond in the world.

c. Kimberley, South Africa, the location where these pipes were first found.

4. On the Mohs Hardness scale, a diamond is a:

a. 1

b. 7

c. 10

5. Bruiting a diamond refers to the process of:

a. cutting a diamond by hand using a special instrument

b. rubbing a diamond with a special powder to give it a smooth, polished finish

c. breaking a rough diamond down to a manageable size.

6. Which of the following is true about most diamonds?

a. They are cut using cleaving, not bruiting.

b. They never reach the consumer market because they are too flawed.

c. They're naturally red but lose their color after polishing.

7. The color of the most expensive transparent diamond is:

a. sky blue

b. icy white

c. pale yellow

8. The select people or companies authorized to buy rough diamonds from De Beers are called:

a. gemsmen

b. shareholders

c. sightholders

9. Blood diamonds are:

a. named for the bloodshed and human rights violations often required to obtain them

b. a very rare type of red diamond that is one of the most expensive in the world

c. diamonds that are handed down from generation to generation in one family

10. The largest diamond ever found was called the:

a. Cullinan

b. Excelsior

c. Great Mogul