Dr Billington & Partners
Heaton Moor Medical Centre
Produced for the Patient Participation Directed Enhanced Service 2013-2014
Dr Billington & Partners is a large busy practice with over 9600 registered patients. The purpose of the Patient Participation Group (PPG) is to ensure that our patients are involved in decisions aboutthe range and quality of the services provided. Thisincludes patients being involved in decisions that lead to changes to the services the Practiceprovides or commissions, either directly or indirectly. Thefollowing report details the ongoing development of our Patient Reference Group (PRG) and theresults of our most recent patient survey, together with agreed new Practice developments.
- Process used to recruit to our PPG
The Practice started to recruit members for its PPG in August 2011and has continued this recruitment over the years.The Practice wanted to use the resources within Practice to have a discussion with all staff and GPs as to how we would best keep the PPG moving forward and enabling us to make a difference, to createtruly representative group of individuals. We have strived to comply with Equality and Diversity legislation. We identified valuable resources in recruiting ‘hard‐to‐reach’ groups suchas our regular contacts with: Health Visitors, Midwives, Local Pharmacies and organisations who help in groups.
Recruitment methods used included the following:
- Practice posters
- Website invitations – via Practice website
- Practice Newsletter
- Specific invitations generated by identification of patients
- Direct - by talking to patients in the waiting room and attending ‘flu clinics’
- Invitationsat new patient registration
- An Advert was placed in the Moor Magazine in conjunction with four practices in the Heatons locality - Heaton Moor Medical Centre, Eastholme Medical Practice, Heaton Mersey Medical Centre and Heaton Norris Health Centre. The adverts started at the beginning of our campaign to recruit and continued last year. It appeared on the Moor Magazine website from November 2011 to November 2012 and ran in the June/July issue 2012
The PPG members are contacted by email or letter.
The Practice website a designated area where patients can register their interest in the patient group and also email direct any comments that a patient may wish to register.
- Profile of PPG
We acknowledge that despite our continued efforts our group is under‐representative of those aged under 16 and 85+and ethnic minority groups etc. This has arisen despite the involvement of primary health care staff from various backgrounds to facilitate wider involvement.
- Agreement of Priority Areas
The Practice developed the Practice Survey and asked the members of our PPG to help us identify priority issues they felt should be included in the local Practice surveyareas, for the practice to review. We have continued to build on their suggestions and have created a new survey after consultation with our PPG group, looking at areas identified for 2013/14
- The Practice Survey
The survey was sent to all PPG members. Reception staff also engaged as many patients as possible in completing the questionnaires.
See attached results appendix 1
- PPG Survey Results and Action Plan
The survey was analysed and a proposed Action Plan was produced and sent to all PPG group members for consideration.
We asked the group for their comments and suggestions and provided them with the opportunity to make changes to the draft action plan if they wished to.
The main actions agreed were around:
- Contacting the Practice
- Availabilty of Appointments
- How to use our Services
- Practice Opening Times
Reception is open for face to face contact from 7.30-20.00 Monday, and Tuesday - Friday from 7.30-18.30,excluding Bank Holidays. The telephone service is available from 8.00 -18.30 Monday - Friday.
Out of Hours (Mastercall) cover calls from 18.30-08.00 hours weekdays, weekends and Bank Holidays.
- Extended Opening Hours
The Practice currently provides additional opening under the Extended Hours (DES) and these run 7.30-08.00 each morning and 18.30-20.00 on Mondays (except bank holidays) and every 2nd Saturday of the month from 8.30 a.m. – 11.30am.
If you could take a few moments to complete this questionnaire, it would be greatly appreciated.
Please answer the following questions with regards to general awareness of appointments at the Practice:
Are you aware that the Practice offers Nurse Practitioner appointments for problems that present
on the day?YES NO
Are you aware that the Practice offers Nurse Practitioner appointments for children’s minor illness
on the day?YES NO
Are you aware that you can register at reception to enable you to make online appointments
with the Doctors?YES NO
Routine appointments are usually available for the Doctor 2 weeks in advance and for the Practice Nurse, Health Care Assistant and Phlebotomist 2 months in advance.
Thinking of recent experiences of booking appointments can you answer the following questions:
Assuming you booked via the telephone were you able to get through in a timely manner?YES NO
minutesWhat do you consider to be timely?
Do you book appointments online with the Doctor?YES NO
Would you like to book appointments more than 2 weeks in advance with your GP?YES NO
How far in advance would you like to make a GP appointment?
Upto 2 weeks 2-3 weeks 3-4 weeks 4 weeks plus
Would you book nurse appointments on line if they become available?YES NO
Do you remember to cancel your appointment if it is no longer needed? YES NO
Opening Hours
We offer appointments on Mondays from 7.30am to 7.30pm and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 7.30am to 6.30pm. We are also open 2 Saturday mornings a month for pre-booked appointments.
Do these hours offer you at times to suit you?YES NO
Please let us know if you have any comments about the service we offer and if you have ideas for how we can improve.
Heaton Moor Medical Centre – Patient Survey Priorities 2013/14
The practice would once again like to ask patients their priority areas for the regular Patient Opinion Surveys.
To help us prioritise the areas reviewed could you please indicate from the following list the topic you would like covered in a Patient Opinion Survey. (Please choose as many options as apply)
Contacting the Practice
Availability of Appointments
Condition of Premises
How to Use our Services
Provision of Patient Information
Ordering my Prescription
Other Service Development(please specify)
Thank you for taking the time to complete our Survey.
We hope that together we can work to improve the services offered to you by our Practice.
Dr Billington & Partners
Patient Representative Group
Action Plan 2013-2014
Getting an appointment
You said
56% of patients who completed our survey said that they knew that we have a Nurse Practitioner who can deal with problems that present on the day and 42% said they did not know we offered this service.
47 % of patients where aware that the Nurse Practitioner offers children’s minor illness appointments on the day.
52% of Patients where aware of on line booking for Doctors appointments
We Propose
As these services are on offer to patients we need to improve our communication with patients and to make sure we advertise in the waiting room any changes or new systems we have implemented. We have to find ways of doing this so that it is clear what services we offer our patients. We need to circulate our news letter to patients with changes that have been made and also on changes that are to be made after consultation with the PPG and other forums we are also updating our web site so that new services are clear to patient at first site and putting in extra notice boards in the waiting area
82% of patients where able to get through on the phone system in a timely manner.
In asking the above question we then went on to establish what patients considered to be timely 13% of patients said 1-3 min 39% said 4-5 min and surprisingly 46% said 5-10 min .
Only 18 Patients booked their appointment online we will be now undertaking a drive to get patient to sign up for online booking so that there is an option for patients on how they access our service.
73% of patients said that they did not require to book appointments more than 2 weeks in advance, we went on to establish how far in advance patients would like to book a GP in advance and a total of 87 % said no further than 3 weeks in advance we now propose to put our GP appointments on 3 weeks in advance for patients to access.
79% of Patients said they would book online appointments with Practice Nurses when and if they where available, the Practice as part of the development plan, plan to move the clinical system to Emis Web which has greater functionality.
100% of Patient said they cancelled their appointment if it was no longer required this is a good result from the patients that completed the survey and the DNA rate is not a problem in the appointment system..
Opening Hours
98% of patient that answered the survey said that the hours the surgery offered suited them which is a great result with the extended hours servicing the correct times to allow patients to access our service.
Appendix 1
Dr Billington & Partners
Heaton Moor Medical Centre Patient Questionnaire Results 2013-2014
Please find below summary of results from Patient Questionnaire campaign
Total number of respondents: 258
258 completed paper copies in Practice or returned by post
In most cases tables will show both the number of respondents and percentage of responses.
Not all questions were answered.
YES / NOAre you aware that the Practice offers Nurse Practitioner appointments for problems that present on the day? / 144 / 108
Are you aware that the Practice offers Nurse Practitioner appointments for childrens minor illness on the day? / 120 / 138
Are you aware you can register at reception to enable you to make online appointments with the Drs? / 66 / 63
No. of responses / % total of responseAssuming you booked via the telephone, were you able to get through in a timely manner? / YES / NO / 98%
210 / 42
What do you consider to be timely? / 1-3 mins / 4-5 mins / 6-10 mins / 11-15 mins / 16-20 mins / 98%
32 / 100 / 120 / 0 / 0
Do you book appointments online with the Dr? / YES / NO / 95%
18 / 228
Would you like to book appointments more than 2 weeks in advance? / YES / NO / 98%
84 / 168
How far in advance would you like to make a GP appointment? / Up to 2 weeks / 2-3 weeks / 3-4 weeks / 4+ weeks / 86%
162 / 30 / 18 / 12
Would you book nurse appointments online if they became available? / YES / NO / 98%
198 / 54
Do you remember to cancel your appointment if it is no longer needed? / YES / NO / 95%
246 / 0
Opening Hours
We offer appointments on Monday 7:30am – 7:30 pm, Tuesday to Friday 7:30am-6:30pm. We also open 2 Saturday mornings a month for pre booked appointments?
No. of responses / % total of responseDo these hours offer you a time to suit you? / YES / NO / 93%
234 / 6