Why Run-On Skits at YFCamp

We use run-on skits in YFCamp club meetings to display the emotion of the week and to help make some tangible connections to what each student is hearing in regards to Jesus. It is true that run-ons are mostly funny, but they do also expose kids to specific emotions. For example, students see the emotion of loss, separation, failure, etc. during the “Jesus Sees My Mess” day at camp. In very simple ways these run-ons also often display some physical distinctions that they are hearing about at camp. For example, on the “Restore/Respond” day at YFCamp the run-on often shows restoration in a relationship and situation. It is these subtle connections that continue to help teens process all they have been hearing at a week of YFCamp.

So we create run-ons with this purpose in mind. We want to pick characters and situations that teens can identify with. We want teens to laugh, guess what might be next, and care about how it unfolds. Early in a week of camp we will take time to substantiate these characters and give them a baseline. From this place we want them to understand the clear relational dynamic between the characters. Often next we begin to build plot through a variety of situations that are often building blocks toward a conflict. Mid week usually represents a significant relational conflict which puts a huge divide between the main characters of the story. Then in the final days of camp we look to restore these relationships in creative ways and often with a “God” character involved.

We like to go to all ends to make this run on a special event each day. We use lighting effects, great secular music, blocking, bonus characters, props, etc. all to engage students in to this display of the message of Jesus.

YFCamp Club Run-On Sketch

DAY 1 – Taking tickets behind their booths. The booths say on them “The Rock Ridge Zoo”. They talk about being real zookeepers someday like “Steve Irwin”. Argue about who the better zookeeper is – Steve Irwin or Jack Hannah. Nick has a poster of Jack Hannah and Kristen has a signed picture of Steve Irwin. Start throwing things at each other. Nick steps out with his short shorts and the Kristen starts making fun of him. The manager comes out and sees them throwing things and in short shorts and yells telling them they have been demoted to poop scooping. Kristen gets mad thinking the shorts put the manager over the edge. Nick says it was the Kristen’s fault because he started throwing things. Nick makes an inside insult at Kristen. She slowly turns around and gives him an evil stare. Music starts and builds up to when Kristen runs at Nick and takes him and the booth out.

MUSIC – Entrance: Lion King Theme

Exit: Wipeout; We will rock you; I’m Gonna Knock You Out, I Get Knocked Down

DAY 2 – They’ve been demoted to poop scooping and doing other chores. Throwing the feed at the audience. Kristen is scooping feed and Nick is throwing it. While doing the chores they talk about how they are mad they have to be doing chores. They stop working and talk about how they will get their jobs back. They don’t say it to the audience but whisper it to each other. Kristen says she’s tired of scooping and makes Nick scoop. Nick sees a huge terd and dares Kristen to pick it up for a dollar. Kristen dares Nick to eat it for 2 dollars. Starts a crowd chant “do it, do it, do it”. Nick takes a bite and lights drop.

MUSIC – Entrance: Lion King Theme

Exit: Eat It by Weird Al

DAY 3 – Start talking off stage about Jack Hannah coming to speak and this is their chance to impress their boss and Jack Hannah by decorating. Nick climbs on a chair to hang decorations and sees the animal has his finger up his nose and wants to take a picture with his cell phone. The flash wakes the animal up and starts going crazy. Kristen tries to calm the animal down by singing it a lullabye. Animal starts calming down while Nick enters cage to retrieve the cell phone. He grabs the cell phone and starts getting out but the cell phone rings and wakes it up again. While Nick tries to get out the lights go down. Lights come up to reveal animal escapes while one is locked in the cage. Kristen asks where the keys are. Can’t find them because they got lost in the scuffle. Exit with one going to get the keys while the other is locked in the cage. Nick yells for Kristen sounding real scared and then the noises come on.

MUSIC – Entrance: Lion King Theme leads into… Mission Impossible, Pink Panther, Jungle noises, nighttime noise – crickets or something, Lion Sleeps Tonight,

Exit: Animal sound and then crickets while looking for key.

DAY 4 – At night and they have to look around for the animal. Lights come up while the zookeepers sneak in with headlamps and tan safari gear. Give facts about the gorilla sounding really official. Hear the animal noise then get scared and hold each other. Looking around on the stage. Think they should turn headlamps off which cues the sound person to turn all lights off and start the video. Lights come up after video and one is all torn up and comes to slowly and the other is missing.

One has a camera at the beginning saying it has night vision or whatever.

Video shows beast perspective and zookeeper perspective.

MUSIC - Entrance: Lion King

Exit: REM – Everybody Hurts, Celine Deion – All By Myself,

DAY 5 – Intro to same song as exit yesterday. Kristen walks in and stands on one side. Supervisor walks in and Kristen tells supervisor what happened and says she thinks Nick died. Supervisor doesn’t respond but can’t believe that the animal is gone because it was his best friend. He picks up Kristen and is crying then sees the animal in the distance and drops Kristen. Supervisor and gorilla reunite while “Reunited” by Peaches and Herb and leave Kristen. Kristen looks longingly at the people that left while Nick walks in from behind her. Nick comes back in all beat up and says something like “still think Steve Irwin’s better”. The zookeepers reunite while song comes on.

MUSIC – Entrance: Same as exit yesterday

Exit: Circle of Life – Lion King

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