Plan for Student Success
School: South Mountain High School Teacher: Juan Du
Department: ELL Course: Basic ESL English 1-2
Credits:2 (1Englishcredit and 1 elective) Prerequisite: Pre-Emergent/Emergent
Contact Information:
School Email:
ELL Liaison: Ms. Ana Cortez 764-5026
ELL Department Office: 764-5051
Attendance: (602) 764-5026
1. Course Description:
Two-semester course, grade levels 9, 10, 11, 12
Eligible students: AZELLA composite score of Basic
Two-semester course, grade levels 9, 10, 11, 12 Eligible students: AZELLA composite score of Basic Prerequisite: None
This two-period block course is designed for limited-English proficient students with AZELLA composite scores of Basic. Students develop writing and grammar skills in English as identified by the state ELL Writing Proficiency Standards and the Discrete Skills Inventory. Increased control of the six-traits of writing and correct grammar usage skills are taught through the use of significant themes and high-interest content in meaningful context. Each semester, students will earn one-half unit of regular required English credit and one-half unit of regular required English credit and one-half unit of elective credit. Students must also be enrolled in Basic English Reading and Basic Conversational English and Academic Vocabulary.
2. Materials Required:
- English in Action 3 & 4 by Barbara H. Foley and Elizabeth R. Neblett, Thomson Heinle
- High Point Level A by Hampton-Brown
- Oxford Picture Dictionary 2nd Edition, workbook, CD
- Writing to learn: paragraph to Essay
The class uses and to practice vocabulary and communicate on academics.
3. Grading System:
Grades are given based on the 3P criteria, and calculated by Genesis system. Details of criteria under each category will be provided by teacher on grading day, and they are subject to change. To access grades, go to sign in either as a parent or student.
Participation 25%
Be present
- Be here on time.
- Be Prepared.
- Be at own seat when the bell rings.
- Check the board for agenda and assignments.
Be responsible
- Make good choices.
- Speak English.
- Take class seriously.
- Make best efforts.
- Complete all assignments.
Be a member
- Be willing to share
- Be willing to help others.
- Ask good questions.
- Treat others the way that you want to be treated.
Performance 50%
Complete and turn in work on time.
Work shows your best efforts/Quality.
Show improvement of your learning along the way.
Total = 100%
Grade Equivalent:
90 -100% = A
80 - 89% = B
70 - 79% = C
60 - 69% = D
Below 59% =F
Extra credit would be given only in certain circumstances, which takes no more than 2% of the student’s overall grade. Accommodations and modifications will be included per IEP and 504 Plans.
4. Title I Program:
Academic tutoring and test preparation is available to all students. Additional support for passing classes and graduating on time is the intent of these services. Support through Title I funding is available in the areas of: math, reading, and English. If interested, please contact the Principal La Cresha Williams or Assistant Principal for Instruction Dr. Martha Sheffield for additional information at 602-764-5000
5. Make –up Policy:
Full credit is given only to work handed in on time. Any late work will automatically drop a letter grade for each day late. If students are not present on test day, they will be given a different test and will be expected to make up the test within two days, by appointment (before school, after school or during a prep period).
Assignment Due Policy. Class Assignments are due at the end of the class. Homework must be turned in at the BEGINNING of the class period.
Make-Up Work and Tutoring: It is your responsibility to remind the teacher to give you make-up work the day you come back to class. Make-up assignments are to be done during KKIS (Keep Kids in School). KKISand Tutoring will be given during 7:30 am-7:55amon Monday, Tuesday, and Friday in R#113. Alternative assignments could be given in case the missed assignments cannot be made up. You have three (3) days to make up missed assignments due to absences. Any assignments due to unexcused tardy, ditching, or misbehavior in class can not be made up. You may be referred to regular after school tutoring if your grade is below 60% (also see course requirements).
6. Attendance:
If a student is absent, the parent or guardian must call the school at (602) 764-5026 with information regarding the absence within 2 school days. In addition, the student must bring a note from the parent/guardian upon returning to school. The note will be signed by each teacher and turned into registration at the end of the day. Any absence not excused by the parent/guardian within 48 hours (2 school days) of the absence will be considered unexcused.
When a student has 12 absences (excused and unexcused) in one or more classes, P.U.H.S.D. Policy states that the student may be dropped from the class(es) or receive no credit for the class(es). Teachers, counselors, and administrators will work with parent/guardians to keep them informed prior to the students having 12 absences.
Tardy Policy---Refer to South Mountain High School Student Handbook
Unexcused ABSENCES
- 3 absences = Phone call and letter mailed home.
- 6 absences = Phone call and letter mailed home.
Meet with your counselor
Attendance contract initiated
- 9 absences = Attendance hearing is scheduled
- 12 absences = Administrative Attendance Hearing: Administrator, Parent/Guardian, and Student
Please sign and date the bottom part. Return it to Ms. Du no later than ______.
I have discussed the Plan for Success with my Parent or Guardian. I understand the Plan and agree to follow the rules.
Name, Student Number, and Date
Parent or Guardian Signature and Date