Supplementary Table 2.Correlations between clinical variables, DMN connectivity and cognitive performance. DMN hypoconnectivity was significantly and specifically correlated with the insulin resistance level (A), and this correlation was only presented in the T2DM group (B). No correlations were observed between the network connectivity and the other clinical parameters in both groups (A and B).

(A) Correlations in diabetic group

T2DM group
HbA1c / FPG / Duration / HOMA-IR(n=31)
Brain regions
aDMN / R SFG / r = 0.05 / r = 0.17 / r=0.17 / r = -0.23
L SFG / r = -0.12 / r = 0.05 / r =-0.02 / r = -0.07
pDMN / Precuneus / r = -0.02 / r = 0.16 / r = -0.16 / r = -0.19
PCC / r = -0.14 / r = 0.06 / r = 0.07 / r = -0.40 *
Cognitive performance
CFT-Delay / r = -0.20 / r = -0.07 / r = -0.40* / r = -0.29
TMT-B / r = -0.13 / r = -0.13 / r = 0.25 / r = 0.36

(B) Correlations in control group

Control group
HbA1c / FPG / Duration / HOMA-IR
Brain regions
aDMN / R SFG / r = 0.01 / r = 0.18 / \ / r = 0.08
L SFG / r = 0.06 / r = -0.21 / \ / r = 0.12
pDMN / Precuneus / r = 0.02 / r = 0.16 / \ / r = 0.23
PCC / r = 0.09 / r = -0.21 / \ / r = 0.20
Cognitive performance
CFT-Delay / r = 0.20 / r = 0.01 / \ / r = 0.15
TMT-B / r = -0.23 / r = -0.18 / \ / r = -0.22

*P < 0.05. SFG, superior frontal gyrus; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; CFT, complex figure test; TMT, trail-making test; R, right; L, left.