Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Deliberate Self Harm

Candidate Clinical Nurse Specialist

Amended Job Specification & Terms and Conditions

Job Title, Grade, Grade Code / Clinical Nurse Manager 2- Deliberate Self Harm
(Candidate Clinical Nurse Specialist)
Emergency Department (Acute Hospitals)
(Grade Code 2301)
Reference / NRS0922
Closing Date / Thursday 12th September 2013 @ 12 noon
Proposed Interview Date (s) / Week Commencing 21st October 2013
Taking up Appointment / To be indicated at job offer stage.
Organisational Area / All Health Service Executive (HSE) Areas
Important Details regarding this recruitment campaign for CNM2 applicants interested in becoming CMHN (CNS) / Applicants are invited to apply for this CNM2 Mental Health (candidate CNS Deliberate Self Harm) campaign to facilitate their progression to (CNS) grade. This is because currently there is not enough Level 8 qualified candidates to fill all CMHN (CNS) posts.
  • It is the services intention to initially fill CMHN (CNS) vacancies at a CMHN (CNS) level with appointees at this grade who have already achieved a level 8 qualification in a relevant area of practice.
  • Any posts not filled by CMHN (CNS) appointees may be filled by the CNM2 Mental Health (candidate CNS Deliberate Self Harm) panel created on foot of this campaign, as an interim measure. The successful candidate will be appointed as a CNM2 and will progress to CMHN/ Clinical Nurse Specialist level on attainment of his/ her relevant Level 8 (NQAI) major academic award/qualification and his/ her fulfilment of requirements set by the HSE for entry on the Clinical Nurse Specialist database.
  • The academic fees for this programme will be supported by the NMPDU regionally.
  • Successful candidates must pursue and obtain CHMN/ Clinical Nurse Specialist Qualification relevant to the specialist area within a 2-year period of appointment.
  • Non-obtainment of the specialist qualification will lead to termination of this contract and redeployment within the organisation.

Location of Posts / The following vacancies are available for CMHN (CNS) grade. Any vacancies that remain unfilled from CMHN (CNS) panelled candidates may be offered to the CNM2 (candidate CNS) panel created on foot on this campaign.
  • Donegal
  • Dublin South Central
  • Mid West
  • Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan
A panel will be formed from which current and future vacancies will be filled in all HSE areas.
Details of Service / According to the National Suicide Research Foundation (NSRF) there were 12,000 Self harm presentations to acute hospitals nationally. The National Clinical Programme for the Assessment and Management of individuals presenting to Emergency Department (ED) following self harm is being implemented nationally in 2013. The first phase of this programme aims to identify individual people presenting in the first instance to Emergency Departments for risk assessment and management and to ensure assertive follow up with them, thereby ensuring they are linked in with relevant statutory, voluntary or independent services. These posts will support clinical programme delivery.
This will involve the staff members undertaking assessments, initiating a range of supportive interventions and linking closely with a range of statutory and voluntary services in the local community. The post holders will work within and undertake assertive in reach into the Emergency Departments. They will be expected to undertake standardised triage and assessment, risk assessment and risk management along with assertive follow up to assist the person presenting with self harm link with the various local supports. This may involve arranging screening and follow up in the named local Community Mental Health Centres.
The persons appointed to these posts will work within the Integrated Services Directorate; working as part of multi-disciplinary teams delivering a co-ordinated approach to client care.
Reporting Relationship / Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Deliberate Self Harm(candidate CNS) post holder is:
  • professionally and operationally accountable to the Area Director of Nursing
  • will work on matters of a clinical nature to the relevant Consultant Psychiatrist

Purpose of the Post / The Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Deliberate Self Harm (candidate CNS) has a pivotal role in the delivery of effective; recovery orientated integrated care for individuals with presenting with self harm within the local catchment area. The purpose of the role is also to provide assessment and targeted interventions to support the individual presenting in a time of crisis with deliberate self harm in order to ensure they have the required assessments, interventions and assertive follow up and are linked with relevant statutory or voluntary support services in a timely manner.
There will be a requirement to work collaboratively with GeneralHospital colleagues and develop pathways of care and referral procedures with other statutory and voluntary agencies within the community/ locality.
Principal Duties and Responsibilities / Professional Responsibilities
The Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Deliberate Self Harm (candidate CNS)will:
  • Practice nursing according to the Code of Professional Conduct and the Scope of Practice Framework as laid down by the Irish Nursing Board (An Bórd Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann)
  • Adhere to national, regional and local Health Service Executive (HSE) guidelines, policies, protocols and legislation
  • Work within their scope of practice and take measures to develop and maintain the competence necessary for professional practice
  • Maintain a high standard of professional behaviour and be accountable for their practice
  • Be aware of ethical policies and procedures which pertain to their area of practice
  • Respect and maintain the privacy, dignity and confidentiality of the patient
  • Follow appropriate lines of authority within the Nurse Management structure.
Clinical – Direct
The Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Deliberate Self Harm(candidate CNS)will:
  • Develop deliberate self harm services in line with the National Clinical Programme for the Assessment and Management of Patients Presenting to Emergency departments following self harm Model of Care and associated guidance.
  • Work in collaboration with other members of the multidisciplinary team in assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating an individualised plan of care for individuals presenting with self harm/suicidal ideation which meets each individual’s needs. This will encompass:
-Standardised triage, Nursing assessment and a risk assessment of the individual presenting to review and adjust risk in line with the persons needs
-Planning patient care – the CNM2 (Self Harm) will work closely alongside the multidisciplinary team (MDT) and within agreed protocol driven guidelines to develop an individualised plan of care and develop risk management plans
-Work in collaboration with the person as experts in their own care, promoting the principles of recovery, choice and personalisation
-Deliver patient care in conjunction with the patient/family/significant others for support as appropriate
-Support, educate and empower the person in decision-making regarding coping mechanism and resilience building.
-Evaluate patient care through audit and research to evaluate the quality of patient experience and care in collaboration with the service user, their family/carer and the multidisciplinary team. Outcomes of audit /research should also contribute to the service plan of care to these individuals and their families in acute /community and outpatients settings. .
  • Carry a clinical caseload appropriate to the responsibilities and manage as designated within the patient care pathway. This may involve delivering time limited interventions with patients assessed and engaged with the service and may involve shared case management until the person is transferred to the relevant Community Mental Health Team, Statutory of Voluntary Service.
  • Establish systems to support effective liaison between Emergency Departments, General Practitioners, Community Mental Health Teams , Statutory Service Providers and Voluntary Service Providers
  • Communicate verbally and / or in writing results of assessments, treatment / care programmes and recommendations to the team and relevant others in accordance with service policy.
  • Act as a clinical support /resource to staff in the Emergency Department and to the staff in the Hospital/Community and advise on care provision for people who self harm.
  • Communicate with service users, advocacy groups, families, carers and provide relevant information, education, advice, support and counselling when and where necessary.
  • Explore the need for group programmes for the people who self harm and develop support programmes with other voluntary/ statutory partners where indicated.
Clinical – Indirect
The Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Deliberate Self Harm (candidate CNS)will:
  • Provide a high level of professional and clinical leadership.
  • Provide safe, comprehensive nursing care to service users within the guidelines laid out by the Nursing & Midwifery Board of Ireland (NMBI).
  • The Clinical Nurse Manager 2 will practice nursing according to:
–Professional Clinical Guidelines
–National and Area Health Service Executive (HSE) guidelines
–Local policies, protocols and guidelines
–Current legislation
  • Manage own caseload
  • Provide a service which optimises quality and continuity of care
  • Participate in the departments clinical governance process: i.e. teams / meetings, committees as appropriate, communicating and working in co-operation with other team members.
  • Facilitate co-ordination, co-operation and liaison across healthcare teams and programmes
  • Collaborate with service users, family, carers and other staff in treatment / care planning and in the provision of support, advice and education.
  • Adhere to and contribute to the development and maintenance of nursing standards, protocols and guidelines consistent with the highest standards of patient care.
  • Receive and contribute to ongoing clinical supervision to support clinical practice
  • Operate within the scope of practice – seek support and clinical supervision from his / her manager with any cases or issues that prove professionally challenging.
  • Maintain professional standards in relation to confidentiality, ethics and legislation
  • In consultation with professional colleagues, implement and assess quality clinical and management programmes
  • Initiate and participate in research studies as appropriate
  • In order to maximise health improvement devise and implement Health Promotion strategies reflecting the specific needs of the individual service user.
  • Ensure that effective clinical governance procedures are maintained and evolve according to defined needs and demands in the specialist mental health self harm services
Education and Training
The Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Deliberate Self Harm(candidate CNS) will:
  • Maintain clinical and nursing competence through engaging in continuing professional development by keeping up to date with nursing literature, recent nursing research and new developments in nursing management, education and practice and to attend staff study days as considered appropriate.
  • Attend national training /education programme associated with the National Clinical Programme
  • Deliver education & training programme to staff working in Emergency Department as required
  • Liaise with Centres of Nurse Education and Higher Institutes of Education ( HEI) to provide expert education and support within the mental health services and community.
  • Provide specialist and educational information / material to services users, families, carers, professional colleagues, primary care teams and community groups.
  • Participate in education programmes to community groups and the public which promotes recovery, mental health promotion, social inclusion and vocational integration.
  • Supervise and precept undergraduate and post graduate student nurses and foster a clinical learning environment.
  • Engage in performance review processes including personal development planning as appropriate.
  • Promote a culture that values diversity and respect in the workplace
  • Liaise with Primary Care Teams as appropriate
Audit & Research
The Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Deliberate Self Harm(candidate CNS)will:
  • Manage the Self harm referral data, keeping an up to date monthly account of self harm statistics that will include data on self referrals, total numbers, discharge destinations and follow up.
  • Contribute to the development and implementation of information sharing protocols, audit systems, referral pathways, person centred care plans.
  • Conduct audit in relation to there area of responsibility in order to evaluate the quality, quantum and outcomes of patient care.
  • Submit data as required by the national Clinical Programme in the agreed format and within the agreed timeframes.
  • Promote individual best practice interventions in accordance with the identified needs of patients
  • Undertake and lead in clinical and organisational audit to continually evaluate the effectiveness of the service provided against established research / evidence
  • Also be expected to support the research agenda with other members of the multidisciplinary team.
  • Ensure the views of service users and are effectively sought and integrated into the management and delivery of services
  • Ensure compliance with legal requirements, policies and procedures affecting service users, staff and other hospital matters
  • Maintain all necessary clinical and administrative records and reporting arrangements
  • Engage in Information Technology (IT) developments as they apply to service user and service administration.
  • Have a dynamic role in the development of key performance indicators and monitoring of same within services
Patient Advocate
The Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Deliberate Self Harm(candidate CNS) will:
  • Act in collaboration with other members of the CMHT as a patient advocate, involving communication, negotiation and representation of service user’s values, decisions and needs as appropriate.
  • Develop and support the concept of advocacy particularly in relation to patients participation in decision making enabling informed choice of treatment options through education and information
  • Liaise with other health services professionals in the development and ongoing delivery of this service by coordinating regular MDT meetings.
  • Establish, maintain and improve procedures for collaboration and cooperation between acute hospital services, community services, primary care services and voluntary services
  • Establish, maintain and improve procedures for collaboration and cooperation between vocational and social services and professionals
The Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Deliberate Self Harm (candidate CNS)will:
  • Act as a resource in providing specialist information, advice and care in liaison with the MDT
  • Act as a resource in providing education to the public onavailability of services out of hours /at times of crisis
  • Promote the role of the CNM2 Deliberate Self Harm among healthcare staff
  • Work with, support, advise and help build up the knowledge and expertise of the other healthcare professionals in the team involved in providing care for service users presenting through regular formal and informal education
Health & Safety
The Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Deliberate Self Harm(candidate CNS)will:
  • Comply with the policies, procedures and safe professional practice of the Irish Healthcare System by adhering to relevant legislation, regulations and standards
  • Document appropriately and report any near misses, hazards and accidents and bring them to the attention of relevant / designated individual(s) in line with best practice
  • Work in a safe manner with due care and attention to the safety of self and others
  • Be aware of risk management issues, identify risks and take appropriate action
  • Comply with department procedures with regard to assessment, recommendation and / or manufacturing of all assistive devices
  • Promote a culture that values diversity and respect
  • Attend mandatory Health and Safety training
  • Have a working knowledge of the Mental Health Commission’s Quality Framework standards as they apply to the role.
The Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Deliberate Self Harm(candidate CNS) will:
  • Ensure the efficient action of complaints in accordance with HSE Policy
  • Contribute to policy development and formulation, performance monitoring, business planning and budgetary control
  • Ensure that records are safeguarded and managed as per HSE / local policy and in accordance with relevant legislation
  • Maintain accurate and contemporaneous records / data on all matters pertaining to the planning, management, delivery and evaluation of this service in line with Health Service Executive requirements
  • Requisition with due economy. Ensure that equipment is maintained according to Hospital Policy
  • Assist in the implementation of Information Technology developments
  • Undertake other duties as required by the Director of Nursing or his / her designate
The above Job Specification is not intended to be a comprehensive list of all duties involved and consequently, the post holder may be required to perform other duties as appropriate to the post which may be assigned to him/her from time to time and to contribute to the development of the post while in office.
Eligibility Criteria
Qualifications and/ or experience / Candidates must have at the latest date of application:
  • Be registered in the Psychiatric Division of the Register of Nurses kept Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann (Nursing Midwifery Board Ireland) or be entitled to be so registered
Note: Post holders must maintain annual registration with Bord Altranais agus Cnáimhseachais na hÉireann
  • Have at least 5 years post registration experience in the Psychiatric / Mental Health services as a registered Psychiatric Nurse
  • Have adequate knowledge of psychiatric nursing administrative procedures
  • Have the clinical, managerial and administrative capacity to properly discharge the functions of the role
  • Demonstrate evidence of continuing professional development at the appropriate level.
A candidate for and any person holding the office must be fully competent and capable of undertaking the duties attached to the office and be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.
Each candidate for and any person holding the office must be of good character.
Age restrictions shall only apply to a candidate where he/she is not classified as a new entrant (within the meaning of the Public Service Superannuation Act, 2004). A candidate who is not classified as a new entrant must be under 65 years of age on the first day of the month in which the latest date for receiving completed application forms for the office occurs.
Post Specific Requirements / Demonstrate a minimum of 2 years experience working in the specialist area of acute mental health nursing.
A candidate appointed at CNM2 level must pursue and obtain a CNS Level 8 National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (NQAI) major academic award/qualification relevant to the specialist area of deliberate self harm/acute/community mental health nursing (e.g. Post Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing) within 2 years of appointment. Non-obtainment of the specialist qualification will lead to redeployment within the organisation or termination of contract.
Other requirements specific to the post / Successful applicants will be funded to undertake, within an agreed timeframe, the Nurse Prescribing of Medicinal Products Certificate
Access to transport as posts will involve travel.
Skills, competencies and/or knowledge / Candidates must demonstrate:
  • Practitioner competence and professional credibility – demonstrates a high level of mental health clinical knowledge to effectively carry out the duties and responsibilities of the role.
  • Evidence based clinical knowledge and skills in risk assessment and risk management.
  • An in-depth knowledge of psychiatric clinical presentations and appropriate evidence based treatment interventions
  • Competence in delivering psychosocial interventions to individuals engaged in self harm.
  • Knowledge of dual diagnosis with specific reference to presentations to ED with self harm and alcohol misuse.
  • Empowering and enabling leadership skills in mental health clinical practice and service quality
  • Promotion of evidence-based decision making
  • The ability to plan and manage resource effectively
  • Effective analytical, problem solving and decision making skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills including the ability to build and maintain relationships and be an effective and leading multi-disciplinary team member
  • Effective communication and influencing skills
  • Initiative and innovation in the delivery of a quality service
  • Resilience and composure
  • Openness to change
  • Integrity and an ethical stance
  • A commitment to continuing professional development
  • The ability to relate nursing research to nursing practice
  • Knowledge of quality assurance practices and their application to nursing procedures
  • Awareness of relevant legislation policy and standards e.g. legislation relevant to mental health, health and safety, infection control, mental health quality standards etc.
  • Awareness of current and emerging nursing strategies and policies in relation to the mental health clinical area
  • Awareness of relevant Health Service Clinical Programmes
  • A willingness to develop Information Technology skills relevant to the role

Campaign Specific Selection Process
Ranking/Shortlisting / Interview / A ranking and or short listing exercise may be carried out on the basis of information supplied in your application form. The criteria for ranking and or short listing are based on the requirements of the post as outlined in the eligibility criteria and skills, competencies and/or knowledge section of this job specification. Therefore it is very important that you think about your experience in light of those requirements.
Failure to include information regarding these requirements may result in you not being called forward to the next stage of the selection process.
Those successful at the ranking stage of this process (where applied) will be placed on an order of merit and will be called to interview in ‘bands’ depending on the service needs of the organisation.
Code of Practice / The Health Service Executive will run this campaign in compliance with the Code of Practice prepared by the Commission for Public Service Appointments (CPSA). The Code of Practice sets out how the core principles of probity, merit, equity and fairness might be applied on a principle basis. The Code also specifies the responsibilities placed on candidates, facilities for feedback to applicants on matters relating to their application when requested, and outlines procedures in relation to requests for a review of the recruitment and selection process and review in relation to allegations of a breach of the Code of Practice. Additional information on the HSE’s review process is available in the document posted with each vacancy entitled “Code of Practice, information for candidates”.
Codes of practice are published by the CPSA and are available on in the document posted with each vacancy entitled “Code of Practice, information for candidates” or on
The reform programme outlined for the Health Services may impact on this role and as structures change the job description may be reviewed.
This job Specification is a guide to the general range of duties assigned to the post holder. It is intended to be neither definitive nor restrictive and is subject to periodic review with the employee concerned.