Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation Grantee Logic Model Elements

Page | 1 10/27/2018

Applicants may customize the inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes sections of this logic model by adding their own elements in addition to selecting those relevant to TGKVF. Please note that the projects TGKVF supports must benefit marginalized persons.

Inputs / Resources / Activities / Outputs / *****************************************DESIRABLE Outcomes*****************************************
Short-Term / Medium-Term / Long-Term
Grow Chosen Forms
of Community Wealth / Sustain Growth in Forms of Community Wealth / Improve Community Dynamics and Well-being
What we invest / What we do / Direct products from program activities / Changes in capital that result from partner outputs during the funding cycle of project (e.g. attitudes, beliefs, knowledge, skills) / Changes that are theorized prerequisites for long-term outcomes (e.g. behaviors) / Meaningful changes
in characteristics and life circumstances
(STEP 3)
[Please list the inputs (i.e. key resources) needed to carry out your project] / (STEP 4)
Target Population Demographics:
Partnerships: / (STEP 5)
[Grantees shall report on all of the following elements; please place a “0” next to the items that are not applicable to your project]
_____ Number of individuals assisted / served via grantees
_____ Number of items provided
_____ Number of things built or improved
_____ Number of people presented to/ attendance count
Demographics of persons served (e.g. race, age, gender, income-level):
_____ Number of partnerships developed / sustained
$ ______Grantee-leveraged dollars and resources
_____ Number of presentations made / (STEP 6)
[Grantees shall select oneor more short-term outcomes for each Form of Community Wealth they are addressing to measure among those listed below]
Please note that you will only select the short-term outcomes related to the form(s) of wealth you identified in Step 2. Please delete all unselected forms of wealth and short-term outcomes.
Individual Wealth
[If you listed this form of wealth in Step 2, please select at least one or more outcomes to measure among those listed within Individual Community Wealth]
 Improved attitudes, knowledge, beliefs and awareness of target population
  • Improved skills of program participants:
  • Academic (STREAM)
  • Creative
  • Technical
  • Social
  • Business / Work readiness
  • Increased GED attainment rates for dropouts
  •  Increased target population utilization of locally grown healthy foods
  •  Increased target population utilization of effective healthcare
  • Increased number of people employed in the economic sectors of health, outdoor and recreation, and/or local food
  • Increased livable wage
Intellectual Wealth
[If you listed this form of wealth in Step 2, please select at least one or more outcomes to measure among those listed within Intellectual Community Wealth]
  • Established and sustainable proven educational or vocational program (i.e. How will program outlast TGKVF funding?)
  • Increased number of qualified tutors, mentors, and teachers
  • Increased access for a diverse population (target population) to quality post-secondary and training programs (particularly for promising sector jobs)
  • Increased improvements in spread and accessibility of information related to preventative, chronic, behavioral health and/or oral healthcare
  • Increased access to information about recreational activities, access to green space, and locally grown foods
  • Increased capacity and reach of programs that develop, promote, and support leaders from underrepresented groups
Social Wealth
[If you listed this form of wealth in Step 2, please select at least one or more outcomes to measure among those listed within Social Community Wealth]
  • Participants engaged in (non-school and work) activities in the community
  • Including after-school educational programs
  •  Improved social bonds / improved personal relationships among target population
  • Increased feelings of support and trust among target population
  • Increased civic engagement and diversity in volunteerism, voting, community leadership
  • Increased number of people who volunteer
Political Wealth
[If you listed this form of wealth in Step 2, please select at least one or more outcomes to measureamong those listed within Political Community Wealth]
  • Increased self-advocacy and civic engagement amongtarget population
  • Changes in policy or practice (may affect any of 3 priority areas; however, please note that the Foundation does not directly support legislative activity or lobbying)
  •  Public support for
  • Education
  • Health
  • Community Economic Development
  • [Please delete the above options for which you do not provide public support]
Natural Wealth
[If you listed this form of wealth in Step 2, please select at least one or more outcomes to measure among those listed within Natural Community Wealth]
  • Increased improvements to the natural environment
  • Number of new or expanded acres of greenspace
  • Improvements to facilities that provide trails, greenspace, and stream access while managing the sites to ensure user safety
  • Increased awareness / appreciation / use of natural environment
Built Wealth
[If you listed this form of wealth in Step 2, please select at least one or more outcomes to measure among those listed within Built Community Wealth]
  • Increased improvements made to “built” structures (buildings, roads, sidewalks, websites, broadband, etc.)
  • Increased new “built” structures
  • Improved safety and access to public spaces
Financial Wealth
[If you listed this form of wealth in Step 2, please select at least one or more outcomes to measure among those listed within Financial Community Wealth]
  • Improved participant employment outcomes (e.g.wages, hours, connections) beyond survival / household savings
  • Increased participant financial literacy skills /knowledge of how to spend, save, and invest
  • Investments in the local economy
  • Increased small business development growth andmicro business growth (new businesses start-up focus)
  • Increased access to capital
/ (STEP 7)

  • [Grantees shall select one or more medium-term outcome(s) relevant to their project]
Improved school readiness and preparedness
Parents with more skills and capacities to participate in their child’s educational development
Improved post-secondary guidance, career advisory, and/or vocational programs that train students for jobs in promising economic sectors
Reduced food insecurity
Increased use of locally grown, healthy foods
Increased number of healthy recreational opportunities and utilization of expanded greenspace & bikeable /walkable paths
Expansion of small business and entrepreneurship
Expand visitor and tourism activity
Increased coordination between public and private sectors for CED purposes
Improved preventative, behavioral, and oral health outcomes / (STEP 8)
[Grantees shallselect one or morelong-term outcome consistent with their project goals and objectives among those listed below]
Increased educational attainment
 Improved academic proficiency
Increased family engagement
 Increased job opportunities
 Improved employment activity
 Increased household wealth
Increased access and use of preventative and curative healthcare
 Increased use of the natural environment
 Decreased premature mortality
Increased equality, diversity, and/or inclusiveness throughout our communities

The mission of The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation is to make thoughtful and proactive investments that grow the multiple forms of wealth necessary for our community to thrive.

The vision of The Greater Kanawha Valley Foundation is a forward-thinking and closely connected community that fearlessly works together to promote the prosperity of all.