4TH Grade Procedures 2017-2018

Welcome to our classrooms!

There are five fourth grade teachers. The groupings are as follows:

*Mrs. Joseph teaches reading and social studies, Mrs. Smith teaches writing and science, Mrs. Beauchamp teaches math.

*Ms. Klaus teaches the literacy block (reading, writing, and spelling) and Mrs. Standley teachesmath, science, and social studies.


H.O.P. Folder: This will be our home‐to‐school connection folder for all incomplete work, homework and school correspondence. This folder will be sent home daily. Please sign the agenda page daily.

Graded Work Folder: Completed assignments from the previous week will come home in this folder. Any graded paper with 70 or below needs to be corrected, signed by a parent, and returned. If there is a Monday holiday this folder will be sent home on Wednesday.

• HOMEWORK: The students will be responsible for writing down their homework assignments each day on their agenda which will be keptin their HOP Folder. All students will have a Reading Log that they are responsible for filling out. By Friday of each week, it will need to beinitialed by a parent/guardian. Students are responsible for reading at least 20 minutes per night, three times a week. The Reading log will be kept in their HOP folder. In addition, please look for math homework Monday-Thursday.

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: As a 4th grader, your child will need to be able to handle more responsibility. Be prepared for your child to go through an adjustment period as they become accustomed to the increased rigor 4th grade requires. Please encourage your child to be responsible in completing their homework and bringing it back to school on time. 4th graders can also demonstrate responsibility by making sure they give you their folders and bringing them back daily. However, some students still need their parents help in fine tuning this life skill. If your child is struggling to remember to turn in homework or bring back their folders, you should check their backpacks before they come to school to make sure they’ve completed their responsibility.

• ABSENCES: When your child is absent, he or she is responsible for making up the work. Students will receive a makeup memo from their homeroom teacher. Students have the same number of days they were gone to make upthe work. For example, if a student misses 2 days of school, s/he would have 2 days after s/he returned to school tomake up the work. Much of our classroom activities cannot be done at home (group work, experiments, in‐classactivities, buddy class activities, etc), so regular attendance is encouraged.

•BE ON TIME: The tardy bell rings at 7:50. After your child has acquired 4 tardies, the office may assign after/before school detention.

•DISCIPLINE: To provide a safe and pleasant environment, our T. M. Clark school wide rules are: Be respectful, be responsible and be safe. Students will be taught the rules by all staff by modeling, direct instruction and positive reinforcement for good choices. For their good choices, your child may receive a “cool kid” ticket. These tickets may be collected and exchanged for rewards on Fridays during their lunch period.For standout behavior your child may receive a “shout out” in which they will be celebrated on the morning announcements the following Friday. For minor and repeated problems, you will be contacted by phone or note to inform you of the issue.

PARENT VOLUNTEERS: We cannot imagine teaching without the assistance of parent volunteers! Parents play a critical role in the functioning of our classroom. We appreciate any support and help you can offer. In order to help in the classroom or chaperone on field trips, all volunteers must fill out the district volunteer form and be approved at least two weeks prior to the field trip. This form may be requested from our office. We encourage you to fill out the form to keep your options open throughout the year. Please let your child’s homeroom teacher know your talents and skills and we’ll put you to work!

WATER BOTTLES AND SNACKS: Students are encouraged to bring and use a plastic water bottle with a spill‐proof lid. All students are allowed to bring a nutritious snack to eat sometime around mid-morning. Snacks are not to be shared and will not be provided to those who do not bring one. Snack should be a reasonable amount to eat within 10-15 minutes. Here are some examples of acceptable snacks: cereal, granola bars, precut or peeled fruits, popcorn, pretzels or crackers. Chips and cookies are unacceptable. Absolutely no candy!

TRANSPORTATION CHANGES: If someone is picking up your child, or if your child is going home a way other than what you have indicated, please let us know. Any change in transportation must be in writing.

• SIGN OUT: Sign your child out through the office if you plan to pick him/her up early. Your child cannot be released to you in the building unless he/she has been signed out through the front office.

• VISITOR’S TAG: All visitors must enter through the front doors to be “buzzed in” by the office. In addition, all visitors must sign in at the office and get a visitor’s pass before going anywhere on campus.

• ALLERGIES: Let us know if there are any food or drug allergies. Also, if there are any health problems or concerns that we need to make adjustments for at school. All medication must be in the original package with instructions and taken to the nurse. (Including cough drops).

• BIRTHDAYS: Children may bring pre-cut, pre-packaged,store-bought birthday treats to share with classmates. The treats must be clearly labeled with the ingredients on the container. Treats will be distributed by your child’s teacher during their recess time. Also please remember napkins! Invitations may be passed out ONLY if the entire class is invited. Feelings get hurt!

• DISMISSAL: Fourth grade dismissal is at 3:20 p.m. near the front traffic circle. At 3:45, you will need to come inside to the office to pick up your child.

• CONFERENCE: We are available to meet with parents daily from 7:55-8:35. We can also meet you by appointment before or after school. Please email, call, or send a note any time you have questions or concerns.

• GRADES: GPISD has a 9 week grading period. Look for progress reports every 3 weeks, please sign and return the progress reports. You can access your child’s grades online through Skywardfamily access. You may find the link on the G-PISD website.

• TUTORIALS: You will receive anotice at a later date. Please remember this is reserved for students who are not meeting grade period standards. Our goal is to create a small group for supplemental instruction.

TEACHER CONTACT INFORMATION: We check our e‐mail frequently throughout the day. It is a great way to get feedback to your questions or comments, and we encourage you to contact us this way. In addition, feel free to access our educator websites as well. Important Note: If you have a message you need to get to your child before the end of the day, please call our school secretary at 361-777-4045 and leave the message with her.


Jaime Joseph

Karla Beauchamp

Dani Smith


Stacy Klaus

Sherryl Standley