Ch.16 and 17 Study Guide
59-Wilson’s Presidency
1. Name the platform of Wilson as President?
2. Name the tariff law which Wilson pushed through Congress which lowered the tariff?
3. What source of revenue was to replace the tariff for the federal government?
4. Name the national banking system that was developed under Wilson to decrease the influence of wealthy bankers over the economy?
5. Name the federal agency created under Wilson whose job is to oversee industry and prevent monopolies?
6. Name the stronger anti-monopoly law that was passed under Wilson?
7. Which amendment would eventually grant all women the right to vote?
60-World War 1
1. This is an intense feeling of patriotism and pride in one’s country?
2. This was the system of agreements which caused the nations of Europe to go to war in a chain reaction?
3. Which group was composed of Germany, Austria, and the Ottoman Empire?
4. Which group was composed of England, France, and Russia?
5. The war started with the political assassination of this man?
6. What was the US policy toward the beginning of the war?
7. What was President Wilson’s campaign slogan for the 1916 election?
8. What new weapon did the German government begin to use against trade that angered world opinion?
9. What type of warfare was commonly fought in WW I?
10. Name two new weapon technologies used in the war with devastating effects?
11. Name the British ocean liner that was sunk by Germany that angered many Americans?
12. Name the intercepted German telegram that urged Mexico to enter the war against the US to prevent the US from aiding the Allies?
61-US in WW I
1. Name the idealistic plan for peace that was called for by President Wilson as a method to prevent another such war?
2. Slogan used by Wilson as he reluctantly asked Congress for war in 1917?
3. Name the law which began the draft system?
4. This was the term for the fighting in Europe?
5. This term was a nickname given to the fresh American troops in Europe?
6. What was the name of the American military units that were sent to fight in WW I?
7. Name these areas where people were encouraged to grow their own food so they could conserve for the war effort?
8. The war was paid for by the government issuing these?
9. The Supreme Court legalized the restrictions of the Espionage and Sedition Act with this test phrase used in the court’s ruling?
10. This event is when large numbers of African Americans first began to move north into cities during the war looking for work?
62-Fight for Peace
1. This was the name of the very specific plan for peace designed by President Wilson?
2. Name the place where the peace conference for WW I met?
3. What is the term for the leading nations of the peace conference?
4. This was the last of the specific goals presented by Wilson which called for a world organization to keep the peace?
5. Which nation was forced to accept the blame for WW I and to pay huge damages?
6. Which US leader specifically led a campaign to amend or disapprove the treaty?
7. Why did he so strongly oppose the treaty?
8. What happened to President Wilson shortly after returning from Europe?
63-Return to Normalcy
1. Return to Normalcy was the campaign slogan of which President?
2. What was the collective name of the multiple disarmament conferences held after the war?
3. Name the treaty signed in 1929 which actually outlawed war?
4. How did the National Origins Act change our immigration system?
5. What is the name for the period after WWI when there was a fear of communism?
6. Name the two Italian immigrant anarchists who were convicted of murder in an obviously biased trial?
7. What group saw a dramatic rise in its membership during this period of fear and change in the 1920’s?
8. What scandal would disgrace the government in the early 20’s?
9. Which President, known as “Do Nothing Cal” was especially liked by business for his laissez faire policies?
64-Roaring 20’s
1. This quote by President Coolidge is the perfect example of his business first attitude?
2. This new business technique allowed consumers to pay for products a little at a time, therefore increasing their buying power?
3. Who changed the climate of business and labor with his plan for the $5 day workday?
4. This term describes the new young independent woman of the 20’s?
5. This term refers to the period when alcohol production and consumption was illegal?
6. These were illegal clubs that served alcohol?
7. These were people who smuggled alcohol into businesses and clubs?
8. He quickly became the leader of organized crime in America during the 20’s?
9. This is the literal belief in the Bible that fueled a revival across America?
10. This is the famous “monkey” trial where a teacher taught the theory of evolution in a state that had banned its teaching?
65-20’s Culture
1. This recently invented device first became popular in the late 20’s as a source of entertainment and sporting events?
2. Gertrude Stein described the serious writers of the 20’s as this?
3. He was the author of the Great Gatsby?
4. Name the 1920’s slugger who captivated the minds of all baseball fans with his hitting prowess?
5. Name the aviator who was the first to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean?
6. Name the first female to also complete the same feat?
7. He was the first star of the silent movie with his “Little Tramp” character?
8. He was an African American leader who encouraged blacks to move back to Africa in order to obtain full rights?
9. This is a term for the flowering of black culture that took place during the 20’s but especially in northern urban areas?
10. Name the new type of American music which truly emerged in the 20’s?
11. Name a famous musician from that period?