The 53rd Annual Meeting of Association or Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP2015)

July 26-31, 2015 Beijing, China

Staff use only
Reservation No. ______

Hotel Reservation Form

Please complete this form and return it before July 10, 2015 to:

Ms. Yu Shen


Tel: +86-10-62103106

Fax: +86-10-62174126


Please type or write clearly and tick appropriate boxes

Personal Information
Title: / □ Prof / □ Dr. / □ Mr. / □ Mrs. / □ Ms.
Family Name: / First name and Initial:
Zip-Code and City: / Country:
E-mail: / Fax:

1. Best Western OL Stadium Hotel Beijing (four-star hotel)

r I do not need any hotel reservation through the Congress.

Arrival Date ______Time ______Flight No. ______

Check-in Date ______Check-out Date ______Total Nights ______

Room Level / Price / Room(s) / Amount / Remark
Superior Twin Beds Room / r RMB480 / Including 2 breakfasts, service charge, free wifi
Superior Single Room / r RMB480

Notes: The room reservation must be made before July 10, 2015 with total room cost. No reservation will be guaranteed after this date or without the deposit.

Other request:

r I will share a twin room with another participant, his (her) name is______

Subtotal: RMB ______

2. Methods of Payment:

r  I will pay by: r Visa Card r Master Card r American Express Card.

Please charge my credit card for the above grand total

RMB ______x 1.03 (3% bank charge) = RMB ______.

Credit Card No. ______Expiry Date ______

Name on Card ______[Please provide your signature below.]

r  I have remitted the above grand total from my bank ______on (date) ______payable in RMB or USD (copy enclosed) to Bank Name:Bank of China Head Office. Address: Bank of China Head Office, 1 Fuxingmennei Ave. , Beijing 100818, China. Account No.: 778350008189. Account Name: CICCST. Swift code: BKCHCNBJ. CNAPS:104100000045 The beneficiary is CICCST. I have written “ACL2015” and my name in the place of “Message”.

Signature ______Date ______