107 Church Street

Ivey, GA 31031


Pastor: Brother Freddy Hogg


Reta Smith

Sunday School

10:00 AM

Sunday Worship Service

11:00 AM

Sunday Evening Service

6:00 PM

Wednesday Night

7:00 PM

Bible Study

Youth - GAs/ RAs

Mission Friends

8:00 PM

Adult Choir Practice


Rev. Freddy Hogg September 2016

“Then they said unto Him, “What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?” John 6:28

What a great question for our church today. We are starting a new Church year with some new Sunday School teachers, some new people on different committees, and a new Sanctuary on the horizon!

Yes, I said a new Sanctuary! Folks we are so close to breaking ground! We have been faithful in our giving and faithful in our prayers, and God has blessed us! Now, we have to ask the question the people asked Jesus by the seaside, “What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?”

Let’s go back to Sunday School for a minute. We have classes for every age group. We have very dedicated teachers who teach God’s word and encourage discussion which adds to the fellowship of the class. Sunday School is an important part of the Worship experience and if you haven’t been in a while, now is a good time to come back!

WMU and Men’s Ministry offer great opportunities for service and fellowship. We will start some new Bible Studies soon. Our Youth have many things planned, All About Kids, RA’s and GA’s will keep the younger ones busy and Hilltopper’s will keep the young at heart entertained!

Now about that new Sanctuary! It has been a long time coming. Faithful men and women in this church have prayed and worked and raised funds to enable us to build a new Sanctuary and make other improvements to our Church. We are so close and when we ask God, “What shall we do?” be obedient when He reveals His answer to you!

God Bless the Family of God at Ivey Baptist Church!

In Christ’s Love

Brother Freddy

Brotherhood Breakfast

8:00 AM September 18th

Team 3

Business Meeting

September 11th after Evening Services

Deacon’s Meeting September 4th.

We are going to have breakfast and then meet the morning of September 4th. Meet at 8:00am in the fellowship hall and we will have sausage, biscuits and grits and discuss the new year and the church business.


September 4th Morning Service

(Danny, GW, & Gus)

No Evening Service on Sept 4th for Labor Day Weekend

Ebenezer Association Happenings

EBA WMU Council Meeting

September 11th 3:00 PM

Supper Six Group Covered Dish Meal 6:00 PM Saturday September 17th

If you are a member of Supper Six or would like to join, bring a covered dish to the fellowship Hall and join in the fellowship. See Carla Tollison or Karen Clayton for any questions.

Ivey Baptist Church Bowling Teams

Meeting for Fall Sept 1st at 7:00 PM

New Fall League Starts

Sept 8th at 7:00 PM

Lake Country Lanes Milledgeville

Children’s Church 3 to 6 year olds

Sept 04 Macy Garland

Sept 11 Penny Rauscher

Sept 18 Erlene Phillips

Sept 25 Cara Turner

{See Sonja Grube for any changes}

Nursery Workers - through 2 yrs old

Sept 04 Bethany & Hunter Price

Sept 11 Kim & Madison Bentley

Sept 18 Caroline McDade

Sept 25 Penny/Crystal

(See Tara Tidwell if you have to make changes)

Altar Flowers

Sept 04 Communion

Sept 11 Lynn Hogg

Sept 18 Bitsy Tanner

Sept 25 Lynn Lamb

(See Reta if you have to make any changes)

Visitation Schedule

Sept 04 Melissa/Josh

Sept 11 Jimmy Youmans/Ronnie Brooks

Sept 18 Bitsy/Reta/Carla

Sept 25 Lynn Lamb/Penny

(See Duane Clayton for any changes)

Youth Lake House Party

September 10th

Brother Freddy’s

House on Lake Sinclair

See Melissa Amerson for more details.

Sept 1st – Sept 30th

State Mission Season of Prayer

Please be in prayer this month about our Missionaries working hard in our State.

EBA Senior Adult

Luncheon September 20th at 11:00 AM

Mt Zion Baptist Church

We will take the Van for

Those who need a ride.

Truth Be Told Paint Party

Sept 20th in Fellowship Hall. Cost is $35. You can register at www.TruthBeToldArt.com. Or you can bring a check to the party but cash will not be accepted. We will begin at 6:30 PM. Theme of painting is fall (pumpkin) with bible verse.

Sign-up sheet in foyer and on hall bulletin board. See Lynn Hogg for questions.

WMU Meeting Sept 12th

7:00 PM Fellowship Hall

As we are beginning our new 2016-2017 church year, we are looking for women to join us in WMU. Doesn’t matter if you are young, middle, or mature age, we would love to have you join us in Fun, Fellowship and doing God’s work to advance His Kingdom. It’s not only our responsibility is a privilege to share, teach and do God’s Will. Looking forward to working with you on sharing God’s Commission. Peggy Yaun

September Birthday

09/02 Abby Taylor

09/02 Jessica Lamb

09/03 Grady Sanders

09/05Damon Dukes

09/06Erlene Phillips

09/08Brandi Stripling

09/08 Judy Veal

09/09 Allison Tanner

09/10 Dorris Brown

09/10 Leah Smith

09/11 Wayne Granade

09/14 Heather Harrison

09/15 Ashley Lamb

09/16Corine Wilkes

09/17 Tara Massengale

09/18 Melinda Brooks

09/19 Hunter Brooks

09/19 Ricky Hubbard

09/20 Ryan Shrewsbury

09/21 Bill Dalacos

09/24 Jenna Theil

09/26 Christopher Avery

09/27Drew Brooks

09/29Peggy Yaun

September Anniversaries

09/01 Mr. & Mrs. Rolly Brown

09/18 Mr. & Mrs. Danny Tanner

09/21 Mr. & Mrs. Neal Phillips

09/24 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Smith

Thank You

First Responders, Fireman, Police and EMTs for all you do.