Classics on the Common
Harpenden's Award Winning Classic Car Meet
Wednesday 28th July 2010
Ticket Application Form
Please fill in this form and print with required details and a Stamped Self Addressed Envelope & cheque for £5 (min £3 for motorcycles/scooters) payable to 'HVRC' and POST to:
Classics on the Common
PO Box 523
About your Car/Bike
Vehicle Make: ......
Vehicle Model: ......
Registration: ......
Year: ......
About You
Name: ......
Address 1: ......
Address 2: ......
Town/City: ...... Postcode: ......
Telephone: ...... Email address: ......
Please remember to sign the indemnity below & enclose your cheque + SAE with this application.
Your entry fee includes a souvenir rally plaque if application received by 1st June 2010
I agree to be bound by the regulations that are issued for this event. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry or my being permitted to take part in the event, I agree to save harmless and keep indemnified such person, persons or body as may be authorised by the organisers to promote or organise this event and their respective officials, servants, representatives and agents from and against all actions, claims, costs, expenses and demands in respect of death or injury to myself howsoever caused arising out of or in conjunction with this entry or my taking part in this event, and notwithstanding that the same may been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of the said bodies, their officials, servants or representatives or agents. Furthermore, in respect of any parts of this event on the ground where third party insurance is not required by law this agreement shall in addition to the parties names above extend to all and any other participant/s and their servants and agents and to all actions, claims, costs, expenses and demands in respect of loss or damage to the person and property of myself, my driver(s), passenger(s), or associated personnel. I declare that the use of the vehicle hereby entered will be covered by insurance and road tax as required by the law which is valid for such part of this event as shall take place on roads as defined by law.
Entrant Signature: ...... Date ......
Office Use:
Received Date: ...... Donation: ...... Ticket Number: ...... Status: I / W / R: Initials: . . .