Complete Bibliography

A. Books

1.  Hodel, D. R. 1988. Exceptional Trees of Los Angeles. California Arboretum Foundation, Arcadia. pp. 80.

2.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. Chamaedorea Palms: The Species and Their Cultivation. The International Palm Society, Lawrence, KS. 358 pp.

3.  Hodel, D. R. 1998. The Palms and Cycads of Thailand. Kampon Tansacha, Nong Nooch, Thailand. 190 pp.

4.  Hodel, D. R. and J.-C. Pintaud. 1998. The Palms of New Caledonia. Kampon Tansacha, Nong Nooch, Thailand. 119 pp.

5.  McPherson, E. G., J. R. Simpson, P. J. Pepper, Q. Xiao, D. R. Pittenger, and D. R. Hodel. 2001. Tree Guidelines for Inland Empire Communities. Local Government Commission, Sacramento, California. pp. 115.

6.  Hodel, D. R. and D. V. Johnson. 2007. Imported and American varieties of dates (Phoenix dactylifera) in the United States. UC ANR Publication 3498. University of California, Oakland, CA. 112 pp.

B. Peer Reviewed

1.  Hodel, D. R. 1977. Notes on embryo culture of palms. Principes 21: 103-108.

2.  Hodel, D. R. 1980. Notes on Pritchardia in Hawaii. Principes 24: 65-81.

3.  Hodel, D. R. 1985. A new Pritchardia from South Kona, Hawaii. Principes 29: 31-34.

4.  Hodel, D. R. 1985. Gliocladium and Fusarium diseases of palms. Principes: 29: 85-88.

5.  Jones, V. P., M. P. Parrella, D. R. Hodel. 1986. Biological control of leaf miners in greenhouse chrysanthemums. Cal. Ag. 40(1, 2): 10-12.

6.  Burger, D. W., J. S. Hartin, D. R. Hodel, T. A. Lukaszewski, S. A. Tjosvold, and S. A. Wagner. 1987. Water use in California’s ornamental nurseries. Cal. Ag. 41(9, 10): 7-8.

7.  Hodel, D. R. 1990. Chamaedorea amabilis: An ornamental species from Central America. Principes 34: 4-10.

8.  Hodel, D. R. and N.W. Uhl. 1990. Two new species of Chamaedorea from Mexico. Principes 34: 58-63.

9.  Hodel, D. R. and N. W. Uhl. 1990. A new species and a synopsis of a distinctive and natural subgroup of Chamaedorea. Principes 34: 108-119.

10.  Hodel, D. R. and N. W. Uhl. 1990. New species of Chamaedorea from Costa Rica and Panama. Principes 34: 120-133.

11.  Read, R. and D. R. Hodel. 1990. Arecaceae. Palm Family, pp. 1360-1375, in: W. L. Wagner, D.R. Herbst, and S. H. Sohmer (eds.), Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawai’i. Bishop Museum Special Publication 83. B.P. Bishop Museum, HI.

12.  Hodel, D. R. and J. J. Castillo Mont. 1990. Two new species of Chamaedorea (Arecaceae) from Guatemala. Phytologia 68: 390-396.

13.  Hodel, D. R. 1990. Chamaedorea castillo-montii (Arecaceae), a new species from Guatemala. Phytologia 68: 397-400.

14.  Hodel, D. R. 1990. Three new species of Chamaedorea from Oaxaca, Mexico. Phytologia 68: 401-409.

15.  Hodel, D. R. 1990. New species and notes on related taxa in Chamaedorea subgenus Stephanostachys. Principes 34: 160-176.

16.  Hodel, D. R. and J. J. Castillo-Mont. 1991. Additional new species of Chamaedorea. Principes 35: 4-8.

17.  Hodel, D. R. 1991. New species of Chamaedorea from Central America. Principes 35: 72-82.

18.  Grayum, M. H. and Hodel, D. R. 1991. Two new species of Chamaedorea from Panama. Principes 35: 135-138.

19.  Hodel, D. R. 1991. The cultivated species of Chamaedorea with cespitose habit and pinnate leaves. Principes 35: 184-198.

20.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. Chamaedorea palms: diverse species in diverse habitats, pp. 433-458, in: F. Kahn (ed.), Palms in Tropical Forests. Bulletin de l’Institute Francaise d’Etudes Andines 21(2).

21.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. Chamaedorea Palms: The Species and Their Cultivation. The International Palm Society, Lawrence, KS. 358 pp.

22.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. Additions to Chamaedorea Palms: New species from Mexico and Guatemala and miscellaneous notes. Principes 36: 188-202.

23.  Hodel, D. R. 1993. The growth of some palms in Tahiti. Principes 37: 127-138.

24.  Dowe, J. L. and D. R. Hodel. 1994. A revision of Archontophoenix H. Wendland & O. Drude (Palmae). Austrobaileya 4: 227-244.

25.  Hodel, D. R. and D. R. Pittenger. 1994. Responses of eight groundcover species to renovation by mowing. J. Environ. Hort. 12(1): 4-7.

26.  Hodel, D. R. 1995. Three new species of Chamaedorea from Panama. Principes 39: 14-20.

27.  Hodel, D. R., J. J. Castillo-Mont, and R. Zuniga. 1995. The rediscovery of Chamaedorea donnell-smithii (C. seifrizii). Principes 39: 137-139.

28.  Hodel, D. R., J. J. Castillo-Mont, and R. Zuniga. 1995. Two new species of Chamaedorea from Honduras. Principes 39: 183-189.

29.  Hodel, D. R., J. J. Castillo-Mont, and R. Zuniga.1995. Proposal to reject Chamaedorea donnell-smithii, threatening Chamaedorea seifrizii (Arecaceae). Taxon 44: 233-234.

30.  Hodel, D. R. 1996. Two new species of Chamaedorea from Costa Rica. Principes 40: 212-216.

31.  Hodel, D. R. 1997. Two new species of Chamaedorea (Arecaceae). Novon 7: 35-37.

32.  Hodel, D. R., A. J. Downer, and D. R. Pittenger. 1998. Palm root regeneration, pp. 46-50, in: D. Neeley and G. W. Watson (eds.), Proceedings of International workshop on Tree Root Development in Urban Soils, March 5-6, 1998, San Francisco. The Landscape Below Ground, II. Champaign, IL.

33.  Pintaud, J.-C. and D. R. Hodel. 1998. A revision of Kentiopsis, a genus endemic to New Caledonia. Principes: 42: 32-33, 41-53.

34.  Pintaud, J.-C. and D. R. Hodel. 1998. Three new species of Burretiokentia. Principes 42: 152-155, 160-166.

35.  Hodel, D. R. 1999. Propagating palms from seeds. Comb. Proc. Intl. Plant Prop. Soc.: 48: 56-61.

36.  Hodel, D. R. 1999. Pruning palms. Principes 43: 99-100.

37.  Hodel, D. R. 1999. Observations on Chamaedorea in unusual habitats. Acta Bot. Venez. 22(1): 213-220.

38.  Read, R. W. and D. R. Hodel. 1999. Arecaceae, pp. 1360-1375 in: W. L. Wagner, D.R. Herbst, and S. H. Sohmer (eds.), Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawai’i, Rev. Ed. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Spec. Pub. 97. B. P. Bishop Museum and University of Hawaii Press, HI.

39.  Hodel, D. R. 1999. Problems interpreting variation in Chamaedorea, pp. 185-189 in: A. Henderson and F. Borchsenius (eds.), Evolution, Variation, and Classification of Palms. Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard., vol. 83.

40.  Downer, A. J. and D. R. Hodel. 2001. The effects of mulching on establishment of Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Becc., Washingtonia robusta H. Wendl. and Archontophoenix cunninghamiana (H. Wendl.) H. Wendl. and Drude in the landscape. Sci. Hort. 87: 85-92.

41.  Pittenger, D. R., D. A. Shaw, D. R. Hodel, and D. B. Holt. 2001. Responses of landscape groundcovers to minimum irrigation. J. Environ. Hort.19: 78-84.

42.  Hodel, D. R. and D. R. Pittenger. 2002. Woody landscape plants: selection, planting, and care, pp. 311-335 in: D. R. Pittenger (ed.), California Master Gardener Manual. UC ANR Publication 3382. University of California, Oakland.

43.  Hodel, D. R., D. R. Pittenger, A. J. Downer, and W. E. Richie. 2003. Effect of leaf removal and tie up on juvenile, transplanted Canary Island date palms (Phoenix canariensis) and queen palms (Syagrus romanzoffiana). Palms 47: 177-184.

44.  Hodel, D. R. and D. R. Pittenger. 2003. Studies on the establishment of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera ‘Deglet Noor’) offshoots. Part 1. Observations on root development and leaf growth. Palms 47: 191-200.

45.  Hodel, D. R. and D. R. Pittenger. 2003. Studies on the establishment of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera ‘Deglet Noor’) offshoots. Part ll. Size of offshoot. Palms 47: 201-205).

46.  Hagillih, D. A., D. R. Hodel, R. A. M. Surls, G. S. Bender, and V. F. Lazaneo. 2003. Performance of low-chill peach cultivars in south coastal California. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 116: 47-50.

47.  Bernal, R. G., G. Galeano, and D. R. Hodel. 2004. A new species of Chamaedorea from Colombia. Palms 48: 27-29.

48.  Hodel, D. R. and J. Marcus. 2004. The white powder Dypsis: a new species from cultivation. Palms 48: 90-93.

49.  Pittenger, D. R., D. R. Hodel, and A. J. Downer. 2005. Transplanting specimen palms: a review of common practices and research-based information. HortTech. 15(1): 128-132.

50.  Hodel, D. R., D. R. Pittenger, and A. J. Downer. 2005. Palm root growth and implications for transplanting. J. Arbor. 31: 171-181.

51.  Hodel, D. R. 2005. x Lytoagrus dickensonii, a new nothogenus and nothospecies for the hybrid from cultivation of Lytocaryum weddelianum and Syagrus romanzoffiana. Palms 49: 122-127.

52.  Hodel, D. R., J. Marcus, and J. Dransfield. 2005. Dypsis robusta, a large new palm from cultivation. Palms 49: 128-130.

53.  Thomas, M. M., N. C. Garwood, W. J. Baker, S. A. Henderson, S. J. Russell, D. R. Hodel, and R. M. Bateman. 2006. Molecular phylogeny of the palm genus Chamaedorea, based on the low-copy nuclear genes PRK and PRB2. Mol. Phylo. Evol. 38: 398-415.

54.  Hodel, D. R., A. J. Downer, and D. R. Pittenger. 2006. Effect of leaf removal and tie up on transplanted large Mexican fan palms (Washingtonia robusta). Palms 50: 76-81.

55.  Hodel, D. R., A. J. Downer, D. R. Pittenger, and P. J. Beaudoin. 2006. Effect of amended backfill soils when planting five species of palms. HortTech. 16(3): 457-460.

56.  Hodel, D. R. and D. R. Pittenger. 2006. Woody landscape plants, pp. 21-38 in: D. R. Pittenger (ed.), Retail Garden Center Manual. UC ANR Publication 3492. University of California, Oakland.

57.  Hodel, D. R. 2007. Unraveling Clinostigma in Samoa. Palms 51: 11-29.

58.  Hodel, D. R. and D. V. Johnson. 2007. Imported and American varieties of dates (Phoenix dactylifera) in the United States. UC ANR Publication 3498. University of California, Oakland, CA. 112 pp.

C. Non-peer Reviewed

1.  Hodel, D. R. 1982. In search of Carpoxylon. Principes 26: 34-41.

2.  Hodel, D. R. 1982. Cultivated palms in Tahiti and The Jardin Botanique de Papeari. Principes 26: 77-85.

3.  Hodel, D. R. 1982. Harold E. Moore, Jr. remembered. Principes 26: 135-137.

4.  Hodel, D. R. 1985. Palm literature. Principes 29: 94.

5.  Hodel, D. R. 1986. Drought tolerance of selected non-irrigated trees. Irrigation 10: 66-69.

6.  Hodel, D. R. 1986. An analysis and overview of the wholesale nursery industry in Los Angeles County. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 30 pp.

7.  Hodel, D. R. 1986. A needs-assessment of the wholesale nursery and floriculture industries in Los Angeles County. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 38 pp.

8.  Hodel, D. R. 1987. Control of Phytophthora root rots in containerized nursery stock. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 3 pp.

9.  Hodel, D. R. 1987. A survey of commodity movement on the Los Angeles Wholesale Flower Market. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 126 pp.

10.  Hodel, D. R. 1987. Exceptional trees of Los Angeles, pp. 14-16 in: A. MacFail and R. Venne (eds.), Minimal maintenance landscaping, a report of the Elvenia J. Slosson Fund for Ornamental Horticulture: 1983-1986. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Oakland, CA.

11.  Hodel, D. R. 1988. Chemical vs. hand-weeding in containerized nursery stock. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 3 pp.

12.  Hodel, D. R. 1988. The genus Chamaedorea in commerce in California. Report for World Wildlife Fund Project 3322. World Wildlife Fund, Washington, D.C.

13.  Hodel, D. R. 1988. Exceptional Trees of Los Angeles. California Arboretum Foundation, Arcadia. pp. 80.

14.  Pittenger, D. R., D. R. Hodel, and D. A. Shaw. 1990. Relative water requirements of six groundcover species. HortSci. 25: 1085. (abstract).

15.  Hodel, D. R. 1991. The economics and value of urban horticulture. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 7 pp.

16.  Hodel, D. R. 1991. Palms for the Southern California Landscape. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 6 pp.

17.  Hodel, D. R. 1991. Note on Chamaedorea tenerrima. Principes 35: 138.

18.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. New and/or underutilized Chamaedorea palms with ornamental potential, p. 6 in: D. R. Pittenger (ed.), Proceedings of the Landscape Management and Field Day. University of California, Riverside.

19.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. New and/or underutilized Chamaedorea palms with ornamental potential. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 1 p.

20.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. Size and impact of the environmental horticulture industries (Green Industries) in Los Angeles County. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 2 pp.

21.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. Guidelines for irrigating plants in the landscape accurately and economically. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 10 pp.

22.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. Guidelines for irrigating containerized nursery stock accurately and economically. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 12 pp.

23.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. Flowering trees for the southern California landscape. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 12 pp.

24.  Pittenger, D. R., D. R. Hodel, D. A. Shaw, and D. B. Holt. 1992. Determination of minimum irrigation needs of non-turf groundcovers in the landscape. Technical completion report to the University of California, Water Resources Center, Project No. UCAL-WRC-W-741. 24 pp.

25.  Shaw, D. A., P. F. Zellman, V. A. Gibeault, J. S. Hartin, J. M. Henry, D. R. Hodel, J. Kabashima, and D. R. Pittenger. 1992. Landscape irrigation system evaluation and scheduling for southern California. University of California, Riverside. 36 pp.

26.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. An update on the mineral nutrition of palms. Pac. Coast Nurs. 51(5): 55-59.

27.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. Tree selection guide for greater Los Angeles. University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles. 7 pp.

28.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. Palms in Amazonian Peru. Palm J. (November): 16-21.

29.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. James L. Degen, long-time Palm Society member. Principes 36: 228-229.

30.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. Economics and value of urban horticulture. Pac. Coast Nurs. 51(8): 67-70.

31.  Pittenger, D. R. and D. R. Hodel. 1992. Minimum irrigation of landscape groundcovers. HortSci. 27(6): 82. (abstract).

32.  Hodel, D. R. and D. R. Pittenger. 1992. Responses of groundcovers to renovation by mowing, HortSci. 27(6): 631-632. (abstract).

33.  Hodel, D. R. 1992. Environmental horticulture program saves water, money. Access (Fall): 2.

34.  Hodel, D. R. 1993. A tale of two (three?) Neodypsis. Palm J. (January): 8-18.

35.  Hodel, D. R. 1993. Palms for Southern California, part 2: Chrysalidocarpus. Palm J. (May): 25.

36.  Hodel, D. R. 1993. Palms for southern California, part 3: Euterpe and Prestoea. Palm J. (July): 33-34.

37.  Hodel, D. R. 1994. Quantify accurate irrigation schedules with ET data. Cal. Lands. Feb.: 23-25, 56.