Independent ClausesIndependent ClausesIndependent Clauses

Independent ClausesIndependent Clauses

Top of Form

Select the option that best describes the arrangement of clauses within each sentence. Sometimes the description will refer to only the underlined part of a sentence. Read all the options carefully before making your choice.

1. Before Raoul bought his new car, he remembered that his grandmother might give him her old sedan.
The independent clause is "Before Raoul bought his new car."
The independent clause in this sentence contains only two words.
There are two independent clauses here.

2.Alicia's wrist began to hurt, and her mother made a doctor's appointment for her.
The underlined part is the sole independent clause here.
The real independent clause begins with "and."
This sentence contains two independent clauses.

3.Zipping around the park in her little sportster, Juditha began to feel, at last, like a millionaire.
The underlined part is the independent clause.
Trick question: there is no independent clause.
The independent clause begins with "Juditha."

4. Although Jerzy had taken several courses in computer science, he couldn't solve the problems with his hard drive.
The underlined part is the independent clause.
The independent clause begins with the word "he."
The sentence contains two independent clauses.

5.The Celtics have begun their long journey back to championship basketball, working seriously on fundamentals and beginning to attract new fans to the game.
The sentence is one long independent clause.
The sentence contains two independent clauses.
Only the underlined part is the independent clause.

6.Ernesto wanted to spend the night studying, but his wife had other ideas.
The sentence contains two independent clauses.
Only the underlined part of the sentence is an independent clause.
The sentence is one long independent clause (with a compound verb).

7.The crowd began to clap and cheer as the team entered through a cloud of smoke.
The sentence contains two independent clauses.
The independent clause begins with the word "as."
The underlined part is the independent clause.

8.Gordy worked his way up to middle management but kept on wishing for a better job.
The underlined part of the sentence is the independent clause.
The sentence is one independent clause.
The sentence contains two independent clauses.

9. Gesualdo began to leap around the room when his wife fed him the jalapeño peppers.
The independent clause is the part of the sentence not underlined.
The independent clause is the part of the sentence that is underlined.
The sentence contains two independent clauses

10.Heitor signed the contract but never agreed to purchase the CDs.
This sentence contains two independent clauses.
The underlined part is the complete independent clause.
The entire sentence is one independent clause.

The Ingredients of Independent Clauses

1. Which of the following words is a coordinating conjunction?
A. although
B. however
C. nevertheless
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

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2. Which of the following words is a subordinating conjunction?
A. although
B. however
C. nevertheless
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

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3. Which of the following sentences is prescriptively correct?
A. The space station has been damaged; therefore, we must abandon it.
B. The space station has been damaged, therefore, we must abandon it.
C. The space station has been damaged, therefore we must abandon it.
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

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4. Which of the following sentences is a comma splice?
A. The space station has been damaged; therefore, we must abandon it.
B. The space station has been damaged, therefore, we must abandon it.
C. The space station, has been damaged therefore we must abandon it.
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

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5. Which of the following sentences is a run-together sentence?
A. The space station has been damaged; therefore, we must abandon it.
B. The space station has been damaged, therefore, we must abandon it.
C. The space station has been damaged therefore we must abandon it.
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

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6. Which of the following sentences is prescriptively correct?
A. There are many good examples of this in his writing, one is:
B. The implications are obvious, the adjective golden gives the impression of good.
C. The peacock has no monetary value, rather it is "another mouth to feed."
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

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7. Which of the following sentences is prescriptively correct?
A. Mrs. Biber was not evil; she was just wrong.
B. Mrs. Biber was not evil, she was just wrong.
C. Mrs. Biber was not evil therefore she was just wrong.
D. Mrs. Biber was not evil she was just wrong.
E. Mrs. Biber was not evil nevertheless she was just wrong.

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8. Which of the following is a conjunctive adverb?
A. nevertheless
B. however
C. thus
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

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9. Which of the following is a coordinating conjunction?
A. and
B. for
C. nor
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

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10. Which of the following is a subordinating conjunction?
A. since
B. although
C. when
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

Fragments and Types of Sentences

Top of Form

1. Which of the following is a sentence fragment?
A. However, he didn't finish the essay.
B. Although he didn't finish the essay.
C. Therefore, he didn't finish the essay.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.

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2. Which of the following is a sentence fragment?
A. However, the dog doesn't bite him.
B. The dog will not bite him.
C. Although the dog will not bite him.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.

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3. What is true of the following example?
"Guinevere and Lancelot, who can be considered archetypal betrayers."
A. It contains a noun clause.
B. It contains an adverbial clause.
C. It is a comma splice.
D. It is a sentence fragment.
E. It is a run-together sentence.

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4. Which of the following contains a sentence fragment?
A. I studied for the exam. Therefore, I will do well.
B. I studied for the exam; therefore, I will do well.
C. I studied for the exam therefore I will do well.
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

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5. Which of the following contains a sentence fragment?
A. I will help you with the homework if you ask me.
B. I will help you with the homework, if you ask me.
C. I will help you with the homework. If you ask me.
D. All of the above
E. None of the above

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6. What is true of the following sentence?
"If the characters' speeches were analyzed, the author's prejudices would emerge."
A. It is a sentence fragment.
B. It is a complex sentence.
C. It is a compound sentence.
D. It is a comma splice.
E. None of the above.

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7. What is true of the following sentence?
"Whereas, no one could believe that she had married him."
A. It is a sentence fragment.
B. It is a comma splice.
C. It is a compound sentence.
D. It is a compound-complex sentence.
E. None of the above.

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Top of Form

8. What is true of the following sentence?
"Moreover, no one could believe that she had married him."
A. It is a sentence fragment.
B. It is a comma splice.
C. It is a compound sentence.
D. It is a compound-complex sentence.
E. None of the above.

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Top of Form

9. What is true of the following sentence?
"When , cows flew."
A. It is a sentence fragment.
B. It is a comma splice.
C. It is a compound sentence.
D. It is a compound-complex sentence.
E. None of the above.

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