Thursday, November 29, 2007

Campus Center 6

1:00 p.m.

Present: Richard Rains, Gary Prostak, Lorraine Manoogian, Lisa Thornley, Yoon Yun, Margarita Padilla

Absent: Geri Shapiro, Victor Renolds, Walter Bortman, Maury Pearl, Jim Liko

  1. Richard Rains called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
  1. Approval of October 25, 2007 minutes.

Minutes were approved with the correction of Joe Ramirez’s misspelled last name.

Zoila Rodriguez-Doucette declined to be part of the WEC. The committee needs a supervisor appointed.

3. Unfinished business

Lighting in the Instructional Building - North and South Atriums are dark and there needs to be more lighting during the winder when there is less natural light.

Office Allocation Policy - Richard Rains mentioned that Karen Hoeffel is fine with the corrections made to the Office Allocation Policy. President Moreno has some concerns and the topic is on the agenda for the next meeting.

Earthquake mitigation – Richard Rains will contact Plant Facilities before the next meeting regarding the policy for securing cabinets, etc.

  1. New business

Uncluttered cubicles - Karen Hoeffel is concern with the last amount of piles of materials is some of the faculty cubicles. It gives a professional appearance in keeping a cubicle clean and neat.

Gary Prostak said that once cubicles are reconfigured there will be more office space.

Loud work areas – An adjunct was trying to prepare for class and two other faculty members were talking loud. Gary said that until new offices are done nothing needs to be done at this point.

Bulletin board – Bulletin boards are still empty. Need to remind vice president to take care of the bulletin board. It needs to have a directory with office area. Richard said that a flow chart with chairs and disciplines would be nice. He will send a note to the vice president.

Gary said we need more people in order to discuss some of the issues as we don’t have a quorum.

There will be no meeting in December.

Richard is considering on having a meeting in January in order to hold elections for a new WEC president. He will contact other members to see if they are available in January for a meeting. The position does have release time. Gary will contact Ronn Gluck to find out how much time is needed before a person can take the position after holding elections.

AFT election will be held in the spring semester. Next chair will serve for 2.5 years.

Gary will check with President Moreno regarding the Office Allocation policy as he has consultation time later today.

Richard sent the corrections to Karen Hoeffel and she said it was fine.

Lorraine Manoogian moved to adjourn and Lisa Thornley seconds the motion. Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.