NCEDC Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


MARCH 23, 2010
1PM – 2pm EST
Centra VideoConference
called by / Mary Mercer, Hosted by Amy Sharp: Centra Videoconferencing Software
Note taker / Rob Boy
Attendees / Mary Mercer, Amy Sharp, Rob Boy, Jerry Alliston, Amy Hewitt, Kathy Olson
·  Motion to approve: Amy Sharp
o  Motion seconded: Kelly Nye
Work Group Reports
·  Direct Support – Amy Hewitt
o  Amy discussed the work that she has been coordinating in efforts to influence the Department of Labor’s new competency model for front line workers. The goal of these efforts is to request revision of the model’s language and competency measures to reflect individualized community supports for people with developmental and other disabilities. Mary has written letters on behalf of NCEDC to support these revisions.
·  Dissemination – Melina Danko
o  The ID/CS work group had their second conference call of the year on March 9, 2010. The topic of the call was “social networks”. Kelsey Johnson from the Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University led the discussion by sharing information about Texas’ experiences launching a Facebook page. The group then had a roundtable discussion of other UCEDD’s that had a Facebook or Twitter page to promote their Centers. Idaho and UMASS also discussed their experiences with Facebook. One interesting discussion revolved around how to report data for information shared on Facebook. The group requested guidance from AUCD on how to report social networking data. This call was very informative particularly for those who did not have a Facebook page. Ten members participated in the call. Notes will be shared with the Council and posted on SharePoint and Council web page.
§  Future Meetings:
·  May 18- Multimedia strategies webinar- Led byAlvaro Tobar and Kate Speech - Institute for Community Inclusion (UCEDD), UMass Boston
·  July 13- News (including newsletters and news media)
·  September 14– Reaching rural populations
·  December 14– Reaching state legislators
§  Anyone interested in joining the workgroup can e-mail Melina to be put on the list serv for group updates and conference call information.
·  Community Training for the Future – Cary Kreutzer
o  No moving forward yet, needs support, assistance to work with her. If anyone would like to volunteer on that workgroup, please contact Mary Mercer.
·  Emergency Planning – Tom Gannon
o  Tom was unable to attend but gave Mary a written report: Planning three conference calls, featuring one or two initiatives currently in use. This group is still looking for additional people to participate. The group has compiled information throughout the network to add to repository.
·  Self-Determination/Transition – Jerry Alliston, Stacey Ramirez
o  Jerry: Jan 28 was the group’s first call, topic focused on person-centered planning. The call included 6-7 participants and the initial responses were good. Hoping to also put together a webinar.
o  Next meeting, 29th of April. Topic will include post-secondary educational opportunities, focusing primarily on students with intellectual disabilities.
o  Last scheduled conference call will be July 29, the topic will be employment. More information to follow.
·  Violence Prevention – Marilyn Hammond
o  Not present - no report.
·  Training Symposium –Amy
o  Speaker has been identified for the Training Symposium. Keynote speaker will be Karen Blase, PhD, Senior Scientist, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, Co-Director, National Implementation Research Network.: crafting the verbiage for the call for presenters. Will go out with call for presenters for AUCD. Will provide rubric to evaluate topic on.
o  What is the topic: Using Implementation Research: Closing the Gap Between Science and Service
o  AUCD will be planning different events during symposium this year – committee has decided that offering additional concurrent sessions during the symposium is a good idea, particularly if people are not interested in the training symposium topics.
o  The additional sessions will be unrelated topics to attract a different audience – don’t want to compete for attendees.
AUCD Board Report – Mary Mercer
·  18 pages of minutes – Lots to sort through!
o  AUCD is considering increasing dues by 2.5 percent
o  Program committee has been working for the past year to develop a relationship with National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities. NDASDDD asked to collaborate with AUCD to develop summaries of evidence-based practice.
Charlie Lakin, MN is spearheading the process. Extensive discussion, agreement that it was a positive step they are looking at AUCD. The goal is to provide evidence for strategic decisions by policy makers and legislative bodies. Charlie is asking for topic and authors for the briefs.
§  The training directors council is developing an interdisciplinary training guide that they hope will be available this March
§  CORE – research on UCED national datasets. 73% of respondents weren’t using national datasets as part of their research, and were not familiar with some of the resources available. CORE has developed a list of national datasets and what is contained within – potential uses. It was recommended that it be critical to including: definition of disability for each dataset in the list.
§  Discussion about Alliance for full participation. November 17, 2011. Many organizations (AAIDD; ANCOR; APSE: The Arc; AUCD; Autism Society of America; CQL; NISH; NADSP; NASDDS; TASH; SABE; UCP, NACDD) focusing on employment.
1.  Looking for direction from the board – stay involved, inform members, disseminate information about the meeting, but not likely to take an active role
§  Australia – new AUCD member. Opportunity for centers to contribute financially, directed towards …..
§  Short discussion about 40th anniversary of AUCD. (next year)
§  Maggie Nygren has resigned. She has accepted a new position as the Executive Director of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD).
SharePoint & Learning Repository
Other Business
·  Rob will be setting up, and we will be using Adobe Connect for the next meeting. (tentatively scheduled for April 27, 12pm CST)
Next Meeting Date
·  April 27, 2010 12pm CST