“Homelessness Crisis at Critical Stage”

“We are now poised to make a real breakthrough in the fight to end homelessness in Ireland” said Conor Hickey, Federation Director at Simon’s National Conference today (21/4/04). “But the very real progress made in the last three years is at risk of being lost if Government do not deliver on their original commitments.”

The conference highlighted projects and services from around the country where Simon is working in partnership with local government and other agencies to deliver the Government’s homelessness strategy. Conference delegates heard how real progress has been made particularly in reducing the numbers of people forced to sleep rough. They also heard how, despite substantial increases in Government funding, homeless service remain under funded and policy and financial blocks stand in the way of delivering the Government own strategy.

“From day one, we have supported Government’s homelessness strategy’, said Hickey. “It is the first real strategic approach to tackling homelessness in Ireland. Now, as the Government begins the review of the Strategy we are calling on them to make good their original promises”.

“Simon acknowledges that state spending has increased very substantially in the last three years. However, this must be assessed against the overall allocation of State resources. While vital services remain under-funded and money is squandered elsewhere we will continue to campaign for a fairer allocation of tax payers money.”

At the National Conference, Simon highlighted six key policy demands for Government:

  • Put the Homeless Action Plans on a statutory basis so that housing targets for people who are homeless are delivered as part of main stream housing strategies
  • Fully cost the current commitments made in the Government strategy and release additional earmarked funds to the relevant Departments. Review current funding levels and mechanisms as part of the review of the Strategy.
  • Commit that all relevant Government policies will be homelessness proofed and that the prevention of homelessness is made central to state policy
  • Resource local authorities to up skill and support staff responsible for homelessness policy
  • Deliver a comprehensive data strategy that has, as it’s primary objective, meeting the housing needs of people who are homeless
  • Establish a national monitoring committee with representation of voluntary service providers to ensure the implementation of the Strategy

For further information contact: Gerald Nash, Montague Communications on 087-2716816

Local Simon Communities profile

their innovative work

Four of the six Simon Communities will be presenting aspects of their work at the conference.

Cork Simon Community - “Partnership on Homelessness in Action”

Cork Simon’s presentation will focus on the partnership approach that underpins the Integrated Strategy. Practical examples of how this approach has improved the lives of people who are homeless in Cork will be given by a representative of the Southern Health Board and the local Gardaí.

For further information contact:

Colette Kelleher, Cork Simon Community 021 4300 970

Dublin Simon Community - ‘Innovative Alcohol Services’

The Dublin Simon Alcohol unit, which is funded in partnership with the South Western Area Health Board, will be the focus of this presentation. This innovative service was specifically designed to meet the needs of clients who, because they are homeless, cannot access mainstream detox services. The three-week alcohol detox programme is complimented by a three-month residential service.

For further information contact:

Bob Jordan, Campaigns Manager Dublin Simon Community 087 2744 860

Dundalk Simon Community – “The Wider Community at Work”

This presentation will explore the issues faced in delivering a comprehensive Homeless Action Plan outside of a major urban centre. It will highlight areas of best practice that have been achieved through close inter agency and voluntary/ statutory partnerships.

For further information contact:

Paddy McBride, Project Leader, Dundalk Simon Community tel 042 93 287 64

Galway Simon Community – “The Continuum of Care Model”

This presentation will track the range of services responding to clients’ needs that are provided by Galway Simon Community. The Community provides high support housing with 24 hour cover, resettlement services, move on accommodation either in the form of shared accommodation or independent apartments.

For further information contact:

Marlene O’Connor, CEO Galway Simon – tel 091 589 415