Division of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs - Academic Quality & Engagement
GOAL / STRATEGIES / Baseline / 2011-12 / 2013-14 / 2015-16 / ASSESSMENT PLAN
1. Active student engagement in learning
i. In the classroom / Recruitment Strategies /
- Leadership – Work with Political Science to offer a Leadership Studies minor beginning Fall 2012
- Present proposal in Fall 2011
- Proposal approved by College Senate
1. Active student engagement in learning
ii. Out of the classroom / Technology/
Process Improvement /
- Leadership – Through the maintenance of an ePortfolio students will engage in active reflection, assessment and professional development
- Train students to use ePortfolio software
- Work with various academic offices/career services on how to integrate current initiatives and/or portfolio into major/job search
- ePortfolio rubric
- Retention #s in the program, completion rates
- Job placement rates of students involved in the program
- Qualitative assessment of portfolios
Retention of Students /
- RL/LC - Offer a variety of Living Learning Community options that meet the developmental needs of residential students and enhance their academic success.
- Living Learning Community Program
- FIR Program
- Interest Floors (Academic Excellence/Substance free)
- Student Conduct Data
- Participation
- Program Attendance
- GPA, retention, graduation rate comparison
- Surveys and EBI – learning outcomes and satisfaction
Community Building and Collaboration /
- EMSA - Provide educational purposeful opportunities for students through our graduate assistant and intern opportunities.
- Employ up to 20 interns/academic year.
- Host 8 summer interns from CSPA and HEA programs from across the US.
- Employ 12-15 graduate assistants throughout the academic year who are interested in EMSA or related work in higher education.
- Develop comprehensive orientation programs for Grad Assistants and interns
- Promote opportunities to encourage applications from underrepresented populations
- Feedback from direct supervisors
- Number of applicants
- Conduct exit interviews with interns and GAs about their experience
- Post evaluation of orientation
- Diversity of interns and graduate students
COLLEGE PRIORITY / DIVISIONAL PRIORITY / Academic Quality & Engagement (continued)
GOAL / STRATEGIES / Baseline / 2011-12 / 2013-14 / 2015-16 / ASSESSMENT PLAN
1. Active student engagement in learning
ii. Out of the classroom / Leadership and Civic Engagement /
- Community Development - Through collaboration with academic departments, create opportunities to participate in service learning
- Coordinate a service learning experience over Winter and Spring Break
- Development of at least three community /service learning opportunities per year
- Create a departmental service learning internship that supports at least three service learning experiences throughout each academic year
- National (President’s Honor Roll) and State and local recognition
- Develop learning outcomes for the program and jointly assess if outcomes were met – course grade, attitude changes, content knowledge.
- Qualitative data
Division of Enrollment Management & Student Affairs - Co-Curricular Programming & Support Services
GOAL / STRATEGIES / Baseline / 2011-12 / 2013-14 / 2015-16 / ASSESSMENT PLAN
4. Enrichment programs to:
i. Promote Student Development / Technology/
Process Improvement /
- EMSA Assessment Team (EAT) - Develop an infrastructure to support a culture of assessment within the division.
- Create recognition systems for individuals and departments that excel in the areas of assessment.
- Create an e- newsletter celebrating our work and communicating data within the division and within the College.
- Schedule training to build competency of divisional assessment team members.
- Build our content knowledge through reading, discussions, workshops, webinars.
- Include reading and data review in monthly divisional assessment team meetings.
- Measure learning of the individual team members through observation and knowledge that is flowing through to other members of departments.
- Departmental goals and assessment plans completed
- Career Services - Benchmark and Identify “Best Practice” Career Management Systems (technology to support the tracking of the use of our services by the students)
- Define the Career Services student life-cycle.
- Identify and implement an effective tool to track the elements included in the Career Services student life-cycle and the learning outcomes involved, including the development of a way to assess and measure the Career Advisement SLO.
- Seek opportunities to partner with other EMSA/College departments that may benefit from such a system and obtain their buy-in and monetary support.
- Use system to track participation in all steps of career services student life cycle
COLLEGE PRIORITY / DIVISIONAL PRIORITY / Co-Curricular Programming & Support Services (continued)
GOAL / STRATEGIES / Baseline / 2011-12 / 2013-14 / 2015-16 / ASSESSMENT PLAN
4. Enrichment programs to:
i. Promote Student Development / Technology/
Process Improvement /
- Campus Life - Implement student event management processes in collaboration with College Events
- Develop an outdoor reservation process communicated with campus.
- Update the campus posting policy to include chalking and other electronic media
- Develop a policy related to trademarks and licensing of college marks and brands
- Evaluation and satisfaction related to process and events
- Number of participants
- Decrease in violations and/or complaints for outdoor events and posting related issues.
- Financial Aid - Improve the overall knowledge and understanding of the financial aid processes by financial aid staff members to improve services to students
- Explore training methods (manual, webinar, workshops, etc) for new employees
- Develop a training manual
- Schedule specialized training with staff from related student services (Student Accounts, Academic Advisement, etc.)
- Ensure that office policies and procedures are updated annually
- Conduct student peer advisor audit of the manual to determine its effectiveness.
- Test new employees on financial aid knowledge upon hire and again after formal training period
- Incorporate level of knowledge and expertise into annual evaluation process
- Community Development - Develop electronic support services for registered student organizations
- Implement registration process
- Provide organization leader training
- Implement My Brockport(Collegiate Link, Filecity, websites, etc.)
- Provide advisor training
- Number of student organizations registered
- Qualitative feedback from Advisory Committee based on learning outcomes of the program.
- # of organization leaders attending Spring Leadership conference
- # of organization leaders attending trainings
- Qualitative feedback from Advisory Committee based on learning outcomes of the program to meet the needs of the student organizations.
- Use of My Brockport
- Use of The Space
COLLEGE PRIORITY / DIVISIONAL PRIORITY / Co-Curricular Programming & Support Services (continued)
GOAL / STRATEGIES / Baseline / 2011-12 / 2013-14 / 2015-16 / ASSESSMENT PLAN
4. Enrichment programs to:
i. Promote Student Development / Technology/
Process Improvement /
- Financial Aid - Reorganize and implement a more effective SUNY Financial Aid Day to better educate prospective students and families
- Discuss issues and devise solutions/alternatives
- Implement changes for SUNY Financial Aid Day on February 12, 2011
- Conduct a debriefing meeting to discuss participant surveys
- Provide feedback to SUNY about our outcomes
- Participant evaluations
- Presentation feedback
- Health and Counseling – As a leader in college health, implement systems to improve accessibility and effectiveness
- Implement Third Party Insurance billing and set standard for SUNY
- Implement electronic medical record as part of Third Party Billing
- National College Health Assessment
- Core Alcohol & Drug Survey
- Best practice within SUNY
- SOS Survey
- Funding available for programming that supports student success
Recruitment Strategies /
- Financial Aid - Complete a Federal Consumer Information Audit to verify that information is properly being distributed to students
- Compile a listing of Federal Consumer Information Disclosure Requirements
- Conduct audit
- Review audit results with deficient departments
- Audit report
- Follow up compliance review
- Financial Aid - Revamp the financial aid cost of attendance (COA) survey in order to create more accurate student financial aid budgets.
- Research how other schools are obtaining COA information from students
- Develop COA survey proposal for VP of EMSA
- Utilize online survey tool
- Publicize and conduct the survey
- Compile data create COA for 2012-2013
- Monitor change in number of responses
- Student focus groups
- Financial Aid - Redesign office policies and procedures (P&P) manual based on the Federal Quality Assurance Program (QAP) format
- Review the information provided by QAP on P&P manuals
- Discuss and train staff on the new format
- Assign individual policies and procedures to employees to convert into new format
- Review the manual utilizing QAP guidelines
- Assess accuracy and usefulness utilizing input from new staff members
COLLEGE PRIORITY / DIVISIONAL PRIORITY / Co-Curricular Programming & Support Services (continued)
GOAL / STRATEGIES / Baseline / 2011-12 / 2013-14 / 2015-16 / ASSESSMENT PLAN
4. Enrichment programs to:
i. Promote Student Development / Recruitment Strategies /
- UG Admissions – Meet regional deposit recruitment, quality and diversity goals. Recruit 15% of the incoming freshman class into special admit categories of EOP, Exceptional Talent, and Transition
- Targeted communications including: web based, electronic and print
- Specialized programming and events
- Refine key messaging and enrollment drivers
- Student Ambassador program
- Update and implement a comprehensive diversity recruitment program
- Work collaboratively with the departments enrolling special admit students
- Track historical regional yields to forecast the number of accepts needed to meet overall, regional and diversity targets.
- Recruitment strategies will be monitored and adjusted on a weekly basis utilizing weekly reports.
- EOP - Develop a Career Mapping Pathway Program to increase graduation marketability prior to their 4th and 5th years of enrollment
- Develop curriculum, program requirements and criteria
- Develop employment preparation materials for various fields of employment that will be uploaded to EOP Career website
- Pre and post tests
- Track completion rate and compare success at finding careers with other cohorts
- EOP – assist to increase the recruitment and admission of underrepresented males in the 2012 freshman cohort
- EOP staff will participate in recruitment activities with the Undergraduate Admissions Office
- Underrepresented males will receive targeted letters, phone calls, and online contacts by EOP, admissions staff, and current EOP students.
- Weekly admissions status and other reports
- Cohort increase of 5%
Retention of Our Students /
- EOP – Increase student/counselor contacts for the purpose of career counseling
Counselors will increase student/counselor contacts
- The EOP career service liaison will maintain career information resources
- EOP counselors and GEP120 instructors will provide career information in the GEP120 classes.
- Compare quantitative data for the 2009-10 to the 2010-11 for 10% increase
- Survey each GEP120 class
COLLEGE PRIORITY / DIVISIONAL PRIORITY / Co-Curricular Programming & Support Services (continued)
GOAL / STRATEGIES / Baseline / 2011-12 / 2013-14 / 2015-16 / ASSESSMENT PLAN
4. Enrichment programs to:
i. Promote Student Development / Retention of Our Students /
- Student Retention – Provide timely, consistent and open communication to feeder institutions
- Transfer Professionals Workshops – each semester
- Website
- Participant rates
- Surveys
Community Building and Collaboration /
- Campus Life - Build collaborative efforts among campus constituents on the student experience related to programming initiatives.
- Develop an application process for student involvement in campus-wide programs
- Develop recognizable collaborative programs that meet student’s developmental needs (e.g. hazing, sexual assault, proactive choices)
- Assessment of SLOs for specific programs through observation, focus groups and surveys
- Financial Aid - Implement a Financial Literacy Program targeted at first year students.
- Investigate Financial Literacy resources
- Meet with campus constituents to gain support, combine efforts and plan workshops/sessions
- Publicize and conduct workshops/sessions
- Develop evaluation of Financial Literacy Sessions
- Implement Money Management Day
- Track number of Participants
- Survey
- Feedback from APS Courses
- Pre and Post testing
- Evaluation of sessions held
- Health and Counseling - Develop, implement, and assess a comprehensive Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program.
- Explore opportunities for grant funding from the US Department of Justice.
- Enhance coordinated community response to sexual assaults.
- Strengthen existing prevention programs and implement new programs to create a comprehensive and ongoing approach to addressing sexual assault.
- Involve students in the process of developing, implementing, and assessing sexual assault prevention programming.
- Title IX Compliance
- Appropriate grant applications completed, submitted, and awarded
- Attendance at educational programs and training sessions
- Complete the review and revise current protocols as needed.
- Continuing linking data related high-risk drinking prevention efforts to sexual assault prevention efforts.
- Reports of sexual assaults
COLLEGE PRIORITY / DIVISIONAL PRIORITY / Co-Curricular Programming & Support Services (continued)
GOAL / STRATEGIES / Baseline / 2011-12 / 2013-14 / 2015-16 / ASSESSMENT PLAN
4. Enrichment programs to:
i. Promote Student Development / Community Building and Collaboration /
- Community Development - Provide opportunities for interested students to pursue spiritual growth and development
- Foster partnerships with local faith communities
- Help identify external funding for registered faith based student organizations
- Presidential initiative
- Student Retention – Infuse alcohol awareness within programs
- Alcohol prevention program within summer orientation
- Student surveys
- Follow-up into academic year
Healthy Campus 2020 /
- Health and Counseling - Counseling Center will develop and implement a Peer Counseling Program on campus
- Engage students interested in becoming peer counselors and provide appropriate training.
- Midterm and end of semester evaluation
- Program assessments
Leadership & Civic Engagement /
- Leadership Development Program – Develop a program targeted toward student organization leaders
- Provide skill building workshops
- Work with organizations to create succession plans
- Reflection of organization officers
- Satisfaction with programs
- Track student involvement data after training
- Recreational Services - Through a purposeful employee training program, provide student employees with knowledge and confidence to ensure guidelines for a safe structured working environment.
- Provide training at all levels of employees
- Provide opportunity for advancement
- Intentional promotion to increase student staff from underrepresented population
- Number of applications
- Pre/post tests related to training and student learning objectives
- Qualitative and quantitative measures related to satisfaction
- Placement rates in graduate school or professional employment opportunities
- Diversity of staff
- CampusLife – Campus Life facilitating major events and committees will be recognized for their student centered focus.
- Reorganize the structure of Homecoming, Family Weekend, and Welcome Week to a student centered focus with direct student leadership for Homecoming & Family Weekend, and student leadership for the Welcome Week Assistant program.
- Increase student involvement in Campus Life facilitated committees
- Implement a training program for student leaders in regard to programming
- Identify student leaders for each major events committee.
- Number of student participants increased for the following major event committees:
- Homecoming / Family Weekend / Welcome Week
- Professional Staff assessment of questions asked by student in their programming planning.
- Training, evaluations and self-reflections from students
- Post-graduate experience
COLLEGE PRIORITY / DIVISIONAL PRIORITY / Co-Curricular Programming & Support Services (continued)
GOAL / STRATEGIES / Baseline / 2011-12 / 2013-14 / 2015-16 / ASSESSMENT PLAN
4. Enrichment programs to:
i. Promote Student Development / Leadership & Civic Engagement /
- RL/LC - Prepare students to be engaged members of their communities by teaching the importance of integrity and accountability.
- Student Conduct process
- Resident Assistant Training/Leadership Development Program
- Student conduct data
- Focus groups & anecdotal notes
- RA surveys
- Student Retention – Provide opportunities for students with disabilities to gather socially
- Mix ‘N Munch mixers
- Participation
- Qualitative feedback
- Health and Counseling - Provide opportunities for student engagement within Health and Counseling Services.
- Student Health Advisory Committee (SHAC)
- Student Health Advocate, Women Center Assistant, and Late Night Programming Crew
- Provide outreach, training, and mentorship to student leaders
- Participant numbers
- Midterm & End of Semester Evaluations
- Creative/Reflective Self Assessment
- Program Assessments
- Staff Satisfaction
- Student Retention – Provide authentic leadership and growth experiences and to meet overall institutional enrollment and revenue targets
- Offer Peer Mentoring course to qualified students interested in mentoring new freshmen and transfer students
- Provide comprehensive training programs for Orientation Student Advisors and Overnight Hosts
- National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) local chapter for first- and second-year students
- Tau Sigma National Honor Society for transfer students
- Student internships and student employee trainings
- Journal entries
- Grades
- Staff debriefing
- Host surveys
- Participation
- Activities
- Feedback from interns and student employees
Diversity and Inclusiveness /
- RL/LC - Create inclusive and interactive communities that foster citizenship, global awareness and social justice.
- Critical Conversations Programming
- RD Educational Programs
- FIR Program
- Surveys/anecdotal notes
COLLEGE PRIORITY / DIVISIONAL PRIORITY / Co-Curricular Programming & Support Services (continued)
GOAL / STRATEGIES / Baseline / 2011-12 / 2013-14 / 2015-16 / ASSESSMENT PLAN
4. Enrichment programs to:
i. Promote Student Development / Diversity and Inclusiveness /
- Community Development – Create services for under-represented student populations
- Develop global community (Brockport Helping Haiti)
- Interfaith Campus Ministry
- Gospel Choir
- Develop relationships with community agencies and organizations (ie. Threshold, Community Place of Greater Rochester)
- Men of Color Summit
- International Student Services
- # of hours contributed to raising awareness
- # of program participants
- Amount of money collected for disaster relief
- Amount of money raised for disaster relief
- # of community ministries that participate in quarterly meetings
- Attendance at annual gospel concert
- # of participants who enroll in post- Summit activities (ie, online discussions)
- Successful SEVIS recertification
- Community Development– Promoteacademic and personal growth of traditionally underrepresented students.
- Coordinate at least three distinctive programs that connect students to campus networks and groups and organizations.
- Coordinate participation in Junior Achievement
- Establishment of a support system for under-represented students interested in STEM disciplines.
- Creation of program aimed at increasing access to academic, social, cultural, recreational, and other groups and activities; opportunities for intentional interaction and engagement; and inclusion.
- # of students participating
- # of students who indicate a willingness to participate in a future program
- Retention and graduation rates of participants, compared to non-participants